Ontario Teachers’
Pension Plan
Improves Member
Service & First Call
Resolution with
The Before
The After
The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) is based in Toronto, Canada, with oces worldwide,
including New York, London, Hong Kong, and Singapore. This global organization provided support
to their users across the world but were limited due to using a combination of disconnected
applications for logging into instructors’ computers to provide technical support.
Once the COVID pandemic hit in March 2020, OTPP had to pivot quickly to allow their employees
to provide support from their homes. Suddenly, they found that their collection of support tools
required complicated and time-consuming steps to get an individual on a call and allow them
to give control to the support team. It was even more dicult when a user’s computer had to be
restarted and the user had to be walked blindly through the reconnection process.
OTPP required a streamlined, secure system to log into remote devices and provide support. After
seeing ScreenMeet, they quickly decided to try them out. They wanted the ability to:
Connect to a remote user with minimal interaction
Take that machine over and provide a hands-on experience as if the analyst was actually
working at the user’s desk
Reboot a machine and stay connected to that machine as it came back online
In the past, when an agent had to escalate the case to the next level of support, they had to tell the
user the next support agent would contact them shortly. Now, an agent can pass the user to the
next level of support and even remain on the call to provide context and assistance. The result is
increased rst call resolution, and less time and money needed for teams to resolve a problem.
According to Waqas Mahmud, senior manager of the Teachers’ Support & Services at OTPP, “To
be able to reboot a machine and stay connected to that machine as it came back online was a real
game changer for us! The number of tickets being reopened has signicantly dropped, so the user
experience is greatly enhanced.
Increase in rst-call resolution
Improved customer satisfaction
Less time to resolve tickets
Increased eciency of IT Help Desk staff (decrease costs per ticket due to time reductions)
Increased employee satisfaction, based on internal survey results (contributed to employee
retention which has an impact on cost savings)
Enhanced the rst touch on-boarding experience for new employees
Able to remotely connect to any user worldwide – even while travelling
Ability to see and support iOS devices (new capability for OTPP)
Take control of users’ machine with no employee interaction needed (i.e., force a reboot)
Can assist contractors/consultants that utilize non-OTPP devices
Dual agent support capability on same session (i.e., rst call resolution increased)
Full admin privileges on device, with key shortcuts and no additional tools required
9 Increased rst call resolution by 10%
9 Decreased case reopen rates by 25%
9 Decreased average case handling time
by 25%
9 Decreased new hire setup time by 50%
9 Overall increase in ServiceNow ticket
utilization and logging
9 Positive, measurable nancial
results from the implementation of
ScreenMeet with ServiceNow ITSM
with $275,000 in operational savings
per year
www.screenmeet.com | © 2023 ScreenMeet
Ontario Teachers’
Pension Plan
Improves Member
Service & First Call
Resolution with
Why ScreenMeet?
With support agents now working out of their home, OTPP required a product that would
make it seamless for for them. Additionally, OTPP required a product that would make it
easy for agents to remotely connect to user devices, help resolve issues, and then reboot
the device and remain connected.
“We have the ability to connect to anybody as if we were there face-to-face to help
support them,” said Mahmud. “We’re able to help support machines outside of our
domain altogether and get people up and running in a shorter period of time. Without
ScreenMeet, I don’t know how simple this would have been for us.
How does Mr. Mahmud see support in the future? “I think we will be seeing a hybrid
model of some agents working in the oce and some agents working from home as we
go forward, and ScreenMeet will help us do that.
Watch the 30 minute webinar with OTPP, ServiceNow, and ScreenMeet to hear the entire
story - access the on-demand session here.
To be able to reboot a machine and
stay connected to that machine as
it came back online was a real game
changer for us!
The turnaround and the user
experience in terms of what we’ve
seen in surveys and feedback has
been tremendous.
We were now able to take control of
that machine, look at the errors and
to advise the user exactly what to do
as a next step. Without ScreenMeet,
I don’t know how simple this would
have been for us.
We’re able to help support
machines outside of our domain
altogether and get people up and
running in a shorter period of time.
www.screenmeet.com | © 2023 ScreenMeet
Watch the Full On-Demand Webinar Here
Watch the OTTP Brief Testimonial Video Here