Margins Handbook
Prepared by the Joint Audit Committee
June 1999
The Joint Audit Committee (JAC) is a representative committee of U.S. futures
exchanges and regulatory organizations which participate in a joint audit and
financial surveillance program that has been approved and is overseen by the
Commodity Futures Trading Commission. The purpose of the joint program
is to coordinate among the participants numerous audit and financial surveil-
lance procedures over registered futures industry entities. Each registered
futures entity is assigned a “Designated” Self-Regulatory Organization, known
as the DSRO, which is responsible for, among other things, conducting
periodic audits of that entity and sharing any and all information with the
other regulatory bodies of which the firm is a member. The result of the
coordinated audit and surveillance effort is an effective and efficient regula-
tory forum. By standardizing the audit function and avoiding duplication, the
JAC has streamlined the regulation necessary to assure the best interests of
market participants.
The JAC’s objectives in creating this handbook are to establish sound policies
for monitoring margin risk exposure and to improve operational efficiency.
Consistent treatment of these policies across all exchanges is beneficial to
both market participants and regulators. Through an improved under-
standing and application of margin policies, this handbook strives to
strengthen the financial protection margin is intended to provide.
The JAC will periodically update this handbook to account for material
changes. Subsequent editions will be available through the Web sites of the
various exchanges and National Futures Association (NFA). Each FCM will
receive a notice of any material change and will be instructed to download the
new edition from the applicable Web site.
Users of this handbook are reminded of the difference between the definition
of “margin” within the futures industry (a bond that ensures performance)
versus the securities industry (a percentage payment toward the outright
purchase of stock).
The JAC is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained in this
publication. Any questions concerning margin and related topics should be
directed to a firm’s DSRO.
American Commodities Corp. (ACC)
James McNeil 212-306-8980
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
including MidAmerica Commodity Exchange (MACE)
Barbara Lorenzen 312-435-3683
Bruce Domash 312-341-5989
Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
Anne Glass 312-930-3140
Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBOT)
Joe Ott 816-753-7500
Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGE)
Mark Bagan 612-321-7166
National Futures Association (NFA)
Robert Krewer 312-781-1324 (Chicago)
Wai-Mon Chan 212-608-8660 (New York)
New York Board of Trade (NYBOT)
including Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa Exchange (CSCE),
New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE),
New York Futures Exchange (NYFE)
John Silvestro 212-742-6241
New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX)
including Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX)
Artie McCoy 212-299-2928
Joe Sanguedoice 212-299-2855
Bill Doherty 212-299-2925
Philadelphia Board of Trade (PBOT)
Diane Anderson 215-496-5184
Joint Audit Committee Members and Representatives
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Chapter 1 – Definitions ..............................................................................................4
Chapter 2 – Margin Rates and Requirements........................................................8
Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk Margin System (SPAN®) .....................8
SPAN Margin System Requirements ................................................................8
Hedge Accounts ...................................................................................................9
Chapter 3 – Margin Deposits..................................................................................10
Acceptable Margin Deposits ...........................................................................10
Margin Deposits – Acceptability by Exchange (Exhibit) ...........................11
Chapter 4 – Margin Calls .........................................................................................12
Issuance of Margin Calls...................................................................................12
Computation of Margin Calls..........................................................................12
Pure SPAN Method.......................................................................................13
Total Equity Method ....................................................................................13
Aging of Margin Calls .......................................................................................13
Reduction and Deletion of Margin Calls........................................................14
Examples ............................................................................................................15
Chapter 5 – Undermargined Capital Charges.....................................................19
Accounts Subject to an Undermargined Capital Charge ...........................19
Current Margin Calls.........................................................................................19
Calculation of Undermargined Capital Charges .........................................21
Examples ............................................................................................................21
Chapter 6 – Undermargined and In Debit Trading.............................................26
Types of Trading ...............................................................................................26
Non-Member Policies........................................................................................26
Allowable Trading Activity — Undermargined Accounts .....................26
Allowable Trading Activity — In Debit Accounts....................................27
Examples ............................................................................................................27
Chapter 7 – Omnibus Accounts .............................................................................34
Reporting of Positions......................................................................................34
Margin Rates and Requirements ....................................................................34
Undermargined Accounts ................................................................................34
Unique SRO Policies .........................................................................................34
NFA Required Notification (Rule 2-33)....................................................34
Chapter 8 – Proprietary Accounts .........................................................................35
Financial Statement Presentation ...................................................................35
Covered Positions..............................................................................................35
Calculation of Proprietary Capital Charges .................................................35
Examples ............................................................................................................37
Table of Contents
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Chapter 9 – Combined Accounts ...........................................................................39
Related Accounts ...............................................................................................39
Affiliated Accounts ............................................................................................39
Joint Accounts ....................................................................................................40
Examples ............................................................................................................42
Chapter 10 – Miscellaneous Margin Topics..........................................................45
Excess Margin Payments..................................................................................45
Concurrent Long and Short Positions ...........................................................45
Concurrent Long and Short Hold-Open Positions ......................................46
Alternative Margining Systems .......................................................................46
Chapter 11 – Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN®)..............................47
SPAN Overview..................................................................................................47
Advantages and Rationale of SPAN ................................................................47
Option Equity and Risk Margin ......................................................................47
Margin Calculations ..........................................................................................47
Risk Arrays ..........................................................................................................47
Futures Scan Range ..........................................................................................48
Volatility Scan Range.........................................................................................48
Extreme Move Scenario ...................................................................................48
“What If” Scenarios ...........................................................................................48
Other Factors Affecting SPAN Margin Requirements.................................48
A Simple Margin Calculation...........................................................................49
Chapter 12 – Cross-Margins for Equity Index and Interest Rate Futures
and Options ...............................................................................................................51
General Information .........................................................................................51
Eligible Participants ..........................................................................................51
Margin Collateral and Requirements .............................................................53
Net Capital Implications of Cross-Margins...................................................53
Examples ............................................................................................................55
Aging of Margin Calls
In aging margin calls, days are defined as:
1 = business day position is put on/account becomes undermargined
2 = business day margin call is issued
3 = first business day margin call is outstanding
4 = second business day margin call is outstanding
5 = third business day margin call is outstanding
Carrying Broker
An FCM through which another FCM, foreign broker, or customer/
noncustomer elects to clear trades.
Concurrent Long and Short Positions
Long and short positions traded on the same contract market in the same
futures or options contract for the same delivery month or expiration date
and, if applicable, having the same strike price.
Covered Position
A futures or options contract, the risk of which is effectively eliminated
by an equal offsetting position in a cash commodity, physical inventory,
forward contract or fixed price commitment. Refer to CFTC Regulation
1.17(j) for further explanation.
Current Margin Calls
Bona fide margin calls which have been outstanding a reasonable time; that is,
less than five business days for customers and less than four business days for
noncustomers and omnibus accounts. Note: Days are counted from and
include the day the account became undermargined.
An account holder trading in any futures or options contract, except the
holder of a proprietary or noncustomer account as defined by CFTC Regula-
tion 1.3(y).
Customer - Secured
Customers trading futures and options on foreign exchanges, including all
U.S.-domiciled and, if secured for, foreign-domiciled customers.
Customer - Segregated
Customers trading futures and options on U.S. exchanges, including both U.S.-
domiciled and foreign-domiciled customers.
Day Trading
The establishment and closure of a futures or options position on the
same trading day.
Equity Component of SPAN®Margin System Requirement
The marked to the market value of option positions.
Favorable Market Movement
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Chapter One – Definitions
The appreciation in market value of an account’s open positions.
Free Funds
Funds available for withdrawal from an account without restriction. For a
futures and options trading account, margin equity in excess of initial
margin requirements.
Futures Commission Merchant (FCM)
Any entity engaged in soliciting or accepting orders for the purchase or
sale of futures or options contracts on or subject to the rules of any
contract market and that, in connection with such solicitation or accep-
tance of orders, accepts money, securities, or property (or extends credit
in lieu thereof) to margin, guarantee or secure any trades or contracts
that result or may result therefrom. FCMs must be registered as such with
the CFTC.
The purchase or sale of futures or options contracts executed for the
purpose of minimizing price risk or facilitating the customary or normal
conduct of business. Refer to CFTC Regulation 1.3(z) for further explanation
of “bona fide hedging transactions and positions.”
Hold-Open Positions
Positions offset at the exchange that, for convenience and customer
service purposes, have been held open on the FCM’s internal book-
keeping records.
Initial Margin Requirement (IMR)
Generally, a factored amount over the maintenance margin requirement
calculated by the SPAN margin system.
Maintenance Margin Requirement (MMR)
The minimum amount of margin equity required to be maintained in an
account. The maintenance margin requirement is the actual risk margin
calculated by the SPAN margin system. Refer to definition – Risk Component
of SPAN Margin System Requirement.
A good faith deposit or performance bond. Also referred to as Performance
Margin Call
A request from an FCM to an account owner to deposit additional funds to
meet margin requirements.
Margin Deficiency
For an account which has margin equity less than the maintenance margin
requirement, the amount by which margin equity is less than the initial margin
requirement. If margin equity in an account is equal to or greater than the
maintenance margin requirement, then no margin deficiency exists.
Margin Equity
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An account’s net liquidating equity plus the collateral value of acceptable
margin deposits.
“Marked to the Market” Margin Rate
A “marked to the market” margin rate requires no margin for a position
provided that margin equity in the account is zero or greater.
Member Account (Individual)
An account owned by an individual having floor trading privileges at an
exchange or any exchange division. “Member” applies only to the privileges of
the specific type of membership category. For margin purposes, member seat
lessees are treated as members (i.e., receive member margin rates).
Net Liquidating Equity (NLE)
The sum of an account’s ledger balance (LB), open trade equity (OTE),
and net option value (NOV). Also referred to as net liquidating value (NLV).
An account holder trading in any futures or options contract which is not
defined as customer or proprietary. Noncustomer accounts include accounts
of affiliated entities and certain employees of an FCM. Refer to CFTC Regula-
tions 1.3(k), 1.3(y), and 1.17(b)(4) for further information.
Omnibus Account
An account held in the name of an FCM or foreign broker that is utilized
for placing and clearing the trades of one or more undisclosed entities or
Performance Bond
A good faith deposit. Also referred to as Margin.
A futures and options trading account carried on the books of an FCM for
the FCM itself or for the general partners of the FCM. Refer to CFTC Regula-
tions 1.3(y) and 1.17(b)(3) for further information.
Proprietary Charge
A reduction to net capital for uncovered futures and options positions carried
in proprietary accounts. This charge is reflected on 1-FR line 16. of the
Statement of the Computation of the Minimum Capital Requirements or on
FOCUS line 6.E. of the Computation of Net Capital.
Reasonable Time
Industry custom and FCM capital requirements have implied a reasonable
time to be less than five business days for customers and less than four
business days for noncustomers and omnibus accounts. Note: Days are
counted from and include the day the account became undermargined.
Risk Component of SPAN Margin System Requirement
The assessment for changes in the underlying portfolio’s price and volatility.
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The risk component corresponds to an equivalent futures position margin
and represents the risk margin of the account. Refer to definition –
Maintenance Margin Requirement.
Trading in futures and options with the objective of achieving profits
through the successful anticipation of price movement. Trading for purposes
other than hedging.
Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk Margin System (SPAN®)
A risk-based, portfolio approach margining system used to compute
minimum margin requirements for all futures and options positions.
Undermargined Amount
The amount by which margin equity is less than the maintenance margin
Undermargined Capital Charge
A reduction to net capital as a safety factor for accounts which are
undermargined an unreasonable time. This charge is reflected on 1-FR lines
15.A., B., and C., as appropriate, of the Statement of the Computation of the
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Minimum Capital Requirements or on FOCUS line 6.A.2. of the Computation
of Net Capital.
Margin rates and requirements on domestic contracts are governed by the
individual exchanges.
Exchanges establish different margin rates/requirements for different account
types (i.e., speculative, hedge, and member).
With the exception of the NYCE, any changes in initial and maintenance
margin requirements made by an exchange are applicable to all positions,
new or existing. At the NYCE, increases in margin requirements apply only to
new positions, whereas decreases in margin requirements may be applied to
all positions, new or existing.
FCMs, at their discretion, may set higher margin rates/requirements than
required by exchange rules and regulations. FCMs should review their internal
margin rates/requirements on a continual basis to ensure compliance with
exchange minimum requirements.
Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk Margin System (SPAN®)
The Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk Margin System (SPAN) is the risk
margin system adopted by all domestic futures exchanges. Margin require-
ments generated by the SPAN margin system shall constitute exchange
minimum margin requirements.
The SPAN margin system is a risk-based, portfolio approach margining system
used to compute minimum margin requirements for all futures and options
positions. SPAN margin system requirements are computed using risk
parameter files which are distributed daily, at a minimum, by the individual
Firms should apply the SPAN methodology or an alternative equivalent system
to compute margin requirements on all accounts with domestic futures or
options on futures. Generally, the firm’s bookkeeping system will automatically
calculate the margin requirements. However, firms could use PC-SPAN to verify
or estimate margin requirements. FCMs and other market participants could
purchase PC-SPAN from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In addition to the
PC-SPAN software, market participants must obtain the SPAN array file for the
positions contained in the portfolio. PC-SPAN users could down load the array
for any exchange from the CME or CBOT web sites at:
SPAN Margin System Requirements
Initial and maintenance margin requirements include only the risk component
of the SPAN margin system requirement. The risk component is the assess-
ment for changes in the underlying portfolio’s price and volatility.
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Chapter 2 — Margin Rates and Requirements
The equity component of the SPAN margin system requirement is included in
margin equity. The equity component is the marked to the market value of
options. See Chapter 11 for additional detail on the SPAN margin system.
Hedge Accounts
A hedge transaction is the purchase or sale of futures or options contracts
executed for the purpose of minimizing price risk or facilitating the
customary or normal conduct of business. Refer to CFTC Regulation 1.3(z)
for a definition of “bona fide hedging transactions and positions.”
FCMs should have a reasonable basis to grant hedge status to positions
held in an account. A signed letter from an account holder may be considered
satisfactory evidence of hedge status unless there is reason to suspect other-
wise. Such letter shall clearly indicate which contracts/product categories are
eligible for hedge status unless the account owner indicates that all activity in
an account is held for hedging purposes.
Bona fide hedge and speculative positions must be held in separate accounts
unless the firm is able to identify within the account hedge from speculative
A firm’s records should clearly identify hedge accounts.
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Acceptable margin deposits and their collateral value are dictated by the
individual exchanges. Refer to the rules of the individual exchanges for
specific requirements governing margin collateral.
Acceptable Margin Deposits
All exchanges accept U.S. Dollars as margin. For all other acceptable margin
deposits, refer to the Exhibit on the following page.
If an FCM accepts foreign currencies to margin a domestic futures or options
contract, a Subordination Agreement, required by CFTC Interpretation #12,
shall be obtained from the account owner. This subordination agreement is
required for U.S.-domiciled and foreign-domiciled customers trading U.S.
futures and options contracts and shall be maintained on file by the firm.
For accounts holding multiple exchange positions, firms should ensure that
the specific instruments being used for margin are allowed under the appli-
cable exchange rules.
Chapter 3 — Margin Deposits
- 11 -
Foreign U.S. Government Municipal Equity U.S. Deliverable Letters of
Exchange Rule(s) Currencies Obligations Bonds Securities Warehouse Receipts Credit Loans Other
CBOT CBOT Rule YES YES YES YES YES NO NO Any readily marketable
431.02 Security Net of
SEC Haircuts
CME CME Rule YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Any Readily Marketable
930.C If Secured Security Net of
SEC Haircuts
4.02 Pounds If Secured
(Futures Only)
4.01(E)(2) Non-Deliverable
Gold and Silver
MACE MACE Rule YES YES YES YES YES NO NO Any Readily Marketable
431.02 Security Net of
SEC Haircuts
760 If Secured
NYCE NYCE Rule Some Foreign YES NO YES Cotton Only YES YES NONE
2.03 Currencies on
4.01(e)(1) maturity, 10 yrs. If Secured
Margin calls are issued to collect required margin to ensure the performance
of a contract. A margin call is a request from an FCM to an account owner to
deposit additional funds to meet margin requirements.
In computing margin calls under the SPAN margin system, the initial/mainte-
nance margin requirement includes only the risk component. The equity
component of the SPAN margin system requirement is included in margin
In computing margin calls, option values of all options contracts are allowed
to meet an account’s total risk margin requirement.
Identically owned accounts should be combined for purposes of comput-
ing margin calls within the account classifications of customer segregated,
customer secured, and nonsegregated. For further information on combining
accounts for margin purposes refer to Chapter 9 – Combined Accounts.
Firms must keep documentation on file for any manual adjustments made
to equity system reports to determine an account owner’s margin status
(e.g., adjustments to margin requirements, margin calls, undermargined
charges, etc.).
Issuance of Margin Calls
FCMs are required to make a bona fide attempt to collect required margin.
Firms must issue calls for margin that would bring an account up to the
minimum initial margin requirement (1) when margin equity in an
account initially falls below the minimum maintenance margin require-
ment and (2) subsequently when margin equity plus existing margin calls in
an account is less than the minimum maintenance margin requirement. Thus,
outstanding margin calls are treated similarly to margin equity in determining
whether an incremental margin call is required.
Required margin calls shall be made within one business day after the
occurrence of the event giving rise to the call.
FCMs are required to keep written records of all margin calls, whether made
in writing or by telephone.
Firms may, but are not required to, collect or call for margin on day trades.
Computation of Margin Calls
In determining margin calls, accounts shall be reviewed as of the close of
the trading day. Firms, at their discretion, may issue margin calls on a more
frequent basis including the issuance of intra-day margin calls.
A margin call is issued whenever the margin equity (plus outstanding calls)
falls below the maintenance margin. The amount of the call is the difference
between the margin equity and the initial margin requirement less any
previously issued margin calls.
The following formula represents the proper calculation when determining if
a margin call should be issued:
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Chapter 4 — Margin Calls
Initial Margin Requirement
less (Margin Equity)
less (Outstanding Margin Calls)
A positive balance represents amount of margin call to be issued
Firms may calculate margin deficiency using two alternative methods called
the Pure SPAN and Total Equity Methods. In most situations, the margin
deficiency will be identical for either alternative. However, some circumstances
involving long options could result in the Equity Method having a larger
margin deficiency.
Pure SPAN Method
Under the Pure SPAN method, the SPAN margin requirement is compared to
an account’s Net Liquidating Value (plus any margin collateral). By using this
method, firms compare an account’s total assets to the risk in the account.
Total Equity Method
Alternatively, firms may compare the Total Equity in an account (defined as the
ledger balance, open trade equity and margin collateral) to the SPAN margin
requirement adjusted for the option value. Net long option value reduces the
SPAN margin requirement and net short option value increases it.
By using simple math, firms are transferring the net option value from the
equity component to the margin component when they deploy the Total
Equity Method. The two methods will yield identical margin excess or defi-
ciency amounts unless an account has net long option value that exceeds the
unadjusted SPAN margin requirement. When this occurs, firms should set the
margin requirement under the Total Equity Method to zero (margin require-
ment could never be less than zero). If the net long option value exceeds the
unadjusted SPAN margin requirement, any deficit amount in Total Equity
would trigger a margin call. However, a Total Equity deficit may not necessarily
indicate a margin deficiency.
Firms may call for additional margin at their discretion.
Aging of Margin Calls
In aging margin calls, days are defined as:
1 = business day position is put on/account becomes undermargined
2 = business day margin call is issued
3 = first business day margin call is outstanding
4 = second business day margin call is outstanding
5 = third business day margin call is outstanding
Individual margin calls shall be aged separately throughout their existence.
An account’s total margin call is the sum of all individually aged margin calls.
An FCM’s records should clearly indicate the age of all margin calls issued and
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Reduction and Deletion of Margin Calls
The reduction of a margin call partially decreases in amount an account’s total
margin call outstanding. In contrast, a margin call deletion eliminates an
account’s total margin call in its entirety.
A margin call shall only be reduced through the receipt of acceptable margin
A margin call may be deleted through the receipt of acceptable margin
deposits only if the deposits equal or exceed the amount of the total margin
A margin call may also be deleted through inter-day favorable market move-
ments and/or the liquidation of positions only if margin equity in the account
is equal to or greater than the initial margin requirement.
In order to protect the age of outstanding margin calls for re-established
positions, margin calls may not be reduced by the liquidation of positions.
Furthermore, the liquidation and re-establishment of positions to circumvent
margin rules and regulations is not allowed.
The oldest individually aged outstanding margin call shall be reduced first.
Written records shall be maintained of all margin calls reduced or deleted.
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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
Open Trade Equity 27,000 15,000 2,000 2,000 (3,000)
Net Option Value 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Net Liquidating Equity 49,000 37,000 24,000 24,000 19,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 11,000 23,000 36,000 36,000
SUBTOTAL 49,000 48,000 47,000 60,000 55,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
Amount Under Maint. 1,000 2,000 3,000 -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 11,000 (1) 11,000(2) 11,000(3) 11,000(4) 11,000(5)
12,000(1) 12,000(2) 12,000(3) 12,000(4)
13,000(1) 13,000(2) 13,000(3)
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Overall Assumptions:
1. Account balances and margin requirements are as of the end of business on the date indicated.
2. The account’s open positions were put on during the previous week and had been properly margined.
Example #1 — Impact on Margin Calls Due to Unfavorable Market Movements
Assume: No margin collateral was deposited during week.
Unfavorable market movements occurred on:
Tuesday ($12,000)
Wednesday ($13,000)
Friday ($5,000)
Example #2 – Impact on Margin Calls Due to Liquidation of Positions
Assume: No margin collateral was deposited during week.
Ledger balance and margin requirement changes are due to liquidations.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
- 16 -
Ledger Balance 45,000 46,000 46,000 47,500 47,500
Open Trade Equity 5,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 3,000
Net Option Value (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Net Liquidating Equity 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,500 45,500
Outstanding Calls -0- 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000
SUBTOTAL 45,000 60,000 60,000 60,500 60,500
Initial Margin 60,000 55,000 55,000 50,000 45,000
Maintenance Margin 55,000 53,000 53,000 48,000 43,000
Amount Under Maint. 10,000 -0- -0- -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 15,000 (1) 15,000(2) 15,000(3) 15,000(4) -0-
Example #3 – Impact on Margin Calls Due to Receipt of Margin Collateral
Assume Cash deposits were made on:
Thursday $3,000
Friday $13,000
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 45,000 45,000 45,000 48,000 61,000
Open Trade Equity 10,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 (1,000)
Net Option Value (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
Net Liquidating Equity 50,000 45,000 44,000 47,000 55,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 10,000 10,000 13,000 -0-
SUBTOTAL 50,000 55,000 54,000 60,000 55,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000
Amount Under Maint. 5,000 -0- 1,000 -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 10,000 (1) 10,000(2) 10,000(3) 7,000(4) -0-
6,000(1) 6,000(2)
NOTE: A margin call may be deleted through the receipt of cash that equals or exceeds the amount of the total
margin call. Thus, the margin call was properly deleted on Friday even though margin equity was not brought
up to initial margin requirements.
Example #4 — Impact on Margin Calls Due to Receipt of Margin Collateral and Unfavorable Market
Movements on Same Day
Assume: Cash deposit of $5,000 received Wednesday
Favorable market movement of $5,000 occurred on Tuesday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 38,000 38,000 43,000 43,000 43,000
Open Trade Equity 10,000 15,000 6,000 6,000 4,000
Net Option Value 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Net Liquidating Equity 50,000 55,000 51,000 51,000 49,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 10,000 5,000 9,000 9,000
SUBTOTAL 50,000 65,000 56,000 60,000 58,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000
Amount Under Maint. 8,000 -0- 2,000 -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 10,000 (1) 10,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4) 5,000(5)
4,000(1) 4,000(2) 4,000(3)
Example #5 — Impact on Margin Calls Due to Favorable Market Movements less than Total Margin
Call Outstanding
Assume: No margin collateral was deposited during week.
Favorable market movements occured on:
Tuesday $3,000
Thursday $6,000
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000 38,000
Open Trade Equity 15,000 18,000 12,000 18,000 15,000
Net Option Value 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Net Liquidating Equity 55,000 58,000 52,000 58,000 55,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 5,000 5,000 8,000 8,000
SUBTOTAL 55,000 63,000 57,000 66,000 63,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000
Amount Under Maint. 3,000 -0- 1,000 -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 5,000 (1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4) 5,000(5)
3,000(1) 3,000(2) 3,000(3)
NOTE: Margin calls may only be deleted due to favorable market movements when margin equity in the account
equals or exceeds the initial margin requirement. Thus, the increase in OTE on Thursday of $6,000 cannot delete
the individually aged $5,000 margin call.
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Example #6 — Impact on Margin Calls When Favorable Market Movements plus Receipt of Margin
Collateral Exceed Total Margin Call
Assume: Cash deposit of $9,000 was received on Thursday.
Favorable market movement of $2,000 occurred on Tuesday.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 38,000 38,000 38,000 47,000 47,000
Open Trade Equity 10,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 4,000
Net Option Value 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Net Liquidating Equity 50,000 52,000 52,000 61,000 53,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 10,000 10,000 -0- -0-
SUBTOTAL 50,000 62,000 62,000 61,000 53,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000 58,000
Amount Under Maint. 8,000 -0- -0- -0- 5,000
CALL/AGE 10,000 (1) 10,000(2) 10,000(3) -0- 7,000(1)
NOTE: As margin equity exceeded the initial margin requirement on Thursday, the margin call was properly
Example #7 — Impact on Margin Calls When Favorable Market Movements Exceed Total Margin Call
Assume: No margin collateral was deposited during week.
Favorable market movements occurred on:
Wednesday $7,000
Friday $8,000
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Ledger Balance 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Open Trade Equity 22,000 19,000 26,000 20,000 28,000
Net Option Value 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
Net Liquidating Equity 54,000 51,000 58,000 52,000 60,000
Outstanding Calls -0- 6,000 6,000 6,000 -0-
SUBTOTAL 54,000 57,000 64,000 58,000 60,000
Initial Margin 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Maintenance Margin 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000
Amount Under Maint. 1,000 -0- -0- -0- -0-
CALL/AGE 6,000 (1) 6,000(2) 6,000(3) 6,000(4) -0-
NOTE: As margin equity was less than the initial margin requirement on Wednesday, the margin call was not
deleted. As margin equity was equal to the initial margin requirement on Friday, the margin call was properly
Capital charges for undermargined accounts are not a substitute for the
deposit of margin funds. The collection of required margin is essential to
proper margin compliance and good internal control.
Undermargined capital charges are based on exchange minimum margin
If an exchange does not require its members to collect margin from their
account holders, the FCM must use the exchange clearing house’s margin
requirements in determining capital charges.
In calculating undermargined capital charges under the SPAN margin system,
the maintenance margin requirement includes only the risk component. The
equity component of the SPAN margin system requirement is included in
margin equity.
In computing undermargined capital charges, option values of all options
contracts are allowed to meet an account’s total risk margin requirement.
Identically owned accounts should be combined for margin call/charge
purposes within the account classifications of customer segregated, customer
secured, and nonsegregated. For further information on combining accounts
for margin purposes refer to Chapter 9 – Combined Accounts.
Undermargined capital charges are applicable to accounts trading on both
domestic and foreign exchanges.
In determining capital charges, accounts should be reviewed as of the close of
Any manual adjustments made to equity system reports to determine an
account owner’s margin status (e.g., adjustments to margin requirements,
margin calls, undermargined charges, etc.) shall be maintained on file.
For capital charges on proprietary positions refer to Chapter 8 –
Proprietary Accounts.
Accounts Subject to an Undermargined Capital Charge
A capital charge may apply to all accounts which are subject to margin
calls for five business days or more for customers (including seat owners,
lessees, retail and institutional accounts) and four business days or more
for noncustomers and omnibus accounts.
If a required margin call was not made to an account, the account is
subject to an immediate undermargined capital charge.
If a margin call was made to an account for an amount less than what was
required, an immediate undermargined capital charge would apply if the
amount of the margin call made plus margin equity was less than the mainte-
nance margin requirement.
Current Margin Calls
A margin call will be considered current only to the extent that it represents a
bona fide attempt to obtain funds. A bona fide margin call is demonstrated
through an account actually meeting margin calls in a timely manner. Conse-
- 19 -
Chapter 5 – Undermargined Capital Charges
quently, bona fide margin calls would not remain outstanding an unreasonable
period of time.
FCMs may call for additional margin at their discretion. However, any margin
call which has as its primary purpose the avoidance of a capital charge shall
not be considered current.
Margin calls that are older than the time allowed for current call treat-
ment and are merely called again with a more current date of issuance
may not be deducted in determining the capital charge.
To determine current margin calls available to reduce the undermargined
capital charge of an account, margin calls in the account must be re-
viewed individually and collectively.
Individual current margin calls are calls which have been outstanding a
reasonable time; that is, less than five business days for customers and less
than four business days for noncustomers and omnibus accounts. Note: Days
are counted from and include the day the account became undermargined.
In determining current margin calls as of the close of business on the capital
computation date, individual calls which are aged five business days for
customers (four business days for noncustomers and omnibus accounts) are
considered noncurrent. The margin calls have not been met within five
business days for customers (four business days for noncustomers and
omnibus accounts) as the calls are still outstanding after the close of business.
To determine an account’s current margin calls for capital charge purposes,
individual margin calls should be reviewed collectively as of the close of
business according to the guidelines set forth below. These guidelines have
been written based on the customer undermargined grace period of five
business days and should be adjusted accordingly to four business days for
noncustomers and omnibus accounts.
If an account has no individual margin calls aged to be five business
days old or greater, then all margin calls in the account may be
considered current.
If an account has one or more individual margin calls aged to be five
business days old or greater, then all margin calls in the account are
considered noncurrent (i.e., one call noncurrent, all calls noncurrent).
The FCM has not collected required margin within a reasonable time.
Thus, the issuance of an additional required margin call (presently
less than five business days old) does not appear to be a bona fide
attempt to collect required margin.
An FCM’s records should clearly support the current call treatment of all
margin calls used to reduce undermargined capital charges.
For further information on margin calls refer to Chapter 4 – Margin Calls.
- 20 -
Calculation of Undermargined Capital Charges
If an account is undermargined at the close of business on the capital compu-
tation date and the preceding four business days for customers or three
business days for noncustomers and omnibus accounts, a capital charge
may apply.
The undermargined capital charge is the maintenance margin require-
ment less credit net liquidating equity, acceptable margin collateral in
excess of the amount used to secure deficit equity, and current margin
Undermargined Capital Charge =
Maintenance Margin
(less) Credit NLE
(less) Margin Deposits in Excess of Amounts to Secure Deficits
(less) Current Margin Calls
The maximum undermargined capital charge for an account is its mainte-
nance margin requirement.
Undermargined capital charges should be calculated using exchange
minimum margin requirements. If an FCM computes margin calls based on
higher rates, then margin calls should be recomputed as if they were gener-
ated using exchange minimums in calculating capital charges based on
exchange requirements.
It is acceptable for a firm to calculate undermargined capital charges
using higher firm rates provided that the FCM can demonstrate and
maintains documentation of the following:
Firm’s margin rates are higher than exchange minimums,
Margin calls are based on higher firm margin rates, and
This policy is consistently applied.
1. All accounts are customer owned.
2. Account balances, margin requirements, and margin call ages are as of
the end of business on the date indicated.
3. All securities are indicated at their margin value.
4. Initial and maintenance SPAN margin system requirements are the
5. All margin calls are properly issued for the full amount.
6. The account was properly margined on the previous business day
7. Current calls are determined as of the close of business. Thus, margin
calls indicated as five days old for customers are considered noncurrent.
8. The capital computation date is as of the close of business on Friday.
If an account is subject to an undermargined capital charge, the charge shall
MMR - Credit NLE - Margin Deposits in Excess of - Current Margin
Amount used to Secure Deficits Calls (CC)
- 21 -
Example #1 – No Current Margin Calls
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
NLE 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
CALL/AGE 5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4) 5,000(5)
The capital charge would be $5,000 as the call was five business days
old or more as of the close of business. {$60,000 MMR - $55,000 NLE}
Example #2 – Current Margin Calls and Daily Wire Transfers
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 30,000 35,000 45,000 49,000 57,000
OTE/NOV 25,000
15,000 11,000 3,000 <8,000>
NLE 55,000 50,000 56,000 52,000 49,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 5,000 10,000 4,000 8,000 11,000
CALL/AGE 5,000(1) 10,000(1) 4,000(1) 8,000(1) 11,000(1)
Due to unfavorable market movements, the account was never properly
margined as of the close of business. However, all margin calls were
met on a daily basis. As all individual margin calls are less than five business
days old as of the close of business, all margin calls in the account can
be considered current. Thus, the undermargined capital charge would
be zero. {$60,000 MMR - $49,000 NLE - $11,000 CC}
- 22 -
Example #3 – Current Margin Calls and Cash Received
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 50,000 50,000 62,000 62,000 62,000
OTE/NOV <2,000>
<2,000> <7,000> <3,000> <9,000>
NLE 48,000 48,000 55,000 59,000 53,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 12,000 12,000 5,000 1,000 7,000
CALL/AGE 12,000(1) 12,000(2) 5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3)
$12,000 cash was deposited on Wednesday. Due to unfavorable market
movements, the account was never properly margined as of the close
of business. As all individual margin calls are less than five business
days old as of the close of business, all margin calls in the account can
be considered current. Thus, the undermargined capital charge would
be zero. {$60,000 MMR - $53,000 NLE - $7,000 CC}
Example #4 – Current Margin Calls and Market Movements
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000
OTE/NOV 10,000
5,000 3,000 2,000 7,000
NLE 60,000 55,000 53,000 52,000 57,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M -0- 5,000 7,000 8,000 3,000
CALL/AGE -0- 5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4)
2,000(1) 2,000(2) 2,000(3)
1,000(1) 1,000(2)
As all individual margin calls are less than five business days old as of
the close of business, all margin calls in the account can be considered
current. The undermargined capital charge would be zero. {$60,000
MMR - $57,000 NLE - $8,000 CC} NOTE: Even though the account is
only undermargined by $3,000 on Friday, the $5,000 margin call from
Tuesday cannot be deleted as the favorable market movement did not
bring margin equity up to initial margin requirements.
- 23 -
- 24 -
Example #5 - Current and Noncurrent Individual Margin Call s
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
OTE/NOV 35,000
30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000
NLE 55,000 50,000 45,000 40,000 35,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
CALL/AGE 5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4) 5,000(5)
5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4)
5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3)
5,000(1) 5,000(2)
As the account has an individual margin call aged to be five business
days old or more as of the close of business, all margin calls in the
account would be considered noncurrent. The undermargined capital
charge would be $25,000. {$60,000 MMR - $35,000 NLE}
Example #6 – Noncurrent Deficit Equity
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
NLE <9,000> <9,000> <9,000> <9,000> <9,000>
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000 69,000
CALL/AGE 69,000(1) 69,000(2) 69,000(3) 69,000(4) 69,000(5)
No collateral or commission holdbacks are available to secure the
deficit. The firm would record a $9,000 noncurrent receivable from
customer on the balance sheet and the deficit would be excluded from
the undermargined capital charge computation. The margin call is five
business days old or more as of the capital computation date and is
therefore considered noncurrent. Thus, the undermargined capital
charge would be $60,000, the account’s maintenance margin
- 25 -
Example #7 – Current Deficit Equity
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
NLE <9,000> <9,000> <9,000> <9,000> <9,000>
T-BILL 49,000 49,000 49,000 49,000 49,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
CALL/AGE 20,000(1) 20,000(2) 20,000(3) 20,000(4) 20,000(5)
The firm would record a $9,000 current (secured by the Treasury Bill)
receivable from customer on the balance sheet. The margin collateral value
in excess of the deficit can reduce the capital charge. The margin call is five
business days old or more as of the capital computation date and is there-
fore considered noncurrent. Thus, the undermargined capital charge would
be $20,000. {$60,000 MMR - $40,000 Excess Collateral ($49,000 T-BILL less
<$9,000> NLE)}
Example #8 – Partially Secured Deficit
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB <1,000> <1,000> 1,000 1,000 1,000
OTE/NOV <5,000>
<5,000> <9,500> <9,500> <9,500>
NLE <6,000> <6,000> <8,500> <8,500> <8,500>
T-BILL 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
IMR/MMR 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
AMT U/M 3,000 3,000 5,500 5,500 5,500
CALL/AGE 3,000(1) 3,000(2) 1,000(3) 1,000(4) 1,000(5)
4,500(1) 4,500(2) 4,500(3)
$2,000 cash was deposited on Wednesday. The firm would record an
$8,000 current (secured by the Treasury Bill) and $500 noncurrent
receivable from customer on the balance sheet. As there is no excess
collateral over the deficit, the Treasury Bill cannot be used to reduce
the undermargined capital charge. As the account has an individual
margin call aged to be five business days old or more as of the close of
business, all margin calls in the account would be considered noncurrent.
Thus, the undermargined capital charge would be $5,000, the account’s
maintenance margin requirement.
Capital charges for undermargined and in debit accounts are not a substitute
for margin funds. Margin functions as financial protection for the marketplace.
The collection of margin funds within a reasonable time is essential to proper
margin compliance and good internal control.
A reasonable time refers to the number of days deemed acceptable for the
collection of required margin calls. Currently, a reasonable time is defined to
be less than five business days for customers and less than four business days
for noncustomers and omnibus accounts. Note: Days are counted from and
include the day the account became undermargined.
Thus, if an account is subject to an outstanding margin/equity call which is
aged to be five business days old or more for customers or four business days
old or more for noncustomers and omnibus accounts, then the account is
deemed to be undermargined/in debit an unreasonable time. The age of the
margin call is determined as of the close of business.
For undermargined and in debit trading policy purposes, all non-member
accounts should be treated identically (retail customer, institutional, commer-
cial, hedge, noncustomer, etc.).
For information on undermargined and in debit trading policies for individual
member accounts, contact the appropriate exchange.
FCMs are responsible for reviewing the trading activity of accounts
undermargined and in debit to monitor the receipt of margin and the
acceptability of orders.
Types of Trading
The addition of a position is the establishment of a futures or options position
which may or may not impact an account’s risk margin requirement.
The liquidation of a position is the closure of an established futures or options
position which may or may not impact an account’s risk margin requirement.
A day trade is the establishment and closure of a futures or options position
on the same trading day.
A risk neutral trade is the establishment of futures or options positions which
does not impact an account’s risk margin requirement (e.g., establishing both
legs of a spread position with no margin requirement).
A risk increasing trade is the establishment or closure of a futures or options
position which increases an account’s risk margin requirement (e.g., closing
one leg of a spread position).
A risk reducing trade is the establishment or closure of a futures or options
position which reduces the risk of existing positions in the account (e.g.,
adding a spread position to a naked position).
Non-Member Policies:
Allowable Trading Activity – Undermargined Accounts
An account may trade as long as it is properly margined or margin is forth-
coming within a reasonable time.
- 26 -
Chapter 6 – Undermargined and In Debit Trading
Accounts undermargined an unreasonable time are not allowed to day trade.
If an account is undermargined an unreasonable time, an FCM may only
accept orders that serve to reduce the risk of existing positions in the account;
that is, an FCM may only accept orders for risk reducing trades. Refer to the
matrix below.
If an account that is undermargined an unreasonable time liquidates all of its
positions resulting in a debit balance, the firm may not accept orders for the
account until sufficient funds equal to or in excess of the debit amount are
Allowable Trading Activity
Undermargined an Unreasonable Time
>5 business days No No No Yes
Noncustomer/ >4 business days No No No Yes
Allowable Trading Activity – In Debit Accounts
An account in debit is an account with a free debit balance, i.e., holding no
open futures or options positions.
Accounts in debit an unreasonable time are not allowed to day trade.
A firm may not accept any orders for accounts in debit an unreasonable time.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an account in debit holds acceptable
noncash margin deposits (such as securities, warehouse receipts, letters of
credit, etc.), the account may trade provided there is positive margin equity;
that is, the ledger balance plus the collateral value of acceptable margin
deposits is greater than or equal to zero.
For non-member accounts, a firm cannot reclassify a trading debit/deficit to a
note receivable in order to allow an account to trade while undermargined or
in debit an unreasonable time.
1. The accounts are customer retail accounts.
2. All accounts are undermargined or in debit, as appropriate, for an
unreasonable time.
3. All margin/equity calls are properly issued and aged for the full amount.
4. Initial and maintenance SPAN margin system requirements are the same.
The British Pound futures margin rate is $1,800 per contract. The spread
rate for British Pound futures is zero.
- 27 -
Example #1 – Undermargined Account
Open Positions:
Long Short Month/Year Commodity
10 March, 1995 British Pound Futures
5 June, 1995 British Pound Futures
LB $ 1,000 MMR $ 9,000 {$1,800/contract}
OTE $ 3,000 AMT U/M $ 5,000 {$9,000 MMR - $4,000 NLE}
NLE $ 4,000
Risk Increasing Trade/Liquidation of Positions
Customer buys five June, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming the
positions P&S’d at the previous day’s settlement (i.e., no effect on the account’s
NLE), the maintenance margin requirement would increase to $18,000
{$1,800 MMR/contract * 10 Positions} and the undermargined amount would
increase to $14,000 {$18,000 MMR - $4,000 NLE}. Even though positions were
liquidated, the risk margin requirement increased as one leg of a spread
position was closed. Therefore, this would not be an acceptable trade.
Risk Reducing Trade/Liquidation of Positions
Customer sells two March, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming the
positions P&S’d at the previous day’s settlement (i.e., no effect on the account’s
NLE), the maintenance margin requirement would decrease to $5,400 {$1,800
MMR/contract * 3 Positions} and the undermargined amount would decrease
to $1,400 {$5,400 MMR - $4,000 NLE}. The risk margin on existing positions
decreased as two naked positions were closed. Therefore, this would be an
acceptable trade.
Risk Increasing Trade/Addition of Positions
Customer sells 25 June, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming no
change in OTE, the maintenance margin requirement would increase to
$36,000 {$1,800 MMR/contract * 20 Positions} and the undermargined
amount would increase to $32,000 {$36,000 MMR - $4,000 NLE}. Therefore, as
the risk margin requirement increased, this would not be an acceptable trade.
Example #1 – Undermargined Account (continued)
Open Positions:
Long Short Month/Year Commodity
10 March, 1995 British Pound Futures
5 June, 1995 British Pound Futures
LB $ 1,000 MMR $ 9,000 {$1,800/contract}
OTE $ 3,000 AMT U/M $ 5,000 {$9,000 MMR - $4,000 NLE}
NLE $ 4,000
- 28 -
Risk Reducing Trade/Addition of Positions
Customer sells five June, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming no
change in OTE, the account would become properly margined as all the
positions would be spread and there would be no risk margin requirement.
As the trade has reduced the risk of existing positions, this would be an
acceptable trade.
Day Trading
Customer establishes and closes 10 March, 1995 British Pound futures
contracts. Day trading is not allowed. The risk of existing positions has not
been reduced. Therefore, this would not be an acceptable trade.
Deposit of Funds to Delete Call/Risk Increasing Trade/Addition
of Positions
Customer deposits $5,000 in the account, thereby eliminating the margin call.
On the same day, the customer buys five March, 1995 British Pound futures
contracts increasing their margin requirement to $18,000 {$1,800 MMR/
contract * 10 Positions}. Assuming no change in OTE, the account would be
undermargined by $9,000 {$18,000 MMR - $9,000 NLE}. As funds were
received to delete the $5,000 outstanding margin call, the $9,000 margin call
is a current call (Day 1). Therefore, this would be an acceptable trade.
Deposit of Funds to Reduce Call/Risk Increasing Trade/Addition
of Positions
Customer deposits $2,000 in the account, thereby reducing the outstanding
margin call to $3,000. On the same day, the customer buys five March, 1995
British Pound futures contracts increasing their margin requirement to
$18,000 {$1,800 MMR/contract * 10 Positions}. Assuming no change in OTE,
the account would be undermargined by $12,000 {$18,000 MMR - $6,000
NLE}. As the $3,000 margin call has been outstanding five business days or
more (i.e., an unreasonable time), this would not be an acceptable trade.
Example #2 – In Debit Account
Open Positions:
LB $ <8,000> MMR $ -0-
OTE $ -0- DEBIT $ 8,000
NLE $ <8,000>
Note: Account has no other acceptable margin deposits.
Day Trading
Customer establishes and closes 10 March, 1995 British Pound futures
contracts. Day trading is not allowed for accounts in debit an unreasonable
time. Therefore, as funds were not received to cover the debit, this would not
be an acceptable trade.
- 29 -
Addition of Positions
Customer buys 10 March, 1995 British Pound futures contracts and sells 10
June, 1995 British Pound futures contracts, creating a spread position.
Although the risk margin requirement remains at zero, this trade would not
be acceptable as funds were not deposited to cover the debit balance.
NOTE: Accounts which have been in debit an unreasonable time are not
allowed to trade until sufficient funds equal to or in excess of the debit
amount are deposited.
Deposit of Funds to Delete Equity Call/Risk Increasing Trade/
Addition of Positions
Customer deposits $10,000 in the account. On the same day, the customer
buys five March, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming the new
positions create no OTE and the maintenance margin requirement increases
to $9,000 {$1,800 MMR/contract * 5 Positions}, the account would be
undermargined by $7,000 {$9,000 MMR - $2,000 NLE}. However, as the
account met its equity call (i.e., sufficient funds were received to cover the
debit), the trade is acceptable. The account has become undermargined
(Day 1) and has a reasonable time to meet the margin call.
Deposit of Funds to Reduce Equity Call/Risk Increasing Trade/
Addition of Positions
Customer deposits $5,000 in the account. On the same day, the customer buys
five March, 1995 British Pound futures contracts. Assuming the new positions
create no OTE and the maintenance margin requirement increases to $9,000
{$1,800 MMR/contract * 5 Positions}, the account would be undermargined by
$12,000 {$9,000 MMR - <$3,000> NLE}. As the account only partially met its
equity call, the trade is not acceptable.
1. All accounts are customer retail accounts.
2. All margin calls are properly issued and aged for the full amount.
3. Initial and maintenance SPAN margin system requirements are the
4. The account was properly margined on the previous business day
Allowable Trading Activity Abbreviations:
All: All trading activity is allowed as the account is not undermargined an
unreasonable time.
RR: Only risk reducing trades are allowed as the account is undermargined an
unreasonable time.
- 30 -
Example #3 – Unreasonable Time: Deletion of Margin Calls
Week 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000
OTE/NOV 30,000
20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000
NLE 65,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M -0- 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
CALL/AGE -0- 5,000(1) 5,000(2) 5,000(3) 5,000(4)
TRADING All All All All All
Week 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 36,000
OTE/NOV 20,000
20,000 19,000 22,000 24,000
NLE 55,000 55,000 54,000 57,000 60,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 5,000 5,000 6,000 3,000 -0-
CALL/AGE 5,000(5) 5,000(6) 5,000(7) 5,000(8) -0-
1,000(1) 1,000(2) -0-
Cash was deposited on Friday of Week 2 of $1,000. Favorable market
movements occurred on Thursday of Week 2 of $3,000 and on Friday
of Week 2 of $2,000. Unfavorable market movements occurred on
Tuesday of Week 1 of $10,000 and on Wednesday of Week 2 of $1,000.
As of the close of business on Monday of Week 2 the margin call was
five business days old or more, and the account became undermargined
an unreasonable time. Thus, only risk reducing trading activity was allowed
as of Tuesday of Week 2.
On Friday of Week 2 the account became properly margined. Once the
account becomes properly margined, all trading activity would be allowed
on the following Monday.
- 31 -
Example #4 – Unreasonable Time: Reduction of Margin Calls
Week 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
OTE/NOV 25,000
25,000 25,000 20,000 20,000
NLE 50,000 50,000 50,000 45,000 45,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000
CALL/AGE 10,000(1) 10,000(2) 10,000(3) 10,000(4)10,000(5)
5,000(1) 5,000(2)
TRADING All All All All All
Week 2
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
LB 25,000 35,000 35,000 38,000 38,000
OTE/NOV 20,000
20,000 22,000 18,000 21,000
NLE 45,000 55,000 57,000 56,000 59,000
IMR/MMR 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
AMT U/M 15,000 5,000 3,000 4,000 1,000
CALL/AGE 10,000(6) 5,000(4) 5,000(5) 2,000(6) 2,000(7)
5,000(3) 2,000(1) 2,000(2)
Cash was deposited on Tuesday of Week 2 of $10,000 and on Thursday
of Week 2 of $3,000. Favorable market movements occurred on
Wednesday of Week 2 of $2,000 and on Friday of Week 2 of $3,000.
Unfavorable market movements occurred on Thursday of Week 1 of
$5,000 and on Thursday of Week 2 of $4,000.
As of the close of business on Friday of Week 1 the margin call was five
business days old or more, and the account became undermargined an
unreasonable time. Thus, only risk reducing trading activity was
allowed as of Monday of Week 2.
On Tuesday of Week 2 the account deposited funds which reduced the
margin call. After the deposit of margin funds, the only remaining margin
call on Tuesday of Week 2 was less than five business days old, thus all
trading activity in the account would be allowed. The account had
demonstrated a good faith effort to deposit required margin and
has a reasonable time to meet the remaining margin call.
- 32 -
As of the close of business on Wednesday of Week 2 the margin call
was five business days old or more, and the account became under-
margined an unreasonable time. Thus, only risk reducing trading
activity was allowed as of Thursday of Week 2.
- 33 -
The records of an FCM should clearly indicate all domestic and foreign
omnibus accounts.
Customer and house omnibus accounts of the same entity must be separately
established and reviewed for margin purposes.
Reporting of Positions
Omnibus accounts are required to report gross positions to their carrying
brokers. Thus, omnibus accounts generally contain concurrent long and short
positions. Carrying brokers should take all necessary steps to ensure omnibus
accounts are reporting positions on a gross basis.
An FCM shall obtain and maintain on file written instructions from omnibus
accounts for positions which are entitled to be margined as spread or hedge
For P&S offsets, the carrying broker should receive instructions on a daily
basis. If there is a delay in closing out positions, the carrying broker should
manually recompute the omnibus account’s margin requirements. Such
calculation shall be maintained on file along with any instructions for offsets.
Margin Rates and Requirements
Domestic omnibus accounts are required to be margined on a gross basis for
all exchanges.
Omnibus accounts are margined using only maintenance margin require-
ments at exchanges; thus, initial margin requirements do not apply. An
omnibus account’s initial margin requirement equals the account’s mainte-
nance margin requirement.
For an omnibus account to receive spread or hedge margin rates, the carrying
broker must receive and maintain on file written instructions for such
Undermargined Accounts
For both domestic and foreign omnibus accounts, margin calls should be met
within four business days or an appropriate undermargined capital charge
should be taken.
For further information refer to Chapter 4 – Margin Calls and Chapter 5 –
Undermargined Capital Charges.
Unique SRO Policies
NFA Required Notification (Rule 2-33)
An FCM must notify its designated self-regulatory organization (DSRO) or, if
so directed by its DSRO, NFA whenever it accepts other than immediately
available funds from an FCM doing business on an omnibus basis. This
notification must be received within 24 hours of the acceptance of such funds.
For purposes of this notification, wire transfers and certified checks shall be
considered immediately available funds. Refer to NFA Rule 2-33.
- 34 -
Chapter 7 – Omnibus Accounts
Chapter 8 – Proprietary Accounts
Proprietary accounts are trading accounts carried for the FCM itself or for any
general partners of the FCM. Additionally, firm error accounts are included as
proprietary accounts. For further information refer to CFTC Regulations
1.3(y) and 1.17(b)(3).
Joint accounts with an FCM or general partner interest equal to or greater
than 10 percent are also considered proprietary accounts. For further
information on joint accounts refer to Chapter 9 - Combined Accounts.
A firm must take an immediate capital charge for uncovered futures and
options positions in any proprietary account. The proprietary capital charge
applies to positions on both domestic and foreign contract markets.
Financial Statement Presentation
For corporations:
The equity in proprietary accounts, including firm error accounts, should
be written off to profit/loss and reflected in retained earnings. This write-
off to profit/loss should be made on a monthly basis.
Securities used to margin proprietary accounts should be classified as
firm-owned securities at the appropriate depository on the balance
For partnerships:
The balances in general partners’ accounts should be classified as equity
capital or equities in partners’ trading accounts as determined by the
partnership agreement.
Covered Positions
A covered position is a futures or options contract in which the risk is
effectively eliminated by an equal offsetting position in a cash commodity,
physical inventory, forward contract or fixed price commitment. Refer to
CFTC Regulation 1.17(j) for further explanation.
Other transactions may be recognized as cover if the FCM can demonstrate in
writing to the CFTC that the transaction is economically appropriate to the
reduction of risk in the conduct and management of its business.
Both the futures or options position and related cover position (e.g., inventory
or forward contract) must be under identical ownership and under the FCM’s
Covered positions of an FCM are not subject to a proprietary capital charge.
Calculation of Proprietary Capital Charges
An FCM must take an immediate charge against net capital for uncovered
proprietary futures and options positions on both domestic and foreign
exchanges, including open positions in firm error accounts.
The proprietary capital charge is the maintenance margin requirement
multiplied by the applicable haircut percentage less proprietary equity not
includable in adjusted net capital.
- 35 -
Proprietary Capital Charge =
(Maintenance Margin * Applicable Haircut) - Equity not Includable in
Requirement Percentage Adjusted Net Capital
Exchange and clearing house margin requirements are based on the SPAN
margin system. Thus, in calculating proprietary capital charges, the mainte-
nance margin requirement includes only the risk component.
The required haircut percentage is applied to a proprietary position’s
exchange or clearing house maintenance margin requirement based on the
FCM’s clearing relationship with the exchange on which the contract is
Proprietary Capital Charge Percentages:
If the FCM clears its own trades, 100% of the clearing house margin
If the FCM is a member of a self-regulatory organization (SRO) and
clears its trades through another clearing member, 150% of the greater
of the clearing house or exchange maintenance margin requirement.
If the exchange does not have a maintenance margin level, 200% of the
initial margin requirement.
As proprietary equity of corporate FCMs is required to be included in adjusted
net capital, it shall not reduce the proprietary capital charge. Only an FCM’s
partners’ equity reported as a liability rather than as partnership capital shall
reduce the proprietary capital charge.
Sample Format: Proprietary Charge Calculation
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)
(A) The exchange on which the positions are cleared.
(B) The exchange or clearing house SPAN margin system maintenance
(C) Based on the FCM’s clearing relationship with the exchange on which
the contract is cleared, the appropriate haircut percentage.
(D) The adjusted maintenance margin requirement for the proprietary
capital charge. (Column B * Column C)
(E) Account equity not includable in adjusted net capital. For corporate
FCMs, this is always zero.
(F) The computed proprietary capital charge. (Column D - Column E)
The total of column F is the proprietary capital charge reported on
the firm’s net capital computation.
- 36 -
1. FCM is a clearing member of and clears their own trades at the CME.
2. FCM is a clearing member of the NYMEX, but prefers to clear its NYMEX
trades through a carrying broker.
3. FCM clears its trades at the CBOT through a carrying broker. (The
FCM is not a clearing member of the CBOT.)
4. All positions in the proprietary account are uncovered.
Example #1 – Proprietary Charge/Presentation of Equity – Corporate
MMR (CME Positions) $ 100,000
MMR (CBOT Positions) $ 50,000
NLE $ 120,000
CME 100,000 100% 100,000 0 $ 100,000
CBOT 50,000 150% 75,000 0 $ 75,000
TOTAL CHARGE $ 175,000
The proprietary capital charge is $175,000. The $120,000 net
liquidating equity is recorded in retained earnings (written off to
profit/loss). As the proprietary equity is included in adjusted net
capital, it cannot be used to reduce the proprietary capital charge.
- 37 -
Example #2 – Proprietary Charge/Presentation of Equity – Corporate
MMR (CME positions) $ 75,000
MMR (NYMEX positions) $ 80,000
NLE $ 150,000
Securities at Market $ 99,300
CME 75,000 100% 75,000 0 $ 75,000
NYMEX 80,000 150% 120,000 0 $ 120,000
TOTAL CHARGE $ 195,000
The proprietary capital charge is $195,000. The $150,000 net liquidating
equity is recorded in retained earnings (written off to profit/loss). The
$99,300 market value of securities should be classified as firm-owned
securities at the appropriate depository. As the proprietary equity is
included in adjusted net capital, it cannot be used to reduce the proprietary
capital charge.
Example #3 – Proprietary Charge/Presentation of Equity –
Partnership Account
MMR (CME positions) $ 80,000
NLE - Equity Capital $ 100,000
NLE - Partners’ Capital $ 20,000
Total Account NLE $ 120,000
CME 80,000 100% 80,000 20,000 $ 60,000
The proprietary capital charge is $60,000. The allocation of partners’ and
equity capital is determined by the partnership agreement. The $100,000
net liquidating equity allocated as equity capital should be included as
additional partnership capital (Ownership Equity). As the partnership
equity capital is included in adjusted net capital, it cannot be used to
reduce the proprietary capital charge. The $20,000 net liquidating equity
allocated as partners’ capital should be classified asa liability (Equities in
Partners’ Trading Accounts) and can be used to reduce the proprietary
capital charge.
- 38 -
Chapter 9 – Combined Accounts
Related Accounts
Identically owned accounts within the same classification of customer
segregated, customer secured, and nonsegregated should be combined for
margin purposes. That is, positions across such identically owned accounts
may be combined to recognize spreads and to net concurrent long and short
positions. Such accounts may be combined even if denominated in different
As all noncustomer accounts are nonsegregated, identically owned non-
customer accounts trading futures and options on U.S. exchanges and foreign
exchanges should be combined for margin purposes.
An FCM may not apply free funds in an account under identical ownership
but of a different classification or account type (e.g., securities, customer
segregated, customer secured) to an account’s margin deficiency. The funds
must actually transfer to the identically owned undermargined account in
order for them to be used for margin purposes. An equity system transfer is
permissible when the firm maintains excess segregated funds in an amount
at least equal to the dollar value of the credit entry.
Accounts under different ownership, in which all parties have signed a
transfer of funds agreement, shall be margined separately. The funds must
actually transfer to the applicable account for them to be used for margin
Individual accounts with a common owner but not under identical ownership
shall be margined separately. For instance, Mr. Smith may own 50 percent of
account A and 90 percent of account B with different partners. Accounts A
and B should be treated separately for margin purposes. In a second example,
Jack Donn is 100 percent owner of Donn, Inc. Mr. Donn’s individual trading
account and Donn, Inc.’s corporate trading account must be treated separately
for margin purposes as these accounts are different legal entities.
Affiliated Accounts
Accounts of branches/divisions and subsidiaries of a parent corporation
trading through an FCM should be treated as follows for margin purposes:
A branch is not a separately incorporated entity apart from the parent itself,
but merely a division of the parent. Thus, branch/division accounts are
combined like all other related accounts. Refer to the Related Accounts
discussion above.
For division accounts under the same control, a firm’s internal bookkeeping
may reflect a division’s independent positions in a sub-account solely as a
service to the division, (i.e., for profit center accounting). The division sub-
accounts would contain hold-open positions; positions closed at the clearing
house level (master account) but open on the firm’s internal bookkeeping
records (sub-account).
For division accounts under different control, separate division accounts are
maintained which do not offset against the trading of other divisions.
- 39 -
An FCM’s records should clearly indicate and support the method of combin-
ing branch/division account trading activities.
A subsidiary of a parent corporation is a separate legal entity.
Subsidiaries holding bona fide positions must maintain separate accounts.
Such accounts cannot be offset across subsidiaries or with divisions of the
parent corporation regardless of whether the trading is for hedging or
speculative purposes. An FCM shall treat each subsidiary account separately
for margin purposes. Subsidiaries are independently responsible for the
margin status of their accounts and for properly meeting their margin calls.
If a subsidiary were to have divisions itself, the divisions would be accounted
for as described above.
The above affiliated accounts are assumed to have funds and trading activities
relating only to the division or subsidiary itself. If customers are introduced
through the division or subsidiary, then either individual customer accounts or
an omnibus account would need to be set up.
Joint Accounts
In general, the equity system classification, balance sheet presentation, and
appropriate proprietary/undermargined charges of joint accounts are based
upon the percentage of ownership interest of the parties.
The appropriate balances to be reflected as equities in customer accounts,
noncustomer accounts, and in retained earnings are based on the ownership
interests and the distribution of profits and losses.
The joint account agreement should clearly state the interests of the account
owners whenever:
(1) a customer or noncustomer has a joint account with the firm, or
(2) a customer has a joint account with a noncustomer.
Whenever a customer has a joint account interest equal to 90 percent or less
with either a proprietary or noncustomer account, the customer effectively
forfeits segregation rights.
The following page contains a chart summarizing joint account treatment for
the account types:
For each joint account type, the chart should be read across to determine
equity system classification, balance sheet presentation, and the appropriate
proprietary/undermargined charges. For example, the first line of the chart
would be read as follows:
The firm has a proprietary interest equal to or greater than 10 percent in
a joint account with a customer. Therefore, the customer’s interest is
equal to or less than 90 percent.
- 40 -
The joint account is classified in the house section of the equity system.
The firm’s percentage interest is reflected in retained earnings on the
balance sheet. The customer’s percentage interest is reflected as
equities in noncustomer accounts on the balance sheet.
An immediate proprietary capital charge is taken on the firm’s
percentage interest of the margin requirement. An undermargined
capital charge is taken on the customer’s percentage interest of the
margin requirement according to the noncustomer undermargined
grace period of four business days.
The chart should be used as a reference guide for standard joint account
As joint account agreements vary greatly and are tailored to the individual
parties, an FCM should maintain adequate documentation of all joint account
A firm shall keep detailed records of joint account activities in order to
support financial statement presentation and capital charges taken.
- 41 -
Joint Accounts Summary Chart
Firm/ > 10% House Retained Earnings Proprietary None
Customer < 90% Equities in Noncustomers Noncustomers 4 Days
Firm/ < 10% Customer Retained Earnings Proprietary None
Customer > 90% Equities in Customers Customers 5 Days
Firm/ > 10% House Retained Earnings Proprietary None
Noncustomer < 90% Equities in Noncustomers Noncustomers 4 Days
Firm/ < 10% House Retained Earnings Proprietary None
Noncustomer > 90% Equities in Noncustomers Noncustomers 4 Days
Noncustomer/ > 10% House Equities in Noncustomers Noncustomers 4 Days
Customer < 90%
Noncustomer/ < 10% Customer Equities in Customers Customers 5 Days
Customer > 90%
- 42 -
Example #1 - Related Accounts
1. All accounts are customer owned and under identical ownership.
2. All contracts traded in the accounts are settled in the currency
3. The currency indicated is deposited in the account for margin.
Classification Currency NLE- U.S.$ MMR- U.S.$ Excess U.S.$
Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent
Segregated #1 US$ $ 10,000 $ 9,000 $ 1,000
Segregated #2 J-Yen (3,000)
2,000 (5,000)
Total Segregated 7,000
Secured #1 US$ 3,000 5,000 (2,000)
Secured #2 D-Mark 4,000
1,000 3,000
Total Secured 7,000
Delivery Account US$ 10,000 -0- 10,000
The customer’s segregated accounts are undermargined by $4,000
computed as:
$5,000 J-Yen Deficiency + $1,000 US$ NLE (Excess)
The customer’s secured accounts are not undermargined; the accounts
have margin funds in excess of the maintenance margin requirements of
$1,000 computed as:
$2,000 US$ Deficiency + $3,000 NLE Excess
The excess equity balances in the secured accounts and in the delivery
account cannot be used to margin the segregated accounts.
Examples – Joint Accounts
1. The ownership interests of the joint account equals the profit/loss split.
2. Account equity is only made up of profits.
3. The FCM clears the trades.
4. The account’s equity and margin information is as follows:
LB - $ 15,000
OTE - $ (5,000)
NOV - $ 40,000
NLE - $ 50,000
MMR - $ 60,000
Example #2 – Firm/Customer Joint Account
The firm and a customer have agreed to a jointly owned account with a
60%/40% split of all profits and losses respectively.
A. Equity System Classification: Account is classified in the house section of
the equity system as the proprietary interest is equal to or greater than
B. Balance Sheet Presentation: The balance sheet presentation is determined
by the profit and loss split of 60%/40%. The firm’s NLE interest of
$30,000 ($50,000 NLE * 60%) is reflected in retained earnings. The
customer’s NLE portion of $20,000 ($50,000 NLE * 40%) is classified as
equities in noncustomer accounts.
C. Capital Charges: A $36,000 ($60,000 MMR * 60%) charge would be
taken immediately on the proprietary interest of the account. (As the
firm’s equity interest has been reflected in retained earnings, it may
not reduce the proprietary charge.) Since the customer’s interest is
classified as noncustomer, an undermargined charge of $4,000
[($60,000 MMR * 40%) - ($50,000 NLE * 40%)] would apply if the
account was undermargined four business days or more (the
noncustomer undermargined grace period).
Example #3 – Firm/Customer Joint Account
The firm and a customer have agreed to a jointly owned account with a
5%/95% split of all profits and losses respectively.
A. Equity System Classification: Account is classified in the customer section
of the equity system as the proprietary interest is less than 10%.
B. Balance Sheet Presentation: The balance sheet presentation is
determined by the profit and loss split of 5%/95%. The firm’s NLE
interest of $2,500 ($50,000 NLE * 5%) is reflected in retained earnings.
The customer’s NLE portion of $47,500 ($50,000 NLE * 95%) is
classified as equities in customer accounts.
C. Capital Charges: A $3,000 ($60,000 MMR * 5%) charge would be taken
immediately on the proprietary interest of the account. (As the firm’s
equity interest has been reflected in retained earnings, it may not reduce
the proprietary charge.) Since the customer’s interest is classified as
customer, an undermargined charge of $9,500 [($60,000MMR * 95%) -
($50,000 NLE * 95%)] would apply if the account was undermargined
five business days or more (the customer undermargined grace period).
Example #4 – Noncustomer/Customer Joint Account
A noncustomer and a customer have agreed to a jointly owned account with a
60%/40% split of all profits and losses respectively.
A. Equity System Classification: Account is classified in the house section of
the equity system as the noncustomer interest is equal to or greater than
- 43 -
B. Balance Sheet Presentation: The account’s entire NLE of $50,000 is
classified as equities in noncustomer accounts.
C. Capital Charges: The account is margined as a noncustomer. Since the
entire account, including the customer’s interest, is classified as
noncustomer, an undermargined charge of $10,000 ($60,000 MMR -
$50,000 NLE) would apply if the account was undermargined four
business days or more (the noncustomer undermargined grace period).
Example #5 – Noncustomer/Customer Joint Account
A noncustomer and a customer have agreed to a jointly owned account with a
5%/95% split of all profits and losses respectively.
A. Equity System Classification: Account is classified in the customer section
of the equity system as the noncustomer interest is less than 10%.
B. Balance Sheet Presentation: The account’s entire NLE of $50,000 is
classified as equities in customer accounts.
C. Capital Charges: The account is margined as a customer. Since the entire
account, including the noncustomer’s interest, is classified as customer, an
undermargined charge of $10,000 ($60,000 MMR - $50,000 NLE) would
apply if the account was undermargined five business days or more (the
customer undermargined grace period).
- 44 -
Chapter 10 – Miscellaneous Margin Topics
Excess Margin Payments
Throughout the handbook, the margin status of an account (i.e., margin calls
and undermargined charges) is determined based upon margin equity and
initial/maintenance margin requirements. The handbook has defined (1)
margin equity as net liquidating equity plus the collateral value of acceptable
margin deposits and (2) initial/maintenance margin requirements to include
only the risk component of the SPAN margin system requirement. Thus,
option value is allowed to meet an account’s total risk margin requirement
and is considered an acceptable margin deposit.
Margin Funds Available for Disbursement =
Net Liquidating Value + Margin Deposits - Initial Margin Requirement >
FCMs may also use the Total Equity Method as referred to in Chapter 4 for
determining funds available for disbursement. In computing excess margin
payments, if total equity plus margin deposits is zero or negative, a disburse-
ment cannot be made as there are no funds available.
All identically owned accounts must be combined for purposes of determin-
ing the amount of funds available for disbursement within the account
classifications of customer segregated, customer secured, and nonsegregated.
Available funds from one account classification cannot be used for disburse-
ment from another account classification. The transfer of funds must first
occur in order for a disbursement to be made.
Concurrent Long and Short Positions
Concurrent long and short positions are long and short positions traded on
the same contract market in the same futures or options contract for the
same delivery month or expiration date and, if applicable, having the same
strike price.
A firm may carry concurrent long and short positions as follows (see CFTC
Regulation 1.46):
In domestic and foreign omnibus accounts. All positions held by domestic
and foreign omnibus accounts shall be margined on a gross basis.
In a hedge account in which both the long and short positions are bona
fide hedge positions. Such positions shall be margined on a net basis at all
In an account or identically owned accounts in which one side is a bona
fide hedge position and the other side is a speculative position. Such
positions shall be margined on a net basis at all exchanges.
In separate accounts for identically owned speculative concurrent long
and short positions which are separately and independently controlled.
Such positions shall be margined on a net basis at all exchanges.
For positions margined on a net basis, no margin is required; however, the
account must maintain a zero or credit net liquidating equity.
- 45 -
Concurrent Long and Short Hold-Open Positions
Hold-open positions are positions offset at the exchange that, for convenience
and customer service purposes, have been held open on the FCM’s internal
bookkeeping records. The firm’s internal bookkeeping records shall clearly
indicate all hold-open positions.
As hold-open positions only remain open on the firm’s internal records and
are not true exchange positions, no margin is required.
Alternative Margining Systems
The SPAN margin system has been adopted by all domestic futures exchanges.
If an FCM elects to use an alternative margining system, the firm should
contact the individual exchanges to determine its acceptability. A firm’s
records shall clearly identify the margining system used for all accounts.
An FCM should contact its DSRO for information on computing an account’s
margin status, margin calls, undermargined capital charges, and funds avail-
able for disbursement under the alternative margining system.
- 46 -
- 47 -
SPAN Overview
Developed by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in 1988, the Standard
Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN) performance bond margining system for
calculating requirements has become the futures industry standard.
SPAN evaluates the risk of an entire account’s futures/options portfolio and
assesses a margin requirement based on such risk. It accomplishes this by
establishing reasonable movements in futures prices over a one-day period.
The resulting effect of these “risk arrays” is to capture respective gains or
losses of futures and options positions within that commodity. Each exchange
maintains the responsibility of determining these risk arrays as well as the
option calculations that are needed to determine the effect of various futures
price movements on option values.
Advantages and Rationale of SPAN
SPAN recognizes the special characteristics of options and seeks to accurately
assess the impact on option values from not only futures price movements
but also changes in market volatility and the passage of time. The end result is
that the minimum margin on the portfolio will more accurately reflect the
inherent risk involved with those positions as a whole.
Option Equity and Risk Margin
One of the special characteristics of options is that a long option position can
never be at risk for more than its premium. In order for SPAN to assess the
risk of all positions in the portfolio and at the same time allow credit for the
premium involved, SPAN allows the excess of the option premium over the
risk margin for any option position to be applied to the risk margin on other
Margin Calculations
Under SPAN, firms will receive risk arrays from the respective clearing
organizations to calculate margins for their accounts. These firms will then
calculate minimum margin requirements for all of its accounts based on the
arrays on a daily basis. Individuals are able to calculate their own margin
requirements through loading the risk arrays and their positions into
Risk Arrays
Under SPAN, each exchange will provide risk arrays for each commodity
traded. These arrays are comprised of 16 “what if” scenarios that cover a
range of reasonable futures price and volatility changes over the course of a
day. For example, what if crude oil futures prices rose by $1 and volatility on
crude oil options fell? Each scenario measures the impact on profit and loss
of the hypothetical movements on futures and options positions within that
commodity. Each answer becomes a component of the risk array, and SPAN
will take the largest loss from that array as the minimum margin for the day.
In order to construct arrays, each exchange provides both the futures and
volatility scan ranges.
Chapter 11 – Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN®)
- 48 -
Futures Scan Range
The futures scan range is equal to a firm’s maintenance margin requirement
for outright positions. This represents the interval that a futures contract’s
prices are likely to move (up or down) over a single day. For example, if the
scan range is $1,500 for crude oil contracts, it implies that crude oil futures
prices are most likely to fluctuate within a band of $1.50/barrel up or down
(since each contract represents 1,000 barrels) from the last settlement price.
To construct the risk arrays, SPAN sets fractions (multiples of 1/3) of the
range both up and down as the plausible price changes. Each commodity
traded has its own scan range.
Volatility Scan Range
In addition to futures price changes, a major determinant of option value is
the inherent volatility that is expected in the market. Each exchange will set
parameters, both up and down, for likely changes in expected market
volatility. The impact on option value of these hypothetical changes is then
used to capture the profit (or loss) on option positions, and hence the risk of
options in a given portfolio.
Extreme Move Scenario
Each exchange will set an extreme move parameter, usually set equal to a
multiple of the futures scan range, as well as a percent of this move it believes
it needs to be covered for possible abrupt changes of futures prices.
Sixteen “What If” Scenarios
1. Futures unchanged, volatility up
2. Futures unchanged, volatility down
3. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility up
4. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility down
5. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility up
6. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility down
7. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility up
8. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility down
9. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility up
10. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility down
11. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility up
12. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility down
13. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility up
14. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility down
15. Futures up extreme move
(cover 35% of loss)
16. Futures down extreme move
(cover 35% of loss)
Other Factors Affecting SPAN Margin Requirements
In addition to the above risk arrays, each exchange will also assess intermonth
spread charges, intercommodity spread credits, and short option minimum
margins. These will affect the final margin requirements for large portfolios.
The intermonth spread charges represent additional margin payments that
are assessed on positions on different contract months within a commodity
that are on opposite sides of the market. This is to capture the risk that price
changes between different contract months of the same commodity often do
not match each other exactly. In fact, there are often times when different
contract months within the same commodity experience opposite price
change. Since this suggests a higher level of risk to the portfolio, an additional
margin charge is assessed to these spread positions.
SPAN also recognizes that many commodities tend to experience similar price
movements. For offsetting positions in different commodities that are related,
SPAN allows certain credits to be given to the portfolio’s total margin to
reflect this lower overall risk.
Finally, unlike long option positions which have a maximum potential loss,
the value of the option premium, short options have virtually unlimited risk.
SPAN accounts for this characteristic of short option positions by having a
minimum margin assessed, regardless of the losses determined in the above
risk arrays.
Each exchange maintains the responsibility of setting the intermonth spread
charge, the intercommodity spread credit, and the short option minimum
A Simple Margin Calculation
Assume a position contains a single long January Crude Oil futures contract.
Assuming an underlying futures price of $20, a SPAN futures scan range of
$1,500, and volatility scan range of 2 percent. The risk array would look like
the following:
1. Futures unchanged, volatility up $0
2. Futures unchanged, volatility down $0
3. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility up -$500
4. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility down -$500
5. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility up $500
6. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility down $500
7. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility up -$1,000
8. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility down -$1,000
9. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility up $1,000
10. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility down $1,000
11. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility up -$1,500
12. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility down -$1,500
13. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility up $1,500
14. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility down $1,500
15. Futures up extreme move (cover 35% of loss) -$1,050
16. Futures down extreme move (cover 35% of loss) $1,050
Scanning the value loss column, $1,500 can be seen to be the worst case loss,
and therefore becomes the margin. This also happens to be the outright
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margin level, which illustrates that for simple outright positions, margin levels
will be set the same way as they are currently established.
Suppose a position contains one short January $20 Crude Oil Call Option.
This risk array would look like the following:
1. Futures unchanged, volatility up $37
2. Futures unchanged, volatility down -$52
3. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility up $339
4. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility down $255
5. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility up -$170
6. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility down -$252
7. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility up $696
8. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility down $633
9. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility up -$317
10. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility down -$374
11. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility up $1,115
12. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility down $1,075
13. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility up -$369
14. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility down -$429
15. Futures up extreme move (cover 35% of loss) $890
16. Futures down extreme move (cover 35% of loss) -$159
To determine the margin, SPAN takes the maximum loss from the risk arrays
(note: negative values refer to gains). In the above example, the margin
resolves to line 11: $1,115.
A somewhat more complicated example would be if we combined the two
simple positions above. Adding the two risk array results in the following:
1. Futures unchanged, volatility up $37
2. Futures unchanged, volatility down -$52
3. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility up -$161
4. Futures up 1/3 range, volatility down -$245
5. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility up $330
6. Futures down 1/3 range, volatility down $248
7. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility up -$304
8. Futures up 2/3 range, volatility down -$367
9. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility up $683
10. Futures down 2/3 range, volatility down $626
11. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility up -$385
12. Futures up 3/3 range, volatility down -$425
13. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility up $1,104
14. Futures down 3/3 range, volatility down $1,071
15. Futures up extreme move (cover 35% of loss) -$160
16. Futures down extreme move (cover 35% of loss) $891
In this case the worse case loss resolves to $1,104.
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Chapter 12 – Cross-Margins for Equity Index and Interest Rate Futures and Options
General Information
Cross-margins programs have become increasingly valuable risk management
tools in recent years. There are currently three approved cross-margins
programs in place. The programs include (1) the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (CME), the New York Clearing Corporation (NYCC) and Options
Clearing Corporation (OCC); (2) the Board of Trade Clearing Corporation
(BOTCC) and OCC; and (3) the CME and the BOTCC. Note: The NYCC clears
the trades of the New York Futures Exchange (NYFE), the BOTCC clears the
trades of the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), while the OCC clears the trades
for all securities options presently listed and traded on national securities
The programs allow for cross margining of certain equity index and interest
rate futures and options contracts for proprietary, noncustomer, and qualified
market professional accounts. It is hoped that these programs can be ex-
panded to include other products and account types in the future.
The cross-margins programs provide the reduced margin requirements and
net settlement obligations by combining into one account eligible futures and
options cleared by the respective programs. Using the SPAN margin system
and/or the Theoretical Intermarket Margin system (TIMS), the cross-margins
programs recognize all components of a related portfolio. This benefit may
be available at both the account and clearing levels.
Eligible Participants
CME/BOTCC Cross-Margins Program:
Initially, clearing member firms can establish a cross-margins clearing account
for house positions only. This includes proprietary and other non-customer
accounts as defined by CFTC Regulation 1.3(y). In the future, the clearing
organizations will allow firms to establish a customer cross-margins clearing
account. This will include CME and CBOT member accounts, as well as non-
member customers.
OCC Cross-Margins Programs:
Prior to April 1, 1998, Federal Reserve Regulation T (Extension of Credit to
Customers) limited cross-margins participation. Until that time, Regulation T
only recognized futures and options on futures as a reduction in security
margin requirements for registered market makers and specialists, not futures
locals. Thus, clearing firms were prohibited from giving futures traders a
margin reduction on their securities positions based on offsetting futures
Amendments adopted in April 1998 to Regulation T allow commodities and
foreign exchange positions in non-securities credit accounts to be considered
in the calculation of margin for any securities transactions. Further, the
amendments allow securities exchanges to override Regulation T by adopting
rules permitting “portfolio margining.”
The OCC cross-margins programs have been approved for proprietary,
noncustomer and market professional accounts. Generally, the programs
include, or will include, those accounts defined in CFTC Regulation 1.3(y) for
- 51 -
CME, BOTCC and CCC contracts and those accounts not considered customer
as defined by SEC Rules 8c-1 and 15c2-1 or those accounts which are other-
wise permitted under OCC rules to be carried in the proprietary cross-
margins account.
However, while clearing member affiliates are considered noncustomer
accounts under CFTC regulations, they are considered customer accounts
under SEC rules and thus are currently not eligible cross-margin participants.
As a result, cross-margin benefits cannot be extended to affiliates yet. As stated
above, exchange rules must be amended to allow for portfolio margining in
order for the margins of affiliated customers to be reduced based upon
offsetting futures positions.
Market professional accounts are those accounts of CME members of firms
owning a CME membership, CBOT members or firms owning a CBOT
membership, NYFE members or firms owning a NYFE membership, or
market-makers, specialists or registered traders as defined by OCC rules.
Unfortunately, at this time, no securities exchange has developed and adopted
rules for portfolio margining. Therefore, as indicated below, the limitations on
the OCC cross-margins programs still exist.
Market professional participation is limited to registered market makers
and specialists and excludes CME, CBOT and NYFE members.
Unless an affiliate or employee is a registered market maker or specialist,
the clearing member may not pass the reduced margin requirements to
the affiliate or employee. However, the clearing member can receive the
reduced margin requirements and net settlement obligations at the
clearing level.
The exchanges and clearing organizations are actively working with the
regulators to implement the necessary modifications to the margin rules to
allow for portfolio based margining. Further, work is being done to amend the
rules to include all approved eligible participants.
Cross-margins arrangements can be structured several different ways. A firm
that is a member of all participating clearing organizations of a cross-margins
program may enter into a joint cross-margins arrangement with those
organizations. However, their participation is limited to those organizations
where their memberships are held. A clearing member of at least one partici-
pating clearing organization with an affiliate at another participating clearing
organization of a cross-margins program may enter into an affiliate cross-
margins arrangement.
In the past, customers and noncustomers were allowed to use inter-exchange
credits to reduce margin requirements. However, for eligible OCC cross-
margin participants, these credits have been replaced with the cross-margins
program. For the OCC cross-margins programs, inter-exchange credits are
still available to those customers and noncustomers not currently eligible for
cross-margins and to those clearing members that are not members of
another participating clearing organization and do not have an affiliate with a
membership at another participating clearing organization.
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Margin Collateral and Requirements
Acceptable margin collateral at the clearing level includes cash (only U.S.
dollars), U.S. Treasury Securities and letters of credit. Letters of credit must be
in the approved standard format and are subject to the same limitations as
letters of credit in the non-cross-margins origin, but computed separately.
Pass through letters of credit are not acceptable.
Acceptable margin collateral for cross-margin participants at the account
level is the same as non-cross-margin accounts. A clearing member may
accept from an account holder as margin any collateral that is acceptable to
the exchanges in the cross-margins programs. This generally includes cash
currencies of any denomination, readily marketable securities and letters of
credit subject to certain limitations for the OCC programs only.
As previously noted, the cross-margins programs allow a clearing member to
combine into one account eligible commodity and security positions and
account equity. This combined account is considered a futures account for
regulatory purposes. However, the major service bureaus cannot maintain in
one account both futures and security equity positions. Firms should consult
with their service bureau regarding their capabilities with respect to cross-
margins. Clearing members may have to manually combine the accounts to
determine their margin status.
Market professionals and noncustomer accounts are subject to the same
margin requirements as any other commodity account. A clearing member
must issue, age and delete calls for margin. An account cannot continue to
trade with a margin deficiency after an unreasonable period of time. A
reasonable period of time is less than five business days for market profes-
sional accounts and four business days for noncustomer accounts.
In determining margin status, the three cross-margins programs are not
treated identically. Because the CME/BOTCC program includes only products
traded on futures exchanges, accounts belonging to customers participating
in the program will be considered with other customer non-cross-margins
accounts. Because the OCC programs include products from both futures and
equity markets, cross-margin accounts belonging to market professionals are
held in a separate origin and are considered separately from the market
professionals’ non-cross-margins accounts. Excess equity in one origin cannot
meet the margin requirements in another origin. The clearing member must
transfer equity between the market professional’s accounts for the OCC cross-
margins programs.
As there are no segregation requirements, a noncustomer’s cross-margins
account can be combined with its non-cross-margins futures account in
determining margin status.
Net Capital Implications of Cross-Margins
Proprietary Accounts:
Firms must calculate capital charges on proprietary positions in their cross-
margins accounts similarly to non-cross-margins futures accounts. Firms can
use those positions to hedge SEC-regulated products or use the account’s
- 53 -
margin requirement as the capital charge for those positions. However, to
utilize the joint clearing account’s margin requirement as the proprietary
capital charge, firms must put the position into their house cross-margin
account. CFTC regulations require firms to compute their proprietary capital
charges on the clearing organization’s margin requirements.
Customer and Noncustomer Accounts:
CME/BOTCC Cross-Margins Program
Noncustomer cross-margins accounts are subject to the same undermargined
capital charges as non-cross-margins futures accounts. See Chapter 5. When
customer accounts become eligible for this program, they will also be subject
to the same undermargined capital charges as other non-cross-margin futures
OCC Cross-Margins Program
A market professional’s and/or noncustomer’s cross-margins account may be
subject to either the (c)(2)(x) charge or the undermargined charge to capital.
The (c)(2)(x)/undermargined charge equals the greater of the (c)(2)(x)
deduction (based on Appendix A to SEC Rule 15c3-1) or the margin defi-
ciency (based on the SPAN margin system) in the combined commodity and
security cross-margins account. A cross-margins account is never subject to
both charges. In computing the (c)(2)(x)/undermargined charge:
The (c)(2)(x) charge for a cross-margins account is computed separately
from the non-cross-margins security account.
The undermargined charge is computed on the day the account becomes
undermargined. It is an immediate charge to capital. Current calls cannot
reduce an undermargined charge for cross-margin accounts.
Excess equity in the cross-margins account may reduce the (c)(2)(x)
charge for the non-cross-margins security account.
Excess equity in the non-cross-margins security account may reduce the
(c)(2)(x) charge for the cross-margins account. Excess equity in the non-
cross margins security account may not reduce the undermargined
charge for the cross-margins account. Thus, if the undermargined charge
is greater than the net (c)(2)(x) charge, the clearing member is subject to
an undermargined charge that can only be reduced once funds are
transferred to the cross-margins account. Only an equity system transfer
is required provided the clearing member maintains excess segregated
funds in the cross-margins and non-cross-margins origins.
Due to bankruptcy/subordination concerns, excess equity in the market
professional’s cross-margins account may not reduce the undermargined
charge for the non-cross-margins futures account until funds are trans-
ferred to the non-cross-margins commodity account. Again, only an
equity system transfer is required provided the clearing member main-
tains excess segregated funds in the cross-margins and non-cross-margins
- 54 -
Further, excess equity in the market professional’s non-cross-margins
futures account may not reduce the (c)(2)(x)/undermargined charge for
the cross-margins account until funds are transferred to the cross-
margins account. Only an equity system transfer is required provided the
clearing member maintains excess segregated funds in the cross-margins
and non-cross-margins origins.
Example #1 – Capital Charges for Cross-margins Market Makers:
XM Account
TE/NLE $10,000
IMR/MMR $16,000
(c)(2)(x) Haircut $18,000
Margin (Deficiency) $(6,000)
Current Calls $ 6,000
(c)(2)(x) Charge $ 8,000
The capital charge is equal to the greater of the (c)(2)(x) charge or the
undermargined charge. Therefore, in this example, the capital charge is
equal to $8,000.
Example #2
XM Account
TE/NLE $10,000
IMR/MMR $20,000
(c)(2)(x) Haircut $18,000
Margin (Deficiency) $(10,000)
Current Calls $10,000
(c)(2)(x) Charge $ 8,000
The capital charge is equal to the greater of the (c)(2)(x) charge or the
undermargined charge. However, because the undermargined charge is an
immediate charge for cross-margins, the margin deficiency cannot be reduced
by current calls. Therefore, in this example, the capital charge is equal to
Example #3
XM Account Non-XM Security Acct. Non-XM Futures Acct.
TE/NLE $10,000 $20,000 $25,000
IMR/MMR $20,000 -0- $10,000
(c)(2)(x) Haircut $22,000 $ 5,000 -0-
(Deficiency)/Excess $(10,000) -0- $15,000
Current Calls $10,000 -0- -0-
(c)(2)(x) Charge $12,000 -0- -0-
Excess equity in the non-cross-margins security account may reduce the
(c)(2)(x) charge in the cross-margins account but may not reduce the
undermargined charge unless funds are transferred between the origins.
Excess equity in the non-cross-margins futures account may not reduce either
- 55 -
the (c)(2)(x) charge or the undermargined charge for the cross-margins
account. Therefore, in this example, the $15,000 excess equity in the non-
cross-margins security account may eliminate the $12,000 (c)(2)(x) charge
in the cross-margins account. This excess may not reduce the $10,000 margin
deficiency. The firm will take a $10,000 capital charge for the cross-margin
deficiency. No capital charge will apply to the non-cross-margins security or
futures account.
Example #4
XM Account Non-XM Security Acct. Non-XM Futures Acct.
TE/NLE $30,000 $10,000 $15,000
IMR/MMR $10,000 -0- $25,000
(c)(2)(x) Haircut $ 5,000 $25,000 -0-
(Deficiency)/Excess $20,000 -0- $(10,000)
Current Calls -0- -0- -0-
(c)(2)(x) Charge -0- $15,000 -0-
In this example, the cross-margins account has excess funds and is therefore
not subject to any capital charges. The $25,000 excess equity over the
(c)(2)(x) haircut may be applied against the $15,000 (c)(2)(x) charge in the
non-cross-margins security account. The excess equity in the cross-margins
account may not be applied towards the undermargined charge in the non-
cross-margins futures account. As the non-cross-margins futures account has
been undermargined for greater than five days and therefore has no current
calls, the firm will take a $10,000 undermargined charge for this account. No
capital charges will apply to the cross-margins account or the non-cross-
margins security account. In addition, the firm may disburse the excess
margin funds of $20,000 in the cross-margins account to the customer.
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Your attorney and accountant
Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Three Lafayette Centre
1155 21
Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20581
(202) 418-5000
Futures Industry Association
2001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20581
(202) 466-5460
www.fi afi i.org
Managed Funds Association
2025 M Street, N.W.
Suite 800
Washington D.C. 20036-2422
(202) 367-1140
National Introducing Brokers Association
55 West Monroe Street
Suite 3330
Chicago, IL 60603
(312) 977-0598
National Futures Association
300 South Riverside Plaza
Suite 1800
Chicago, IL 60606-6615
(312) 781-1410
Sources of Additional Information