This document is available
on the Treasury Market
Practices Group website,
in Agency
MBS Trading
November 2012
1. Introduction ................................................................ 1
2. Historical Background ................................................... 2
3. What Risks Is Margining Meant to Address?` .................... 3
4. How Does Margining Mitigate Risks? ............................... 4
5. Operational and Legal Issues .......................................... 5
6. The Case for Industry-Driven Margining Practices ............. 7
Appendix: Margining Examples .......................................... 9
This document is available
on the Treasury Market
Practices Group website,
November 2012
Margining in Agency
MBS Trading
1. Introduction
Most purchases of agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are
forward transactions that settle about one month after the trade
is agreed upon, and some can also settle farther in the future.
Parties to forward-settling transactions bear counterparty credit
risk—the risk that a counterparty is unable or unwilling to meet its
contractual obligations.
If one party to a forward transaction does
not meet its obligations, the other party may experience a loss if it
has to replace the transaction at a worse price. One common means
of mitigating the counterparty credit risk of forward transactions is
for the counterparties to agree to post collateral, or margin, as the
market value of the securities  uctuates. The posting of margin is a
common practice in the trading of agency MBS between members of
the Mortgage-Backed Securities Division (MBSD) of the Fixed-Income
Clearing Corporation, which became a central counterparty (CCP) in
April 2012. However, margining is less common in bilateral agency MBS
trading between dealers and customers that are not MBSD members.
This contrasts with practices in other forward, repo, securities
lending, and derivatives markets, where margining has been pursued
with greater consistency and with a more developed body of market
In these markets, margining has developed as a standard
practice between participants, both in uncleared transactions and as
part of central counterparty risk management systems, and in some
cases has been enshrined in statutory law.
Most agency MBS trading is conducted in the To-Be-Announced (TBA) market, with de ned
settlement dates for each month in the future. Liquid contracts are available up to two months
forward, and some trade at more extended tenors. Parties that trade agency MBS outside of the
TBA market may bear counterparty credit risk as well, since many non-TBA trades also settle
on the TBA schedule.
In the over-the-counter (OTC) markets, these practices have generally been based on
recommendations of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), the Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), and other industry groups.
To the extent that they remain unmargined,
uncleared agency MBS transactions can pose
signi cant counterparty risk to individual
market participants. Moreover, the market’s
sheer size—it is one of the largest  xed-
income markets, with $5 trillion in agency
MBS outstanding and roughly $750 billion to
$1.5trillion in gross unsettled and unmargined
dealer-to-customer transactions—raises systemic
concerns. If one or more market participants
were to default on forward-settling agency
MBS trades, the agency MBS market could
transmit losses and risks to a broad array of
other participants. While the transmission of
these risks may be mitigated by the netting,
margining, and settlement guaranties provided
by a CCP, losses could nonetheless be costly and
destabilizing. Furthermore, the asymmetry that
exists between participants that margin and
those that do not could have a negative effect
on liquidity, especially in times of market stress.
This paper evaluates the nature of the risks
posed by unmargined agency MBS trading, describes
how margining could address those risks, and
discusses the operational and legal considerations
associated with the more widespread use of
margining. It concludes that market ef ciency
and  nancial stability would be enhanced by
broader use of margining for uncleared agency
MBS transactions.
2. Historical Background
The  rst forward-settling contracts in the
United States were developed for commodities,
and market participants took the initiative
to centralize clearing of these contracts
on exchanges in the form of standardized
futures contracts organized around a central
counterparty. An important aspect of these
structures was the collection of capital—or
margin—from participating members to serve as
protection against loss. Eventually, other forward-
settling markets moved from OTC structures to
centralized clearing and margining, including
Treasury futures—one of the largest forward-
settling markets—in 1974.
In recent decades, margining has also become
a central part of the development of the OTC
derivatives markets, whose transactions entail
counterparty credit risk that is similar to that of
forward-settling agency MBS. The development
of margining practices for such derivatives
transactions was motivated in part by  nancial
market stress events and the failure of major
counterparties. For example, the market stress
evident in the late 1990s, centered around the
Russian sovereign default, the Asian  nancial
crisis, and the failure of Long-Term Capital
Management, helped to further the market’s
move toward the development of more robust
risk management standards for swaps.
More recently, market events have spurred
the move toward increased central clearing
of derivatives and refocused attention on
counterparty credit risk management for
transactions not cleared by central counterparties.
Traditionally, margining of uncleared derivatives
transactions had been a credit risk mitigant
that dealers demanded of only some of their
counterparties. However, after the failure of
Lehman Brothers in 2008, dealers and customers
alike began to move toward greater use of
margining on a bilateral basis. The movement in
policy and industry practice toward margining
accelerated in November 2008, when the G-20
Summit on Financial Markets called for measures
to reduce systemic risks in the OTC derivatives
markets—a general call that has since been
interpreted as supporting the use of margining.
In the United States, the move toward
increased use of margining for OTC derivatives
transactions was codi ed in Title VII of the
Dodd-Frank Act, which requires designated
swap dealers and major swap participants to
post margin on centrally-cleared swaps, among
This resulted in publications such as the 2001 ISDA Margin
Provisions and the 2002 ISDA Master Agreement for swaps.
other requirements.
Notably, the Act requires
margining for both non-centrally-cleared OTC
derivatives and cleared transactions.
While counterparty exposures in the
$5trillion agency MBS market are similar in
nature to those of other forward-settling and
OTC derivatives transactions,
the trend toward
margining has not advanced as far in agency
MBS trading. While the CCP accounts for a
signi cant volume of transactions in agency
MBS, many bilateral agency MBS transactions
are not submitted to the MBSD and are not
margined. Overall, the daily average of customer-
to-dealer transaction volume is approximately
and anecdotal evidence suggests
that roughly two-thirds of volume remains
unmargined. Because the majority of transactions
settle just once a month and trading is conducted
using forward settlement, gross unsettled and
unmargined bilateral agency MBS transactions
could be in the range of $750 billion to
$1.5trillion at any point in time.
While some
of these trades could be netted down due to
dollar rolls and coupon swaps, gross unsettled
exposures are still an important measure of credit
risk as well. Moreover, the size of even the net
unsettled and unmargined positions could result
in substantial exposures if one or more market
To implement this legislation, a variety of regulatory bodies are
reviewing their rulemaking processes, including the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, the Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
Of ce of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Federal Reserve.
For noncleared swaps, the rules have not yet been  nalized.
Additional consultative principles for margin requirements for
non-centrally-cleared derivatives have also been developed by the
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Board of the
International Organization of Securities Commissions.
The months-long exposures prevalent in unsettled MBS trades are
of a different order of duration from the exposures in many OTC
swaps, which may last multiple years in some cases. However, the
same principles and procedures of credit risk management apply,
just as they do in other forward-settling markets, such as those for
Treasury and commodity futures, repos, and securities loans.
Estimate is derived from data published by the Financial
Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).
Estimate is derived from data published by FINRA and the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
participants were to default—raising systemic
3. What Risks Is Margining Meant to Address?
In a security forward transaction, a buyer agrees
to a price at which to purchase a security from
a seller, with settlement designated at some
future point. In the case of agency MBS, that
settlement date is as much as three months
in the future and on average twenty- ve days
For example, a buyer might purchase
$100 million in agency MBS in a TBA transaction,
with settlement scheduled  fteen days in the
future. Until settlement occurs, each party to
the transaction is subject to counterparty credit
risk, owing to changes in the market value of
the securities purchased.
Under standard agency MBS master agree ments,
in the event of a counterparty failure or default
a  rm may terminate all unsettled agency MBS
transactions with the counterparty and calculate
a net loss or gain amount for all unsettled
transactions. To determine the gain or loss, the
nondefaulting  rm may enter into replacement
transactions or rely on indicative quotes or other
evidence of prevailing market prices.
If the seller of the security in our example
above were to fail as an institution after placing
the trade but prior to settlement, the buyer
could choose to purchase the security in the
open market. If, by the time of the failure,
market prices had increased by 5percent, the
buyer’s replacement cost would be $105 million;
if no margin had been posted, the buyer’s loss
Agency MBS trades in the TBA market settle once a month.
According to TRACE data published by FINRA, 70percent of
TBAs trade for the most immediate settlement date, up to one
month forward. Nearly 30percent of TBAs trade for the following
month’s settlement date.
In the case of a purchase, if the market value of the contract
has appreciated, the defaulting counterparty would be obligated
upon termination to reimburse the nondefaulting party for its
loss. In the case of a sale, if the market value of the contract
has depreciated, a defaulting counterparty would be obligated to
reimburse the nondefaulting party for its loss.
would be $5 million. In practice, a  rm would
likely have more than one trade to replace, and
market prices could move much more. In such
a case, the uncollateralized losses for a large
defaulting institution, or a collection of  rms,
could rise to the billions of dollars.
The default of one or more market partici-
pants, especially large ones, on an uncleared
bilateral transaction could result in chaotic
trading. If the  rst party to default had a large
net long or net short position outstanding,
market functioning could deteriorate amid
one-sided trading and price volatility as its
counterparties sought to replace their trades
at the same time. If the  rst party to default
did not have a large net long or net short
position outstanding, one-way trading may
not occur. Nevertheless, in either scenario the
counterparties to the defaulting  rm could
suffer substantial losses if their positions
were not margined. If the losses had or were
perceived to have a destabilizing effect on these
counterparties, there could be a contagion
effect through ex post margin calls, reluctance
to establish new transactions, or redemptions
by investors. While margining of eligible MBS
transactions among MBSD members mitigates
some of this contagion risk, and could provide
a partial  rewall that interrupts a cascade of
defaults, it would not eliminate such risk.
Thus, uncertainty about the unmargined
exposures of  rms and funds could lead to a
rapid liquidity drain, a sudden failure, and a
systemic event. Though not related speci cally
to agency MBS, similar scenarios played out with
collateral runs, margin calls, or redemptions
associated with Bear Stearns and Lehman
Brothers in 2008, Long-Term Capital Management
in 1998, and the Prime Reserve Fund in 2008.
4. How Does Margining Mitigate Risks?
Reducing Counterparty Credit and Systemic Risks
Counterparties in agency MBS trading can
reduce the credit risk inherent in their
forward transactions by exchanging margin. To
implement the margining process, counterparties
typically agree that they will post collateral
when their counterparty’s cost of replacing a
trade is higher than the original price of the
transaction. The margin functions as a buffer,
or cushion, for absorbing losses in case the cost
of replacing the position is higher than that
of the original transaction. As such, margining
can mitigate the risk of cascading institutional
failures and one-sided or chaotic trading and
help preserve market liquidity. This implies
margining can potentially exert a countercyclical
force and increase  nancial stability more
Continuing with our example transaction,
suppose that the seller had posted $2.5 million in
margin to the buyer. If the seller defaults, the buyer
may apply the $2.5 million to defray its $5 million
loss on the canceled trades.
One bene t of
margining is that the nondefaulting party should
have prompt access to collateral to cover its
losses, rather than having to seek reimbursement
of the losses from the defaulting party.
Parameters of Margin Processes
Margin agreements for many  nancial products
require counterparties to post margin on a daily
basis, in an amount equal to any mark-to-market
change in the net value of the unsettled forward
transactions between the parties. This margin
is colloquially known as “variation margin.”
Variation margin is often a symmetrical regime
in the sense that either counterparty may be
obligated to post margin, depending on the
uctuation in the net value of the trade and the
collateral already posted.
See the appendix for other margining examples.
In addition, certain market participants, such
as CCPs, may require “initial margin” to be posted
in order to cover, to a predetermined level of
con dence, the market risk for the estimated
period of time it will take to replace a transaction
that was terminated because of default or failure
to perform by one of the counterparties—a
process that may take a number of days. Where
it applies, the calculation of initial margin is
generally determined by considering the market
value at risk (VAR) over the period necessary
to replace a defaulted trade. Such VAR analyses
often consider the potential for market value
uctuations based on historical price changes,
over a certain time interval and at a speci ed
level of con dence or statistical signi cance.
While margining serves to reduce the risk
of net forward exposures, it does not fully
eliminate such risk. Moreover, while margining
reduces credit risk, it can introduce additional
operational and other risks.
evaluation of margining practices must pay
careful attention not only to how thoroughly
the process reduces counterparty credit risk
or how cost effectively it does so, but also
to the level and nature of operational risk
that the process incurs. Certain parameters
of margining agreements are crucial to these
analyses, including thresholds, minimum transfer
amounts, frequency of deliveries and returns,
acceptable collateral types, and margin triggers.
For example, to reduce the burden associated
with margining, market participants may set
a margining threshold—a level of unsecured
exposure below which counterparties agree
not to exchange any collateral.
participants may set a minimum transfer amount
(MTA), a net change in exposure below which
they agree not to exchange collateral. That is,
Accordingly, some have described margining as a process
that partially converts credit risk into operational and other
risks. See the ISDA’s “Market Review of OTC Derivative Bilateral
Collateralization Practices,” p. 5.
Thresholds are counted as an exposure against which broker-
dealers must hold capital.
even if the threshold is exceeded, collateral is
posted only if the net new collateral transfer is
of suf cient size. For example, if a  rm owed
$80,000 more in collateral than its threshold
level but its MTA was $100,000, it would not
post anything that day.
The frequency at which counterparties
agree to reevaluate their margins and post
collateral is another operational parameter used
to adjust the nature and level of credit and
operational risks in forward transactions.
of the margining parameters should therefore
be carefully considered in order to ensure
appropriate management of counterparty and
operational risks at the  rm level, bearing in
mind that an individual  rm’s risk management
will affect the  nancial stability of the agency
MBS market as a whole.
5. Operational and Legal Issues
To implement margining of agency MBS
transactions, market participants must
address a number of operational and legal
issues, whether they join a CCP or establish
bilateral margin arrangements. While the
margining terms offered by a CCP are
often standardized, the terms of bilateral
margining may be customized in any number
of ways to suit individual relationships and
operational requirements. Nevertheless, all
margining processes should accomplish a
variety of common functions. In general, the
key functions would be measuring forward
exposures, marking open positions, calculating
the margin amount, communicating margin
While market participants sometimes use various market- or
credit-based triggers to initiate or adjust margining requirements,
this approach has several negative consequences. For example,
waiting to margin until a credit or other trigger has already
been breached could leave a  rm open to substantial credit risk.
Further, from a  nancial stability perspective, widespread use
of credit rating triggers is likely to generate procyclical forces,
potentially sending a counterparty into a downward spiral of
accelerating collateral calls. Accordingly, credit-based triggers
are not recommended by groups like the Bank for International
Settlements (BIS). See “The Role of Margin Requirements and
Haircuts in Procyclicality,” BIS, pp. 17-8.
calls to counterparties, and delivering and
receiving collateral.
More speci cally, middle- and back-of ce
resources and systems would be needed to mark
unsettled positions using current and readily
available pricing sources. To determine net
forward exposures would require similar types
of resources to maintain collateral accounts and
monitor balances. If securities were pledged
as collateral, current pricing information and
margin calls would be needed to ensure the
suf ciency of the collateral. Systems and
resources must also be prepared to communicate
and respond to margin calls, reconcile possible
disputes, and manage collateral  ows and
settlement. Finally, while accounting for
margining is a task that a typical  nance area
could handle, these activities may introduce
additional complications. Many of these and
other functions necessary to conduct margining
are similar across asset classes, and the existence
of margining for other forward transactions and
derivatives may reduce the costs associated with
implementing margining for agency MBS.
U.S. broker-dealers are required by regulation
to establish a number of additional operational
controls. For example, they must maintain
records that identify the owner and location
of the securities, and they must issue account
statements to customers on at least a quarterly
basis (as opposed to the requirement that
such statements be sent for a delivery-versus-
payment/receipt-versus-payment repo account
only if there is activity during that period).
Dealers may also be required to evaluate good
control-location status, or the segregation at the
custodial bank or the securities depository of
customer and dealer securities.
As a commercial
matter, customers may put in place comparable
arrangements for segregating dealer collateral.
See SEC Rule 17a3 under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 and National Association of Securities Dealers Rule 2340,
See SEC Rule 15c3-3.
In addition to these operational issues,
implementation of margining would require
participants to put in place written agreements
de ning the terms of their margining practices
with each of a  rm’s uncleared bilateral
counterparties, a process that would likely
take a period of time. Under current law, the
requirements for dealers and investors differ.
For dealers, the 1934 Securities Exchange Act
requires that a written margin agreement be put
in place for each customer from whom margin
may be collected.
For funds registered under
the Investment Company Act of 1940, a tri-
party control agreement among the dealer, the
fund, and the fund’s custodian may be required
in order to post margin. Some investors may
also be required by their bylaws to obtain board
approval for margining. Additionally, investors
may need to execute or amend custodial and tri-
party agreements to cover the margin process as
well as agreements with their asset managers to
process margin on their behalf.
SIFMA’s Master Securities Forward Transaction
Agreement (MSFTA) is currently the only industry
standard template that has been developed for
margining agency MBS forwards. Like the MSFTA,
any written agreement that market participants
employ should re ect the parties’ agreement on
all aspects of the margining regime, including
collateral eligibility, timing and frequency of
margin calls and exchanges, thresholds, valuation
of exposures and collateral, and liquidation.
Written agreements covering agency MBS forwards
will also typically provide (as the MSFTA does)
that unsettled agency MBS transactions with a
counterparty that has defaulted may be canceled
and otherwise liquidated. A net loss or gain
amount may then be calculated for all unsettled
transactions and applied against any margin
posted prior to default by the defaulting party.
See SEC Rule 17a3.
6. The Case for Industry-Driven
Margining Practices
As an industry group dedicated to promoting
best practices, the Treasury Market Practices
Group (TMPG) believes it is appropriate to
proactively support margining practices for
forward-settling transactions, such as agency
MBS, in order to promote the integrity and
ef ciency of the market. The TMPG recognizes
that there are a number of operational and
legal costs to the expanded use of margining.
However, given the sizable portion of the
MBS market that is currently unmargined and
the associated systemic risks, margining can
substantially bene t the agency MBS market
by meaningfully mitigating counterparty
risks associated with unsettled positions and
supporting stability during periods of market
Recall that the margining of agency MBS
is consistent with the broad trend across the
nancial system to increase collateral and capital
to fortify a variety of institutions and markets
against the types of risk realized during the
recent  nancial crisis. Alongside the Dodd-Frank
Act’s requirements for collateralization of swaps,
the Basel III capital accord—which  nancial
institutions are already preparing to implement—
generally calls for greater capital reserves to be
held against a variety of asset classes.
In this context, developing additional
margining practices for agency MBS should not
be substantially more expensive nor otherwise
more dif cult than undertaking efforts to
establish margining for other equally important
markets. In fact, while there are initial start-
up costs to developing and implementing a
margining regime for agency MBS, there may
be some economies of scale to margining across
different markets once  rms establish the
necessary systems and hire appropriate staff.
Furthermore, wider adoption of margining
could promote a “level playing  eld” in the
agency MBS market and thereby improve
liquidity and promote sound risk management
practices. Participants that margin transactions
today incur costs not borne by unmargined
participants. This introduces an asymmetry
that disadvantages  rms that employ margining
as part of sound risk management. Put
another way, participants that do not margin
transactions may gain a competitive advantage
in an unsound way. Market ef ciency can also be
impacted when trading occurs with unmargined
participants, resulting in bid-ask spreads that
are wider than they otherwise would be because
they re ect counterparty credit risk in addition
to other transaction costs. Widespread use of
margining could address both of these issues,
encouraging broader use of sound counterparty
risk management practices and improving market
liquidity for all participants.
Finally, the need to collateralize agency MBS
transactions is also no less urgent than it is
in other markets. The TBA market has yet to
experience the same types of disruptions or to
transmit the same kinds of counterparty risk as
some OTC derivatives markets not adequately
margined in 2008. Yet the TBA market’s sheer
size—outstanding securities of over $5 trillion,
average daily trading volume between customers
and primary dealers of around $100 billion, and
daily forward gross unmargined exposures of
$750 billion to $1.5 trillion—suggests that the
market may pose substantial risks, not only to
individual participants but also to the  nancial
system as a whole.
Accordingly, while agency MBS products may
themselves expose market participants to less
credit risk because they are agency-guaranteed
securities, it is dif cult to argue that trading
in agency MBS exposes participants to less
counterparty credit risk than trading in other
markets, and thus that trading in agency MBS
has less need for risk mitigation. Indeed,
stable and standardized margining practices
could exert a countercyclical force in periods of
nancial market distress by helping to prevent
opportunistic or panic-driven collateral runs,
thereby increasing  nancial stability.
Bank for International Settlements. 2010 “The
Role of Margin Requirements and Haircuts in
Procyclicality.” CGFS Papers, no. 36, March.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
and International Organization of Securities
Commissions. 2012. “Margin Requirements for
Non-Centrally-Cleared Derivatives.” July.
Capel, Jeannette, and Anouk Levels. “Is
Collateral Becoming Scarce? Evidence for the
Euro Area.” DNB Occasional Studies 10, no. 1.
Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation. 2006.
A Central Counterparty for Mortgage-Backed
Securities: Paving the Way.” April.
Duf e, Darrell, Ada Li, and Theo Lubke. 2010.
“Policy Perspectives on OTC Derivatives Market
Infrastructure.” Federal Reserve Bank of
NewYork Staff Reports, no. 424, March.
International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
2005. “Collateral Guidelines.”
____. 2011. “2011 Best Practices for the OTC
Derivatives Collateral Process.” November.
International Swaps and Derivatives Association,
Collateral Steering Committee. 2010.
Market Review of OTC Derivative Bilateral
Collateralization Practices.” March.
International Swaps and Derivatives Association,
Managed Funds Association, and Securities
Industry and Financial Markets Association.
2010. “Independent Amounts.” March.
Treasury Market Practices Group. 2010. “Best
Practices for Treasury, Agency Debt, and
Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Markets.”
September 14.
Vickery, James, and Joshua Wright. 2010.
“TBA Trading and Liquidity in the Agency MBS
Market.” Federal Reserve Bank of New York
StaffReports, no. 468, August.
Example A
On day T, there is a $100 million trade amount
(face value × price) with no existing collateral.
No variation margin is required because there is
no forward exposure.
Example B
On day T+1, the value has gone up one point by
end of day, resulting in a forward exposure for
the counterparty of $1 million. The closing
market value is $101 million. The total margin
required of the dealer is now $1 million,
representing variation margin, so the margin
call is $1million.
Example C
On day T+2, the closing market value drops to
$99 million, resulting in a forward exposure of
$1 million for the dealer. $1 million in collateral
was previously posted by the dealer, so an
excess margin of $2 million is returned by the
Example D
On day T+3, the closing market value drops
further, to $97.5 million, resulting in a forward
exposure for the dealer of $2.5 million. The
total margin required of the counterparty is
$2.5 million, of which $1.0 million in collateral
was posted previously, so only $1.5 million in
additional collateral is required.
The Treasury Market Practices Group (TMPG) is a group of
market professionals committed to supporting the integrity and
ef ciency of the Treasury, agency debt, and agency mortgage-
backed securities markets. The TMPG is composed of senior
business managers and legal and compliance professionals from a
variety of institutions—including securities dealers, banks, buy-
side  rms, market utilities, and others—and is sponsored by the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. More information is available
Appendix: Margining Examples