Online Journal of Space Communication Online Journal of Space Communication
Volume 2
Issue 4
Satellite Communication in Canada
(Spring 2003)
Article 21
May 2021
The Future of SatCom in Canada: New Technologies Needed The Future of SatCom in Canada: New Technologies Needed
Virendra Jha
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Jha, Virendra (2021) "The Future of SatCom in Canada: New Technologies Needed,"
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: Vol. 2 : Iss. 4 , Article 21.
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New Technologies Needed
The Government of Canada has a clear goal of making Canada the most
connected country in the world. The vast geographic topology and wide
population distribution - some in remote communities - raise distinct technical
and economic challenges in achieving this goal. In addition, communications are
already used in virtually all space projects - either for the command of the
Spacecraft, or as the raison d'ĂȘtre of the mission. Undoubtedly, to support the very
nature of space projects and to achieve the goal of connecting all Canadians, ever-
improved technologies are being sought.
The following lists the different technology requirements by category.
Need 1: Frequency Spectrum
Communication frequency spectrum is an increasingly scarce resource. The
explosion of computer networking is driving technology development toward
systems that make an efficient use of available existing frequency bands. Higher
frequencies of operation will allow for a greater information throughput.
Compatibility of space-borne networks with other networks is a key to the success
of Satellite Communication systems.
Need 2: Internet Access - Personal Communications
The need for reliable access to the information highway, independent of the user's
location, is creating a tremendous drive to improve existing systems and
implement new ones. While there is at present an over-capacity in land lines for
long-haul traffic, the "last kilometre" is not yet in place to ensure wideband,
video-grade access to every user. Personal communications and faster Internet
access require numerous, faster and sometimes mobile, communication access
points. Data communication requirements for current and future systems requires
continuously increased data rate. Multimedia systems like direct TV combined
with Internet are examples that describe this increasing demand on data rate. The
demand for customized entertainment at home will be satisfied with "video on
demand" digital satellite channels and set-top terminals. A considerably greater
information throughput will be required, with compatibility of space-borne
networks to ground standards, along with improved data encryption to provide
protection to content owners.
To satisfy the requirement to have a high data rate connection "on the go," the
various data and communication appliances that a person carries - portable
computing platform, phone, beeper, camera - will be wirelessly linked through a
Personal Local Area Network that has a built-in satellite modem to allow
seamless worldwide communication even when traveling on a plane, thus
implementing the "one person, one number" connectivity. This could require
some non-traditional implementation, i.e. non-GEO-stationary spacecraft.
Jha: The Future of SatCom in Canada: New Technologies Needed
Published by OHIO Open Library, 2021
Competition with fiber optic systems for point-to-point communications and
cellular telephone systems for mobile communications has led space systems to
concentrate on functions not easily served by these competing systems including
mobile communications in remote regions, broadcasting, storage and forward
transfer of data. Laser communications are also being explored and will provide
high data rate communications while offering a secure communication channel.
These systems will require the development of space-borne optical transceivers
along with precision antenna pointing and tracking systems including gimbals,
actuators and stabilization systems.
"Multimedia by Satellite" will considerably enhance the speed and capacity of
two-way access and provide a variety of innovative services. We will see a
maturing of remote access applications such as tele-medicine, tele-education and
Internet, with more efficient and affordable access. The ground stations will be
improved, making them more portable and easier to set-up.
Need 3: Data Flow
Future satellites with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and high-resolution optical
and hyper-spectral sensors will require that large quantities of data be relayed
down to earth during the brief fly-by period over the receiving sites. The buffering
and transfer of this data will require significant on-board storage and advances in
modulation/multiplexing technologies. The leaps in capabilities that emerging
technologies such as MEMS, higher frequency Tx/Rx systems reaching well into
the optical/IR spectrum and advanced on-board processing/networking will result
in space systems that are significantly more efficient. Since some sensors such as
SAR and hyperspectral imagers generate very large amounts of data, novel
modulation schemes and improvements to microwave components will allow a
more efficient usage of the spectrum, which is now a scarce commodity.
Need 4: Interplanetary Exploration
Future space exploration of nearby planets, such as Mars, will require space
communication technologies that can provide an interplanetary satellite
communication and navigation infrastructure via space systems that are
significantly more compact and efficient. A longer-term commitment is necessary
to resolve the challenges of efficient planetary communications due to the great
distances involved. To support planetary exploration, techniques developed for
Earth-bound usage will be ported to other planets: Exploration of nearby celestial
bodies such as Mars will require a high-accuracy positioning capability such as a
"Martian GPS" as an aid to exploratory roving vehicles, and clusters possibly
involving adaptive formation flying.
Deep space exploration and the search for extra-terrestrial life will pose an even
greater challenge in the longer term, with "off-shore" installation of autonomous
listening stations in deep space or on the far side of the Moon or other planets.
Online Journal of Space Communication, Vol. 2, Iss. 4 [2021], Art. 21
Novel communication techniques will extract meaningful signals from
background noise and relay the correlated results to Earth.
Need 5: Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Global positioning systems and satellite communications systems are becoming
intrinsically intertwined and are now a ubiquitous function in cars, sporting goods
and security devices. In fact, most cars on the road in the future will be linked to
service providers for the entertainment, security, location, communications and
diagnostics functions. The European Space Agency is developing its Galileo
system, the first navigational system entirely devoted to commercial/personal
usage. Through significant investment, the Canadian Space Agency is securing
the participation of Canadian industry in key technology development areas
related to this program through a significant investment securing its participation.
Future space exploration of nearby planets such as Mars will require that similar
technology be developed as an aid to exploratory roving vehicles.
Jha: The Future of SatCom in Canada: New Technologies Needed
Published by OHIO Open Library, 2021