Peter Fortune
The author is Senior Economist and
Advisor to the Director of Research at
the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He
is grateful to Michelle Barnes, Jeffrey
Fuhrer, and Richard Kopcke for con-
structive comments.
Margin Requirements
Across Equity-Related
Instruments: How Level
Is the Playing Field?
hen interest rates rose sharply in 1994, a number of derivatives-
related failures occurred, prominent among them the bankrupt-
cy of Orange County, California, which had invested heavily in
structured notes called “inverse floaters.”
These events led to vigorous
public discussion about the links between derivative securities and finan-
cial stability, as well as about the potential role of new regulation. In an
effort to clarify the issues, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston sponsored
an educational forum in which the risks and risk management of deriva-
tive securities were discussed by a range of interested parties: academics;
lawmakers and regulators; experts from nonfinancial corporations,
investment and commercial banks, and pension funds; and issuers of
securities. The Bank published a summary of the presentations in
Minehan and Simons (1995).
In the keynote address, Harvard Business School Professor Jay Light
noted that there are at least 11 ways that investors can participate in the
returns on the Standard and Poor’s 500 composite index (see Box 1).
Professor Light pointed out that these alternatives exist because they dif-
fer in a variety of important respects: Some carry higher transaction costs;
others might have higher margin requirements; still others might differ in
tax treatment or in regulatory restraints.
The purpose of the present study is to assess one dimension of those
differences—margin requirements. The adoption of different margin
requirements for otherwise identical risk and reward positions might cre-
ate an uneven playing field that shifts traders and investors from high-
margin to low-margin instruments as they seek greater leverage or lower
carrying costs. This can result in inefficient trading, as when traders pay
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32 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
higher trading costs in order to gain the benefit of
lower margin requirements, and it can reduce the abil-
ity of financial agents to distribute risks in a way that
minimizes financial volatility.
This study focuses on equity-related instruments:
stocks, stock index instruments, stock options, stock
index options, futures on stocks and stock indexes,
and options on those futures. Section I provides back-
ground on these financial instruments and on the mar-
kets in which they are traded. Section II demonstrates
that, in the absence of margin requirements, strategies
using options, futures, and options on futures can
duplicate the returns on a leveraged purchase of
stocks or a stock index. Though these strategies are
shown to be identical in their risks and returns, differ-
ences in margin requirements might create incentives
to prefer one strategy over others.
Section III provides a background for understand-
ing margin requirements in stocks, options, futures,
and futures options. This is essential to the modeling
of margin requirements on each of the replicating port-
folios discussed in Section II. Section IV develops a
model to simulate the values arising from several
identical positions obtained by combinations of stocks
and stock derivatives. The results are then used to
assess, for each of the strategies identified in Section II,
the costs of margin requirements. This allows judg-
ments about the relative effects of differential margin
Our primary conclusion is that the playing field
is more level than a cursory focus on initial margin
requirements might indicate. We find that the costs
associated with margin requirements on equities or
stock indexes—costs embedded in the Federal
Reserve Board’s Regulation T—are essentially fixed
costs: Only in the event of extreme price declines
do maintenance margin calls occur; Regulation T’s
initial margins are typically the sole source of mar-
gin-related trading cost. On the other hand, costs of
margin requirements on derivatives, particularly on
futures contracts, have a low fixed cost component
but are more sensitive to the price of the underlying
security: While maintenance margins on equities
rarely come into play, the practice of requiring varia-
tion margin on derivatives induces highly variable
Box 1
Eleven Ways to Buy the S&P 500 Index
Purchase every one of the 500 stocks in the index;
Buy one of a number of futures contracts trading
on the S&P 500;
Negotiate a forward contract on the index with a
private intermediary, such as an investment bank;
Buy a call option on the S&P 500, which would
allow one to capture the capital gains on the S&P
500, should prices rise;
Buy the 500 stocks in the index and a put option,
yielding the same result as buying a call option,
namely, ensuring against a drop in the price of the
index while allowing one to benefit from a rise in
its price;
Buy a bond convertible into the S&P 500 at face
Buy from a Wall Street dealer a structured note
with an interest rate tied to the return on the S&P 500;
Buy from a bank an equity-linked Certificate of
Deposit that would pay a guaranteed minimum
rate, but if the S&P 500 increased over a certain
level, the interest rate would be tied to that increase;
Buy a Guaranteed Investment Contract with the
same linkage from a life insurance company;
Enter into an equity swap where one would pay a
floating interest rate (usually the London Interbank
Offered Rate, known as LIBOR) and receive the rate
of return on the S&P 500; or
Buy a unit investment trust that holds the S&P
500; an example is a SPDR, traded on the American
Stock Exchange.
Source: Professor Jay Light, as quoted in Minehan and Simons
(1995), p. 6.
These notes paid an interest rate that fell when the general
level of interest rates increased, exposing the county to revenue
shortfalls that threatened its ability to meet its obligations, as well as
to capital losses on the notes.
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 33
In short, players in the different markets might
not select their instruments on the basis of initial mar-
gins, and the differences in average costs, though sig-
nificant, might not be the primary reason to choose
one instrument over others. Rather, investors and
traders might be motivated by a choice between fixed
and variable margin costs: Risk-tolerant investors
choose instruments with high variable and low fixed
costs, such as futures or options, while less risk-toler-
ant investors select instruments with low variable but
high fixed costs. Rather than the playing field being
uneven, each instrument might be traded on a differ-
ent playing field.
Caveats are in order. This study does not address
the effects of other factors affecting an investor’s deci-
sion about which markets to use to achieve a path of
financial returns; among these other factors are com-
missions and fees, taxes, and regulatory or legal
restrictions. It is also based on a small subset of equity-
related instruments traded on registered exchanges;
over-the-counter (OTC) instruments, which have no
standardized margin-related costs, are not considered.
Finally, the analysis is based on simulations of prices
following standard pricing models with random
return-generating processes. While this incorporates
known aspects of the probability distribution of
returns on common stocks, the results cannot be gen-
eralized to specific portfolios in specific periods, nor
can they be applied to conditions of extreme financial
duress, during which probability distributions might
be different from the norm.
I. Equity-Related Financial Instruments
According to Ritchken (1987), organized trading
in stock options began in London in the eighteenth
century. By the late eighteenth century, option trading
had spread to the United States. Though tainted by
abuses, such as investors granting call options to bro-
kers who would recommend their stocks, the market
remained unregulated until the broad securities regu-
lation of the 1930s. Among the important legislative
actions was the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Act of
1934), which formed the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) and authorized it to oversee
exchanges and broker-dealers trading stock and stock
options. The Act of 1934 also gave the Federal Reserve
Board the authority to set margin requirements on a
broad range of financial instruments.
Prior to 1973, the market for put and call options
on common stocks was an OTC market conducted by
dealers belonging to the Put and Call Dealers
Association. Because options contracts were written
directly between buyer and seller, counterparty risk
(the risk that the other party would fail to perform)
was high. And because the contracts were not stan-
dardized, they were illiquid and not easily resold. To
remedy these problems, the Chicago Board Options
Exchange (CBOE) was formed in 1973 to trade equity
options (options on individual stocks). The CBOE pro-
vided standardized contracts and established a clear-
inghouse that guaranteed the performance of con-
tracts, thereby shifting the counterparty risk from the
buyer and seller to clearinghouse members. These
innovations mitigated counterparty risk and enhanced
liquidity by allowing exchange-traded options posi-
tions to be easily reversed by offsetting trades: A hold-
er (writer) of a standardized call option could sell
(buy) an identical call option, thereby neutralizing his
position. The counterparty risk taken by the CBOE
clearinghouse led it to establish initial and mainte-
nance margin requirements to protect itself from fail-
ure of its clearing members.
In 1982, the CBOE initiated trading in put and call
options on the S&P 100 stock index option, the first
stock index option traded in the United States. In 1993,
the CBOE began trading S&P 500 Depository Receipts
(“Spiders”), the first Exchange Traded Fund (ETF),
and options on Spiders. A popular way to mimic the
S&P 500 index, Spiders differ from open-end mutual
funds, such as Vanguard’s S&P 500 Index Fund, in sev-
eral important ways: They (and other ETFs) are traded
continuously throughout the day, they can be sold
short, and they can sell at a premium or discount to net
asset value.
Both equity options and options on ETFs, which
trade like stocks, are American-style, meaning that
they can be exercised at any time up to the expiration
date. Stock index options are typically European-
style, so they can be exercised only on their expira-
tion day. For example, both European-style S&P 500
stock index options and American-style ETF options
on Spiders are currently traded. Each S&P 500 stock
index option contract (and each Spider option) is for
100 units of the S&P 500, and it expires on the third
Friday of the delivery month. On June 13, 2003, the
CBOE’s S&P 500 stock index option contracts traded
with delivery months of June, September, December,
and March. Strike prices ranged from 500 to 1700. At
The premium or discount is kept small by arbitrage. If, say, a
discount emerges, a trader can buy the S&P 500 stocks and convert
them into Spiders, thereby increasing the price of the underlying
stocks and reducing the price of the Spiders.
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34 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
the close of trading, the S&P 500 index was 988.61,
and the premium on the 995 September call option
was $35.00. Thus, one contract could be purchased
for $3,500 (= 100 times $35.00). If, say, the S&P 500
index closed at 1015 on the third Friday of
September, the holder of a Spider call option could
pay $99,500 (= 100 times $995) to take delivery of 100
units of S&P 500 worth $101,500 (= 100 times $1,015).
The sum of the gain on the option ($2,000) less the
premium paid ($3,500) yields a net loss of $1,500. The
loss, while regrettable, is smaller than the loss that
would have been experienced if the options had
expired unexercised.
Like options, forward contracts have existed in
the commodities markets for centuries. Forward con-
tracts are customized OTC agreements between two
parties. Like OTC options, they are not standardized,
are difficult to resell, and can carry significant counter-
party risk. The introduction of stock index futures con-
tracts in 1982 was an innovation on a par with the
development of exchange-traded equity and stock
index options. Unlike forward contracts, stock index
futures contracts are standardized instruments, traded
on organized exchanges and cleared through clearing-
houses that guarantee performance. Futures contracts
have less counterparty risk because of the clearing-
house guarantee, and, unlike forward contracts, which
typically involve no payments until they are exercised,
futures contracts require regular collection of “varia-
tion” margin to protect the clearinghouse. Stock index
futures contracts are now traded on the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange (CME), the Chicago Board of
Trade (CBOT), the Kansas City Board of Trade
(KCBOT), and the New York Financial Exchange
Until recently, futures and futures options on indi-
vidual stocks (so-called “single-stock” futures) were
prohibited. In November 2002, after two years of dis-
cussion, single-stock futures began trading on two
exchanges: OneChicago, a joint venture of the CME,
CBOT, and CBOE; and Nasdaq-LIFFE, a joint venture
of Nasdaq and the London International Financial
Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE). Nasdaq-LIFFE
initiated trading of futures on ten individual stocks
and on four ETFs.
OneChicago began by trading in
futures on 21 individual stocks, four of which were
also traded on Nasdaq-LIFFE.
A futures contract requires the seller to deliver the
underlying instrument at the futures price set at the
time of the contract. For example, one Russell 2000
contract traded on the CME has a notional value of
$500 times the Russell 2000 index; at the June 13 clos-
ing index of 449.71, the notional value of one contract
was, therefore, $224,855. The June 13 settlement price
(closing price) for the September contract, expiring on
the third Friday of September, was 450.75. Thus, the
buyer of one September contract at the June 13 settle-
ment price agreed to pay $225,375 (= 500 times
$450.75) to take delivery of 500 units of the Russell
2000 on the third Friday of September. If the Russell
2000 was higher than 450.75 on that date, say, at 455,
he would make a profit on the marked-up futures con-
tract, paying 450.75 for a contract worth 455; the profit
to the holder, and loss to the seller, would be $2,125 [=
500 x ($455 – $450.75)].
In 1982, the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) allowed exchanges to trade
options on any futures contract they traded.
Exercisable at any time before expiration, hence
American-style, an option on financial futures
involves delivery of one specific futures contract at the
exercise date. Options on futures expire at the same
time the underlying futures contract expires, the third
Friday of the futures delivery month. On June 13, 2003,
a 1040 September call option on the September S&P
500 futures contract had a premium of $16.70, or $4,175
per contract (= 250 times $16.70). If, say, at the end of
July, the call option had been exercised, the holder
would have paid $260,000 (= 250 x $1,040) for a
September S&P 500 futures contract. If the S&P 500 at
that time had been 1050, the futures contract received
would have been worth $262,500. The profit on the
option ($2,500) partly defrays the $4,175 premium
paid for the option, leaving a net cost of $1,675. If the
futures contract is held after it is delivered, there are
additional gains or losses as the contract is marked to
market each half-day.
Contracts on stock and stock index options have
been regulated by the SEC since its formation under
the Act of 1934. After the Commodities Futures
Trading Commission Act created the CFTC in 1974,
a number of jurisdictional disputes arose between
the SEC and the CFTC. These culminated in a 1981
agreement that the SEC would continue to regulate
cash market products, like equity and stock index
options, while futures and options on futures would
be regulated by the CFTC. That agreement is still
in effect.
The ten individual stocks were Chevron Texaco, Exxon
Mobil, Ford Motor, General Electric, General Motors, Honeywell,
IBM, Intel, Microsoft, and Oracle. The four ETFs were the Nasdaq-
100 tracking stock and contracts on the Russell 1000, Russell 2000,
and Russell 3000 stock indexes.
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 35
II. Derivative Instruments and Replicating
We now show that several strategies, called
“replicating portfolios,” can be designed using stocks
and their derivative securities. Each of these portfolios
uses different instruments to achieve identical risks
and returns. Each is constructed to be costless, requir-
ing no initial cash payments at the outset. Having
shown that there are several strategies to construct
portfolios with identical financial rewards and risks,
using cash instruments, futures instruments, or deriv-
atives, we next introduce margin requirements as a
cash obligation. We then consider the effects of these
requirements on the costs of each replicating portfolio.
Variables and formulas are denoted by bold-faced
Consider an investor who structures a portfolio
that will be liquidated at future time T. She can invest
in common stock or a stock index, in a futures contract
on the stock or stock index, in a call or put option on a
futures contract on the stock or stock index, or in an
option on the stock or stock index. A purchase at price
S of common stock, of a stock index, or of an ETF can
be financed by a margin loan in amount D; this is a
“leveraged purchase of common stock.” Interest on the
margin loan, at rate r, accumulates until the debt is
repaid at time T. After T periods (“days”) have passed,
the value of the stock is S
, the margin loan repayment
is D(1+r)
, and S
– D(1+r)
is the profit or loss.
Suppose now that no margin is required: The investor
can borrow the full amount of the stock or stock index,
that is, D = S, and the fully leveraged purchase is said
to be “costless” because it requires no initial cash out-
lay. The terminal value of the fully leveraged purchase,
sans margin requirements, is S
– S(1+r)
This fully leveraged purchase can be replicated by
the use of European-style options on the same under-
lying security. Purchase of a call option with strike
price X at premium C, combined with simultaneous
sale of a put option with the same strike price at pre-
mium P, will have a profit of S
– [X + (C-P)(1+r)
] at
the end of T periods. The cost in brackets is the strike
price plus the accumulated value at T of the income
foregone from the initial net premium paid. The put-
call parity theorem, a well-known theorem of option
finance, states that the call and put premiums will be
equal when the option strike price is selected to be X =
. For an option with this strike price, the option
strategy is costless (C = P), and the value at time T is
– S(1+r)
. This strategy has the same initial cash
outlay and terminal value as the leveraged purchase. It
is, therefore, a replicating portfolio, identical to the
leveraged purchase.
Yet another strategy that replicates the fully lever-
aged purchase (and the stock option strategy) is to buy
a futures contract that expires after T periods. The
futures price at the time the contract is made is F dol-
lars. Because a futures contract is an agreement to
make an exchange in the future, not a purchase or sale
requiring a cash outlay, the futures contract, excluding
margin requirements, is, like the fully leveraged stock
purchase, costless at the outset. After T periods, it will
be worth S
– F. But index arbitrage
by profit-seeking
arbitrageurs will ensure that the futures price will be
F = S(1+r)
, so the final value of the futures contract is
– S(1+r)
, identical to the value of the fully lever-
aged investment in common stock.
The final replicating portfolio we consider is pur-
chase of a futures call option with strike price X =
, paying premium C, combined with simultane-
ous sale of a put option on the same futures contract at
the same strike price and at premium P; the initial cash
outlay is C-P, and the cost at T is (C-P)(1+r)
. Because
one of the options will be exercised—either the put or
the call will expire in the money—the value of this
combination will be F
at the expiration of the options.
This must be equal to the cash stock price, S
, at that
date, so the net profit will be S
– [X + (C-P)(1+r)
Setting the strike price at X = S(1+r)
, and invoking the
put-call parity theorem to ensure that C = P, the termi-
nal value is S
– S(1+r)
Once again, this is identical
to the value at T of the fully leveraged purchase.
Thus, financial theory suggests that with four
instruments (stock, futures, options on stocks, and
options on futures), there are four equivalent strate-
gies for achieving a final position equivalent to a lever-
aged purchase of common stocks. However, margin
requirements will create differences in the attractive-
ness of these replicating portfolios. Before explicitly
Investors can buy the stock in the cash market for S dollars.
The opportunity cost at time T will be S(1+r)
. Alternatively, they
can buy a futures contract for F dollars. Both will be worth S
at time
T, and each has the same risk arising from the stock’s price volatili-
ty. Thus, the equality F = S(1+r)
is the equilibrium relationship
between the futures and the cash price of the stock. If, for example,
the stock price is too low and the futures price too high, the first
investment (purchase stock) will be more profitable than the second
investment (purchase a futures contract), and investors will buy
stocks and sell futures contracts until the equality is restored.
If option holders exercise options early, the pricing relation-
ships on which our analysis rests will not be exact: An option that
can be exercised early might have a value greater than a European
option. However, this possibility is not likely to dramatically alter
our results. Early exercise of options is typically associated with
options that are deep in-the-money or for which the underlying
asset pays a cash dividend at specific intervals.
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36 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
modeling the effect of margin requirements, we review
their nature and history.
III. Margin Requirements for Equity-Related
The function of a “margin requirement” varies
according to the security bought or held. In equity
markets, where broker-dealers or other financial insti-
tutions lend money to customers for purchasing or
holding common stocks, margin requirements rest on
four philosophical legs. The first, lender protection, is to
ensure that the broker-dealer’s loan is repaid, mitigat-
ing systemic problems arising from broker-dealer fail-
ures. The second, investor protection, is to limit the abil-
ity of investors or traders to expose themselves to
excessive risk through the leverage allowed by bor-
rowed funds. The third, market protection, is to enhance
market stability by providing an equity cushion that
reduces the probability of margin calls, mitigating
forced sales in times of falling prices, and raises the
cash cost of purchasing stocks, inhibiting overly opti-
mistic buyers in times of rising prices. The fourth, cred-
it allocation, arises from a concern about the potential
diversion of credit from legitimate business uses to
speculative activity.
But for derivative securities there is no explicit
loan to be protected. Furthermore, protecting investors
from themselves and enhancing stability of the market
for the underlying security are distinctly secondary
considerations. Rather, as noted above, the primary
purpose of margin requirements on derivatives is to
provide a performance bond, protecting each party
from the costs of the counterparty’s failure to complete
the contractual obligation. For example, the writer
(seller) of a call option on common stock has the obli-
gation to deliver the specified number of shares (typi-
cally 100 shares per option contract) if the buyer exer-
cises the option. Should the writer fail to deliver on
time, the buyer will have overpaid for the option and
will not receive the benefit of the hedging or other
strategy that motivated the purchase.
Margin requirements have several key character-
istics: (1) the initial margin, the minimum equity
required at the time a position is taken; (2) the mainte-
nance margin, the minimum equity to be maintained
during the time a position is open; (3) the variation mar-
gin, the additional margin required, or release of mar-
gin allowed, as prices of underlying securities change;
(4) the settlement period, the interval between times
when the value of the account is updated and calls for
additional margin are issued; (5) the payment period,
the time allowed for initial or additional margin to be
posted to the account; and (6) the acceptable collateral,
the collateral that can be used to meet initial or mainte-
nance margin calls. We consider each of these charac-
teristics in the equity, options, and futures markets.
Our focus is on the rules that apply in the New York
Stock Exchange (NYSE), the Chicago Board Options
Exchange (CBOE), and the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange (CME). Standards set at other exchanges
typically mirror standards at these major exchanges.
Minimum margin requirements set by the exchanges
are subject to approval by the appropriate regulatory
agency—the Securities and Exchange Commission for
stocks and stock options, and the Commodities
Futures Trading Commission for futures and futures
A distinction is often made between “strategy-
based” and “portfolio-based” margin systems.
Strategy-based margin systems consist of fixed rules,
often independent of the precise characteristics of an
account, such as its volatility or asset structure. To the
extent that strategy-based systems recognize combina-
tions of securities, they do so by applying fixed rules
for “offsets” in defined combinations. Thus,
Regulation T’s requirement that the margin be no less
than 50 percent of the value of common stock is strate-
gy-based, as is the CBOE’s rule that the margin
required of a covered call option be equal to 50 percent
of the value of the underlying stock. Strategy-based
margin systems are typically set at the federal or
exchange levels.
Portfolio-based margin systems set margin
requirements by simulating the value of the account
over a pre-set interval of time, using the asset alloca-
tion, volatility, and price characteristics specific to the
customer’s account. Margin requirements are then set
to avoid all but worst-case outcomes. Portfolio-based
margin systems are typically used by broker-dealers
and clearinghouses. Regulatory agencies are in the
process of reducing reliance on strategy-based systems
and focusing their efforts on evaluation and monitor-
ing of portfolio-based systems implemented by
exchanges and clearinghouses. We will discuss portfo-
lio-based margining below, when we address margin
requirements at clearinghouses.
Margin Requirements for Common Stocks
Margin requirements for common stocks are set at
three levels. First, “federal margin requirements” are
embodied in the Federal Reserve System’s Regulation
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 37
T, for broker-dealer loans, and Regulation U, for loans
by bank and nonbank institutions. These regulations
have been discussed recently in this Review (Fortune
2000 and 2002). Regulation T specifies those stocks and
equity-related instruments that are marginable, that is,
that have loan value, and it sets their margin require-
ments. The current margin requirements are shown in
Table 1.
An investor purchasing, say, $100,000 of common
stock, can borrow no more than 50 percent of the pur-
chase price, or $50,000; the equity (or “margin”)
required is, therefore, $50,000. The investor who sells
$100,000 of common stock short must place the pro-
ceeds with the lender of the stock as collateral and
must also have equity of $50,000 in his account. Thus,
the effective margin for a short seller is 150 percent of
the initial value of the position.
The purpose of the
margin for a loan to buy stock is to protect the broker
as a lender of cash; the purpose in a short sale is to pro-
tect the broker as a lender of securities.
Regulation T requires that initial margin be post-
ed within one “payment period” of the trade, defined
as the number of business days in the “standard settle-
ment cycle” plus two days. Because the standard set-
tlement for common stocks is three days, the payment
period for common stocks is five days. Initial margin
can be in the form of cash, exempt securities (such as
U.S. Treasury or municipal bonds), margin securities,
or a transfer from the Special Memorandum Account,
or SMA (see Fortune 2000).
Only the loan value of a
margin security can be used to meet margin calls, so if
an investor wants to deposit, say, $10,000 in shares of
margin stock to meet a federal margin call, only 50 per-
cent, or $5,000, can be used to meet the call.
Under Regulation T, the Federal Reserve Board
has the authority to set maintenance margin require-
ments for equities. However, the Board has delegated
this authority to the exchanges on which the stocks are
traded, subject to the SEC’s approval of the exchange
as a Self Regulatory Organization (SRO). Positions in
margin accounts are marked to the market at the end
of each day, at which time calculations for federal mar-
gin excess or deficiency are made: A federal margin
deficiency arises when the account’s margin is less
than the margin required by Regulation T. No federal
margin calls are issued if a federal margin deficiency
exists, but margin-deficient accounts are “restricted”
until the margin is restored to the initial level required
by Regulation T.
Table 1
Margin Requirements for Single-Equity Securities
Margin Margin
Security Type Exchange (Speculator) (Hedger, et al.)
Main- Main-
Initial tenance Initial tenance
Single Stocks New York Stock Exchange 50%
American Stock Exchange 50%
Nasdaq 50%
Single Stock American Stock Exchange See Table 2 See Table 2 See Table 2 See Table 2
Options (AMEX, CBOE)
Single Stock OneChicago 20%
Futures (CME)
Source: Federal Reserve System, New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Options Exchange, OneChicago, Nasdaq-LIFFE, Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, Wall Street Journal.
Percent of value, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Regulation T.
Percent of value, New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and Nasdaq.
Percent of value, OneChicago (joint venture of Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Chicago Board of Trade, and Chicago Board Options Exchange).
Brokers typically require collateral of 102 percent of the value
of securities they lend, thus raising the effective margin required for
a common stock short sale to 152 percent.
The SMA is a margin account’s record of cash deposits and of
transfers of excess margin from the margin account. With some
restrictions, SMA balances can be used to satisfy margin calls.
Owners of restricted accounts cannot withdraw funds or sub-
stitute securities if this would further increase the margin deficiency.
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38 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
The exchanges on which the stock is traded set
“exchange” margin requirements.
Currently, the
exchange margin requirements for common stock
traded on the New York Stock Exchange, the American
Stock Exchange, and Nasdaq are uniform: NYSE Rule
431 and NASD Rule 2520 require maintenance margin
of at least 25 percent of the value of stock held long
and 30 percent of the value of stock sold short. Specific
hedged positions are subject to different requirements.
For example, stocks sold short against the box (a long
position offset by a short position) must maintain mar-
gin equal to 5 percent of the long position. The settle-
ment period for exchange margins is daily, that is, the
value of, and margin in, an account are computed at
the close of trading, and any margin calls are immedi-
ately issued. Rule 431 requires satisfaction of exchange
margin calls within 15 days. The collateral allowed by
NYSE is that allowed by Regulation T: Margin calls
can be satisfied by deposit of cash, exempted securi-
ties, or margin securities, or by a transfer from the
SMA. Again, only the loan value of securities can be
used to meet a margin call. For example, with an
exchange margin of 25 percent, only 75 percent of the
deposit of margin stock can be used to meet an
exchange margin call.
Brokers also set “house” margin requirements
using portfolio-based margin systems. House margins
can be no lower, and are often higher, than exchange
margin requirements. Recent indications suggest that
house margin requirements have typically been 35
percent of the value of margin securities, although
during the stock market bubble of the late 1990s some
brokers set house margin requirements on specific
classes of stock as high as 100 percent (no loan value).
While stock exchange rules require that margin calls
must be met within 15 days, brokers rarely allow that
much time: House margin calls are rarely outstanding
for more than five business days,
and brokers can
require immediate payment or unilaterally liquidate
under-margined positions at their discretion. Variation
margin is not mandated by federal, exchange, or house
margin requirements. Thus, daily price fluctuations do
not give rise to margin calls unless the margin falls
below the level required by the house or by the
Transactions in common stocks and many other
securities are cleared through the Depository Trust
and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), created by a recent
merger of the National Security Clearing Corporation
(NSCC), which provided clearing and settlement serv-
ices, and the Depository Trust Corporation (DTC),
which maintains the electronic registry of stock owner-
ship. While DTCC has membership criteria and uses
capital standards and other methods of ensuring that
its members make the payments that transactions
require, it does not set margin requirements for com-
mon stocks.
Margin Requirements for Equity or
Equity Index Options
Once the terms of, and parties to, a trade are veri-
fied, the obligation to deliver and make payment for
option contracts is assumed by the clearinghouse. In
the case of exchange-traded equity options, all clearing
is done by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC).
The OCC establishes margin requirements to ensure
that the risk it acquires from performance guarantees
is minimal.
The options exchanges establish both initial and
maintenance margin requirements, specify the pay-
ment period within which margin must be paid, and
dictate the instruments that are acceptable for satisfac-
tion of margin requirements. The CBOE’s Rule 12.2
follows the federal and exchange standards for com-
mon stock payment periods by specifying that initial
margin must be obtained as promptly as possible but
no later than five days after the trade, and that mainte-
nance margin must be obtained as promptly as possi-
ble but within 15 days of the margin deficiency. The
CBOE requires that option contracts be marked to
market daily: At the end of each trading day, margin
surplus or deficiency is calculated, and margin calls
are issued by 7:00 a.m. the following day. Margin calls
must be satisfied by 9:00 a.m. unless a waiver is grant-
ed. Margin can be paid in cash or in “cash equivalents”
as defined in Regulation T’s section 220.2: U.S.
Treasury securities, negotiable bank CDs, bankers
acceptances issued by U.S. banks and payable in the
United States, and money market mutual funds.
Table 2 shows the CBOE’s minimum margin
requirements for naked options—options that are not
used as hedges or in combination with other options—
as well as for several option spreads and combina-
tions. For example, under CBOE Rule 12.3, the buyer
of a CBOE-listed option less than nine months to expi-
Exchanges also have the authority to set initial margin
requirements if they do not violate the requirements of Regulation T.
This authority is rarely used, although there are some prominent
examples of exchanges setting 100 percent initial margins for some
highly volatile stocks.
The SEC’s Rule 15c3-1 requires a charge against a broker-
dealer’s net capital for margin calls outstanding for more than five
days. This discourages brokers from extending calls beyond that
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 39
ration must pay in full, and the seller (writer) of a
naked equity option must satisfy an initial margin
requirement equal to the option sale’s proceeds plus
the greater of (a) 10 percent of the value of the under-
lying securities, or (b) 20 percent of the value of the
underlying security less the amount by which the con-
tract is out-of-the-money.
The initial margin require-
ment formula must be maintained throughout the life
of the contract; hence all gains and losses give rise to
variation margin so that, for example, the naked call
option writer must maintain margin equal to the
option’s premium plus the greater of (a) 10 percent of
the underlying security value, or (b) 20 percent of
the underlying security value less the amount out-of-
Options written in combination with other
options or underlying securities have lower margin
Table 2
Margin Requirements for Listed Equity-Related Options
Chicago Board Options Exchange
Position Security Margin Requirement
Naked Option: Equity Initial: 100% of premium (75% if expiration > 9 months)
Long Put or Long Call Broad Index Maintenance: None
Narrow Index
Naked Option: Broad Index Initial: 100% of premium + 15% of underlying value (if broad index) or 20% of
Short Put or Short Call Narrow Index underlying value (if equity or narrow index) – amount out of the money
(any expiration) Equity Maintenance: Equal to initial
Covered Call: Broad Index Initial: No requirement on short call; 50% on long stock (Reg T)
Short Call + Long Stock Narrow Index Maintenance: No requirement on short call; 25% on long stock (NYSE)
Long Straddle: Broad Index Initial: 100% (75% if > 9 months) of premiums on both options
Long Put and Long Call
Narrow Index Maintenance: None
(equal strike prices) Equity
Short Straddle: Broad Index Initial: Greater of short put or short call requirement + 100% of premium
Short Put and Short Call
Narrow Index on other side
(equal strike prices) Equity Maintenance: Equal to initial
If short option expires at or before long option:
Initial: long paid in full (short proceeds can apply) + (1) difference between
Call Spread: long call and short call strikes, if positive; or (2) difference between
Long Call + Short Call Broad Index short put and long put strikes, if positive
Narrow Index
Put Spread: Equity
Long Put + Short Put If short option expires after long option:
Initial: long paid in full (short proceeds can apply) + margin required for
naked short option
Maintenance: Equal to initial
Collar: Equity Initial: Put premium + 50% of underlying value (Reg T)
Long Put + Short Call Broad Index Maintenance: Lower of (1) 25% of call strike, or (2) 10% of put strike + amount
+ Long Stock Narrow Index put is out of the money
(put strike < stock < call strike)
Source: Chicago Board Options Exchange Margin Manual, April 2000; Chicago Board Options Exchange Constitution and Rules, March 2001.
Minimum margin is option proceeds + (a) 10% of underlying security value if a call, or (b) 10% of strike price if a put.
If index, underlying index and index multiplier are same; if equity, same stock underlies both.
Applies if underlying security is the same for both options.
If the option written is a put, the requirement is sales pro-
ceeds plus the greater of (a) 10 percent of the strike price, or (b) 20
percent of the underlying value less the out-of-money amount.
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40 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
requirements. For example, writers of covered call
options, in which a call option is written while the
underlying stock is held, face only the Regulation T
and exchange requirements for the long stock position:
an initial margin of 50 percent of the value of the stock,
as set in Regulation T, and 25 percent of the value, as
set by the NYSE and other exchanges.
Margin in the Futures Markets
The CME and the CBOT have developed a com-
mon margin system for index futures and futures
options. As discussed above, until recently CFTC regu-
lations limited equity-related futures and futures
options to stock index contracts, such as the S&P 500.
In November 2002, trading in “single stock futures”
began. This includes trading in ETFs. Single stock
futures and futures options are traded on OneChicago,
a joint venture of CME, the CBOE, and the CBOT, or
on Nasdaq-LIFFE. The CME minimum margin
requirements are reported in Table 3. OneChicago’s
margin requirements for single stock contracts are
reported in Table 1.
Orders for futures and futures options are
processed through firms called Futures Commission
Merchants (FCMs), which act as the equivalent of
stock brokerage firms. Many FCMs are members of the
clearinghouse for the exchange on which they trade.
FCMs that are not clearing members must clear their
trades through a clearing member.
As in the options market, there is no explicit credit
risk, but each party faces the risk that the other party will
fail to deliver or accept delivery of the underlying secu-
rity. At the CME and CBOT, an initial margin require-
ment, called “original margin,” is set to assure perform-
ance. Original margin is higher for “speculators” than
for “other” customers (hedgers, specialists, and market
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT), on
the other hand, does not currently have different
requirements for “speculators” than for “others.”
At the CME and CBOT, maintenance margin
requirements for both “speculators” and others are set
at the original margin required of others. Thus, specu-
lators’ excess original margins can be lost before main-
tenance margins come into play, while “others” must
meet margin calls for any losses. Maintenance margin
is obtained through collection of variation margin at
least twice a day. At the end of each day, an FCM’s
accounts are marked to market, and any gains or loss-
es since the previous mark-to-market are recorded. By
6:40 a.m. the following day these gains and losses are
reflected in calculations of “settlement variation,” after
which the CME instructs settlement banks to credit
gains to the FCM or to collect variation margin. At
11:15 a.m., positions are marked to market again, and a
mid-day variation margin is paid or collected at 2:00
p.m. Thus, margin positions are restored to the “other”
original margin level at least twice a day. Margin at the
“other” level is maintained at the exchange clearing-
houses, while the excess required of speculators is typ-
ically kept by the FCM. For example, for a futures con-
tract on the Russell 1000, the CME requires an original
margin of $4,250 for speculators and $3,400 for others.
The maintenance margin for both is set at the initial
“other” level ($3,400), and variation margin is collect-
ed at least twice a day to ensure that this is done. The
$3,400 maintenance margin is kept at the CME clear-
inghouse. If the trader is a speculator, the excess initial
margin, $850, is kept at the FCM.
In contrast to requirements for stocks, stock
options, and single-security futures, margin require-
ments for stock index futures are stated in absolute
dollars. Thus, the percent of margin required will vary
inversely with the stock index. For example, as noted
above, a contract on the Russell 1000 at the CME must
have original margin of $4,250 for speculators. If the
Russell 1000 index is 525, the notional value of a
futures contract is $262,500 ($500 times the index), and
the speculator’s original margin requirement is 1.6
percent of the value of a contract. But if the index rises
to 600, the margin required is 1.4 percent of the con-
tract value.
Clearinghouses collect margins from member
FCMs on either a gross margin or a net margin basis:
Gross margining is used at the CME, CBOT, and
NYBOT; net margining at other exchanges. Gross mar-
gin means that margin is collected on both short and
long positions; net margin means collection only on
net (long minus short) positions. For example, if a non-
speculator at an FCM is long 1000 S&P 500 futures con-
tracts, and another non-speculator at that FCM is short
900 S&P 500 contracts, the FCM’s net position is 100
long contracts, and its gross position is 1900 contracts.
At the minimum CME gross margin requirement of
$14,250 per S&P 500 contract, the FCM would collect
margin of $27,075,000 (= $14,250 x 1900). If net margin
is used, the margin deposited by the FCM would be
only $1,425,000.
There has been some debate over the possibility
that traders at exchanges using net margin systems are
The distinction among customers is similar to the practice in
the stock market, where Regulation T exempts market makers and
other specialists from the requirements that public customers face,
requiring only that lenders maintain “good faith” margins.
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 41
advantaged relative to those at gross margin
exchanges. The argument is that traders will shift to
exchanges using net margin systems because smaller
clearinghouse margins are required. However, Rutz
(1989) discounts this, noting that commodities regula-
tions require FCMs to collect margins on gross posi-
Aclearinghouse using net margin does not
Table 3
Margin Requirements for Equity Index Securities
Security Traded Margin Margin
Security Type Exchange [Symbol or Multiple
] (Speculator) (“Other”)
Main- Main-
Initial tenance Initial tenance
Exchange Traded American Stock Exchange Dow Jones Indl [DIA] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Funds (AMEX) Nasdaq 100 [QQQ] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Russell 1000 (iShares) [IWB] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Russell 2000 (iShares) [IWM] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Russell 3000 (iShares) [IWV] 50% 25% 50% 25%
S&P 500 [SPY] 50% 25% 50% 25%
S&P 500 (iShares) [IVV] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Chicago Board Options Exchange Nasdaq 100 [QQQ] 50% 25% 50% 25%
(CBOE) S&P 100 (iShares) [OEF] 50% 25% 50% 25%
S&P 500 [SPY] 50% 25% 50% 25%
Index Options Chicago Board Options Exchange Dow Jones Indl [DJX] Table 2 Table 2 Table 2 Table 2
(CBOE) (broad) (broad) (broad) (broad)
Nasdaq 100 [NDX]
Russell 2000 [RUT]
S&P 100 [OEX, XEO]
S&P 500 [SPX]
Index Futures
Chicago Board of Trade Dow Jones Indl [$10 x Indx] $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Nasdaq 100 [$100 x Indx] $11,250 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000
(CME) Nikkei 225 [$ 5 x Indx] $ 6,250 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000
Russell 1000 [$500 x Indx] $ 4,250 $ 3,400 $ 3,400 $ 3,400
Russell 2000 [$500 x Indx] $15,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000
S&P 500 [$250 x Indx] $17,813 $14,250 $14,250 $14,250
New York Financial Exchange NYSE Comp [$500 x Indx] $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
(NYFE) Russell 1000 [$500 x Indx] $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Index Futures Chicago Board of Trade Dow Jones Indl [$100 x Prem] Table 2 Table 2 Table 2 Table 2
Options (CBOT) (broad) (broad) (broad) (broad)
Chicago Mercantile Exchange Nasdaq 100 [$100 x Prem]
(CME) Russell 1000 [$500 x Prem]
Russell 2000 [$500 x Prem]
S&P 500 [$250 x Prem]
New York Financial Exchange NYSE Comp [$500 x Prem]
Source: Data obtained from each exchange.
For futures and futures options the contract value is determined by a multiple of the underlying stock index or the future option premium.
In September 2003, initial margins for index futures, as a percent of cash index level, were as follows: S&P 500: speculator = 6.9%, other = 5.5%;
Nasdaq: speculator = 8.1%, other = 6.5%; Russell 2000: speculator = 5.8%, other = 4.7%.
Section 1.58 of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Act of 1974, Title 17, Chapter 1, of the Code of Federal Regulations,
requires FCMs to collect exchange-required margin on “each position.”
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42 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
give its FCM customers an advantage because the cus-
tomer must have margin consistent with his gross
positions. The only effect is that the clearinghouse
holds the net margin, while the FCM holds the excess
of gross margin over net margin. In short, the distinc-
tion between net and gross margins at the clearing-
house affects only the division of the total margin
between the FCM and the clearinghouse.
Original margin requirements at the CME and
CBOT can be met in a variety of ways: cash (in several
currencies), U.S. Treasury securities, letters of credit
issued by approved banks, selected common stocks in
the S&P 500, sovereign Canadian bonds, discount
notes or noncallable bills of several federally support-
ed mortgage credit agencies, and certain money mar-
ket mutual funds. Variation margin must be paid
in cash through settlement banks accepted by the
Clearing House Margin
The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation
(DTCC), the clearinghouse for common stocks, does not
set margin requirements because it does not loan
money to customers, nor does it have any obligation
after trades are cleared and settled. Once the trade is
cleared, the DTCC is no longer a party to any contract.
In contrast, clearinghouses at options, futures, and
futures-options markets incur counterparty risk from
the date a contract is initiated until the contract’s expi-
ration. The equivalent of a “house margin” is, therefore,
set by the clearinghouse associated with each exchange.
Clearinghouse margins are established using a
dynamic portfolio-margining model, rather than the
static, rules-based approaches used at the exchanges.
The clearinghouse for options, the Options Clearing
Corporation, uses a portfolio-based system called
Theoretical Intermarket Margin System (TIMS). The
clearinghouses for futures and futures options at the
CME, CBOT, NYBOT, OneChicago, and Nasdaq-
LIFFE use a similar portfolio-margin system, called
Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN).
The purpose of a portfolio-based margining sys-
tem is to provide estimates of the losses that might be
experienced on an account over the interval of time
that the clearinghouse allows for margin calls to be sat-
isfied. That interval is generally looser in the stock
market, where brokers can require immediate (intra-
day) payment but often give several days (rarely more
than five, but up to 15) for good customers.
Clearinghouses in the options, futures, and futures-
options markets have a weaker relationship with
traders because the clearing FCM puts them at one
degree of separation. Thus, clearinghouses are less
focused than brokerage firms on the business losses
that might ensue from aggressive margin collection.
As noted above, the OCC requires a daily margin set-
tlement in stock options, hence a one-day interval,
while the clearinghouse at the CME, where margin set-
tlement is twice daily, uses an interval of a half day.
An ideal portfolio margining system would gen-
erate a complete probability distribution of losses over
the selected interval. This would require information
on the joint probability distribution of the prices of all
underlying securities: All the relevant moments of the
distribution (mean returns, variances or “volatility,”
covariances, and higher moments) would be accurate-
ly measured and used. The characteristics of each
derivative security—its expiration date, convexity,
volatility, and so on—would be ascertained. Then the
returns for each account would be simulated, and mar-
gin would be set according to a loss criterion, such as
requiring margin to cover any losses up to those with a
probability of one percent or less.
The portfolio-margining systems currently in use
fall short of this ideal. Kupiec (1994) described and
simulated the SPAN system. The first step in SPAN is
to construct classes of stock index futures and index
futures option instruments based on the underlying
index. Prices of securities within each class are
assumed to be perfectly correlated, while across-class
correlations are treated as zero except in certain cir-
cumstances. For each class, the values of several risk
parameters are chosen, and a matrix of these parame-
ters for each security class is constructed. This “risk
array” is sent to each clearing member. The FCM then
uses the SPAN model and the common risk array to
calculate the potential value of each account’s gain or
loss over a one-day period.
The primary risk parameters used in SPAN are
the “futures-price scan range” and the “implied-
volatility scan range.” The futures-price scan range is
derived by using historical data to compute the range
of absolute changes in futures prices, assuming 95 and
99 percent confidence intervals and selected past win-
dow lengths (60 days, 120 days, and one year). The
precise futures-price scan range is then chosen from
these computations by the CME’s margin committee.
Because futures contracts have no convexity, the
futures-price scan range directly measures the gains or
losses on those contracts; therefore, it directly deter-
mines the margin requirement on a futures contract.
The convexity of futures options means that gains or
losses will depend on the initial prices as well as the
Fortune pgs 31-50 1/6/04 8:21 PM Page 42
2003 Issue New England Economic Review 43
price variability. The futures-price scan range is, there-
fore, an input to the risk array used with a futures-
option pricing model to compute margin requirements
for futures options.
The second parameter, the implied-volatility scan
range, is relevant to setting margin requirements for
futures options because, again as a result of convexity,
volatility is an essential input to option pricing. For
each index futures class, the implied volatility of the
underlying security is computed for nearest-quarter
expiration at several strike prices. An average of those
implied volatilities is computed, and then the frequen-
cy distributions of volatility changes for several time
windows are formed. The 95
and 99
percentile val-
ues of volatility changes are computed, and the
implied-volatility scan range is then chosen from these
by the margin committee.
Other risk parameters are the “calendar spread
charge,” which is an additional margin required to
reflect price volatility on futures options with different
expiration dates; the “short option charge,” which is
the minimum margin requirement for a short option;
and the “inter-commodity spread charge,” which
reflects ad hoc judgments about
correlations across instruments.
SPAN calculations are done
for a pre-set list of 16 scenarios,
each differing in the combina-
tion of risk parameters. For
example, “futures price un-
changed, volatility up the full
scan range” is one scenario,
while another is “futures price
down 1/3 of scan range, volatili-
ty up the full scan range.” The
greatest loss calculated for the 16
scenarios becomes the prelimi-
nary margin requirement for
futures options in the account.
This is then modified by incor-
porating exchange minimums
and other criteria to obtain a
final margin requirement.
Kupiec found that the
SPAN model worked quite well
as a margin-setting system. His
simulations of SPAN showed
that the margin required exceed-
ed the one-day loss on hypothet-
ical accounts on almost 100 per-
cent of the days. The few excep-
tions were during the 1987 stock
market break, when futures prices fell by more than
the scan range and implied volatilities rose sharply.
This demonstrates one of the limitations of portfolio-
margin systems: During periods of financial stress, the
historical correlations upon which models must rely
no longer apply. As one observer remarked after the
near-failure of Long Term Capital Management, “In
bad times all the correlations go to unity.”
IV. Across-Instrument Margin Requirements:
In this section we use simulation methods to
measure the margin-related costs associated with each
of the four replicating portfolios outlined in the second
section. Our simulations of margin requirements were
done in several steps. First, for three common stock
indexes (the Standard & Poor’s 500, the NASDAQ
Composite, and the Russell 2000) data were collected
on the daily close-to-close returns, exclusive of divi-
dends, for each of the 3,420 trading days from January
3, 1990, through June 30, 2003. The parameters of a
Table 4
Jump Diffusion Parameters for Daily Returns
Joint Estimation with Weekend Dummy Variables
January 3, 1990 to June 30, 2003
S&P 500 NASD Comp Russell 2000
  
Parameters Intraweek Weekend Intraweek Weekend Intraweek Weekend
Simple Drift
() .0388 .1650 .1817 .1776 .1555 .1774
(2.26)* (6.22)* (11.7)* (–.22) (11.6)* (1.02)
Simple Volatility
() .5049 .5122 .6022 . 6097 .4389 .4062
(29.8)* (.39) (36.3)* (0.44) (+31.8)* (–1.81)*
Jump Frequency
() .8461 .6485 .7837 .7636 .7031 .8808
(51.1)* (–6.81)* (+66.5)* (–.68) (49.1)* (4.96)*
Mean Jump
() –.0173 –.1264 –.1802 –.1764 –.1380 –.2838
(–.92) (–5.14)* (–10.9)* (.20) (–7.34)* (–6.56)*
Jump Standard
() .9663 1.2010 1.5862 1.7378 1.0841 1.0989
(+58.9)* (11.7)* (142.4)* (8.29)* (75.0)* (0.79)
Note: See Box 2 for definitions. Asterisks indicate statistical significance at the 5 percent level.
Returns are measured as 100 times the daily log price relative, that is, in percent. Intraweek
returns have one day between closings. Weekend returns are three-day returns, measured from
close on Friday to close on Monday. There were 3,420 trading days and 4,944 calendar days in
the sample.
t-statistics are in parentheses. The t-statistic for the intraweek parameters is for the null hypoth-
esis that the parameter is equal to zero. The t-statistic for the weekend parameter value is for
the null hypothesis that the weekend parameter differs from the intraweek value. An asterisk
indicates rejection of the null at 5% significance.
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44 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
jump diffusion model of these returns were estimated
using Maximum Likelihood methods as described in
Fortune (1999). The basic features of the jump-diffu-
sion model are summarized in Box 2. The parameter
estimates are reported in Table 4. Based on evidence
that the stock-return generating process is different
over weekends, the estimation allows the parameters
to differ for weekend observations (Friday close to
Monday close) and for intraweek observations. Table 4
shows that the jump process plays an important role:
There is about one shock per trading day ( = 1); a
shock’s mean effect is to reduce stock returns ( < 0),
and the variability of the effect of a shock () is sizable
relative to the variability of the “normal” volatility ().
The second step was to use the parameters of the
return process to simulate the path of returns on, and
the price path of, the underlying stock index. Each
simulated value was referred to as a “day.” The under-
Box 2
The Jump-Diffusion Model
The jump-diffusion model builds on the simple
diffusion model of stock returns. Rather than hav-
ing all variability reflected in a normally distributed
“surprise,” the jump-diffusion model has a second
source of variability in asset returns: the effect of a
random number of “jumps,” either upward or
downward, in stock returns, each jump having a
randomly selected effect on the return. The advan-
tage of the jump diffusion model over the simple
diffusion model is that it incorporates known char-
acteristics of the distribution of stock returns: nega-
tive skewness and leptokurtosis. A simple diffusion
model, in contrast, generates returns that follow the
“bell-shaped” Normal probability distribution.
Using bold-faced type to indicate a random
variable, the jump-diffusion model of the rate of
return, net of cash dividend, is
(1) R = + e + v, e ~ N(0,1)
The first two terms capture the simple diffu-
sion model, representing the mean return, the
standard deviation, or volatility, of the return, and e
being a Standard Normal random variable
(Normally distributed with mean 0 and standard
deviation 1) that describes the shocks affecting the
The jump component of the return-generation
model, v, is the sum of x normally distributed
shocks, where x is a Poisson random variable. The
only parameter describing the Poisson distribution
is , which is the mean number of jumps in a period.
The actual number of shocks can range between
zero and infinity (x = 0, 1, 2, …, ). If a jump occurs,
the size of the effect on R attributable to it, denoted
as s
for the i
shock (i = 0, 1, 2, …, x), is also a ran-
dom variable. The size of each shock, s
, is Normally
distributed with mean and standard deviation .
The mathematical description of the jump part of
equation (1) is, then,
(2) v =
~ N(,) x ~ PO()
i = 0
x = 0, 1, 2,…,
If the number of jumps, x, were fixed, v would
be the sum of x Normally distributed random vari-
ables; hence v would be Normally distributed and
the jump-diffusion model would reduce to a simple
diffusion model. Thus, it is the variability in the
number of jumps, x, that gives the jump-diffusion
model its power.
It can be shown that the moments for the distri-
bution of the return, R, over T periods, under a
jump-diffusion model are:
Mean (
Standard Deviation [
+ (
Skewness [(
+ 3
+ (
Kurtosis [(3
+ 6
+ (
Note that if = 0, both skewness and kurtosis
are zero. When > 0, that is, when there are shocks,
both skewness and kurtosis can exist. The direction
of skewness in stock returns depends solely on the
mean effect of a shock. In particular, when the mean
shock is negative ( < 0), the distribution of stock
returns will be skewed to the left; when the mean
shock is positive ( > 0), the distribution of stock
returns will be skewed to the right.
Whenever shocks have either a mean effect (
0) or a variable effect ( > 0), the distribution of
total returns will be leptokurtic, that is, the distribu-
tion will exhibit an above-normal frequency of
returns around the mode.
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 45
lying index level was then used to generate a path of
prices for the related futures index, stock index
options, and futures options. Stock and futures option
prices were generated by a jump-diffusion modifica-
tion to the standard Black-Scholes option pricing
model. A 180-calendar-day horizon, containing 126
trading days, was assumed. Every fourth trading day
(Monday to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday, and so
on) was designated a weekend, and the weekend
parameter values were used to simulate the prices on
those days.
Each day’s index level differs according to ran-
dom draws from the Normal distribution that defines
a simple diffusion process and from the mixed Poisson
and Normal distributions that define the jump diffu-
sion process. The price paths over the 180-calendar-
day horizon were simulated for 10,000 replications,
allowing the probability distribution of stock index
and related-security prices to be obtained for each day.
Figure 1 shows the simulated price paths with the
greatest increase and the greatest decrease for the most
volatile index, the Nasdaq Composite. The path with
the greatest increase had a doubling of price, while the
path with the greatest decrease showed smaller
volatility and a halving of price. A more detailed
description of this process is available in Box 3.
The third step was to form the four replicating
portfolios discussed above: a fully levered purchase of
the index, a futures contract, simultaneous purchase of
an index call option and sale of an index put option,
and simultaneous purchase of an index futures call
option and sale of an index futures put option. The ini-
tial and maintenance margin requirements as reported
in Tables 2 and 3 were then applied to the simulated
values of each of the four portfolios, and the margin
deficiency for each day was calculated as the actual
equity less the required margin. This was done for
each of the 126 trading days in a repetition and then
repeated for 10,000 repetitions. The result is 10,000 ran-
domly selected trials of 126-trading day margin
For the margin deficiency simulations, the initial
and maintenance margin requirements for the stock
index are 50 percent (Regulation T) and 35 percent,
respectively. The latter is the modal maintenance mar-
gin requirement adopted by NASD members in the
late 1990s. The initial margin requirement for stock
index futures is 6.9 percent for the S&P 500, 8.1 percent
for the NASD Composite, and 5.8 percent for the
Russell 2000. These are the CME’s initial margins for
“speculators,” translated from the absolute dollar val-
ues shown in Table 3 to percentages of the initial index
Fortune pgs 31-50 1/6/04 8:21 PM Page 45
46 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
Box 3
Simulating Asset Prices
Our simulations of R, the daily return on a
stock or stock index, begin with econometric esti-
mation of the five parameters (, , , , and ) that
describe the jump-diffusion processes in equations
(1) and (2) of Box 2. Once estimates of and are
available, a random number generator is used to
create the standard normal random variable, e, for
each “day,” and the first part of equation (1) in Box
2, that is, the simple diffusion component, + e, is
The jump effect, v, is then calculated by using
the estimate of in a Poisson distribution to calcu-
late the random number of jumps, x, on each day.
The parameters describing the mean size and vari-
ability of the size of each jump (and , respective-
ly) are used with a Normal random number genera-
tor to create the size of each of the jumps during a
day. The value of v is calculated using equation (2)
in Box 2, and this is added to the simple diffusion
component of R described above. The result is, for a
single day, a simulated value for R.
This is done for each of the 126 trading days in a
180 calendar-day period. The same five parameter
values are used for each day, but on each day there
are different values of e and v, and hence a different
value of R, because different draws from the ran-
dom number generator s are made. Once this is
done for all 126 trading days, a single price path
(“trial”) has been computed. This exercise is repeat-
ed until 10,000 trials have been completed. The
result is 10,000 paths, each for 126 days, of the rate of
return on the underlying index. This is transformed
to the level of the index simply by multiplying the
previous index level by the current day’s rate of
return, using the formula S
= S
) where R
the simulated index return for the t
day in a trial.
The simulated path of the futures contract on
the underlying stock index is then calculated. Using
the notion of index arbitrage to link spot and
futures prices, the futures price in a contract expir-
ing at the end of 180 calendar days is the spot price
“grown” at the fixed daily rate of interest, denoted
by r; thus, F
= S
Call and put option prices for the stock index
are computed using a jump-diffusion variant of the
Black-Scholes option pricing model. For each possi-
ble number of jumps in a day (x = 0, 1, 2,… ) the val-
ues of the call and put options are computed using
Black-Scholes; call them C
, x ) and P
, x),
where S
is the day’s index value and x is a specific
number of jumps. Then the call and put option pre-
miums are computed as a weighted average of
these number-of-jump-specific call and put option
prices, or:
/ x!]C
,x), and
x = 0
/ x!]P
,x). and
x = 0
The weights are the Poisson distribution proba-
bilities associated with each number of jumps; these
probabilities depend on the parameter , which
measures the average number of jumps on any day.
This gives, for each day in a trial, the simulated
stock index option values. Repeating this for each of
the 126 trading days gives a single price path, and
doing the same thing for all 10,000 trials completes
the computation of 126 days of option prices for
each of 10,000 trials.
The values of call and put options on futures
contracts are computed in the same way. That is, for
each possible number of jumps in a day, the values
, x ) and P
, x) are computed. These are the
call and put option premiums given the day’s
futures price and the number of jumps. The value of
the futures call or put option is also computed as
the weighted average of the number-of-jump-spe-
cific option values, with the weights determined by
the Poisson distribution.
At the end, we have six 126 X 10,000 matrices of
values, one matrix for each of the prices involved:
the index price, its futures price, prices of call and
put options on the index, and prices of call and put
options on the index futures contract. These prices
are then used to calculate the required margin and
actual margin on each “replicating portfolio” on
each day.
A 126 X 10,000 matrix of cash margin calls is
constructed. From this matrix the “final” margin
cost is calculated as the accumulated value at the
end of the 180 calendar days of each margin call,
assuming payment is made at the end of the day on
which the call is issued.
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 47
value in mid-June 2003. Because variation margin is
collected, maintenance margins on index futures con-
tracts are equal to initial margins. The initial margin
requirements for options on the stock index and on its
index futures contracts are those reported in Table 2
for a long call and a short put, both naked: The margin
required on the long call is the initial long call premi-
um; the margin on the short put is the day’s short put
premium plus 15 percent of the index value less the
out-of-money value of the short put option.
In calculating the margin call for each day, we
assumed that if the margin deficiency is negative
(there is excess margin), the trader lets the credit bal-
ance stay in the account rather than withdrawing it
in cash. If the margin deficiency is positive, the trad-
er must make cash payments to satisfy the deficien-
cy. Any prior excess margin can be used to satisfy the
deficiency, but cash must make up any remaining
shortfall. Using these rules, cash margin calls were
constructed for each day and for each repetition.
Each day’s cash payment was then accumulated to
the end of the 180
calendar day at the riskless rate
of interest. The final result is a total cash cost of mar-
gin calls for each of the 10,000 trials. This allows an
assessment of the burden of margin costs across
equity-related instruments and of the potential
effect that these costs have on choices by traders
and investors.
The simulations do not consider some important
aspects of investor choice. Most importantly, we
assume that the initial position is held for the full 180
days. Clearly, investors have the option to exit their
portfolios at any point, and a sequence of dismal days
with margin calls will induce many investors to sell
their positions. But we have not incorporated a model
of exit choice into the simulations, so we assume that
investors hold their positions for the entire period.
Our estimates of margin costs are, therefore, overstat-
ed if the investor exits early. We also do not incorpo-
rate price limits—a prominent feature of futures con-
tracts—into our simulations.
Figure 2 and Table 5 summarize the information
on the distribution of margin costs for each of the four
portfolios. Figure 2 shows the distribution of margin
cost for the Nasdaq Composite as a histogram. The rel-
ative frequency of margin costs in each cost group is
shown for index futures and for index options. Margin
cost groups are defined in terms of standard devia-
tions from the average margin cost for the instrument.
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48 2003 Issue New England Economic Review
Group 1, the lowest group, consists of final costs
between 0.5 and 1.0 standard deviations below the
mean, group 2 represents observations between the
mean and 0.5 standard deviations below the mean,
group 3 is observations between the mean and 0.5
standard deviations above the mean, and so on. Group
9 is observations more than three standard deviations
above the mean. Note that the margin cost data are
standardized for purposes of exposition, and that the
means (and standard deviations) are different for
futures and options. Expressed as a percent of the ini-
tial underlying index, the mean and standard devia-
tion for Nasdaq futures margin cost are 14.1 percent
and 8.7 percent, respectively; for Nasdaq options, they
are 37.8 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively. Thus,
margin costs are higher and more variable for index
options than for index futures.
Figure 2 shows that the fre-
quency distributions of margin
costs are similar for futures and
options. About 58 percent of
futures observations and 62 per-
cent of options observations are
in the lowest-cost group. About
2 percent of observations are in
the highest group—over three
standard deviations above the
mean margin cost. The lower
boundary of this highest group
is about 40 percent for futures
and 78 percent for options.
Table 5 shows the distribu-
tion of the absolute dollars of
margin cost, expressed as a per-
centage of the initial stock index
(assumed to be $100). Thus, for
the Nasdaq Composite, the 99
percentile of margin costs for the
stock purchase strategy is 57.8
percent of the initial index level,
or $57.80 per $100 of initial
The median margin cost is
highest for the stock purchase
strategy, lowest for the futures
contract, and intermediate for
the index option and index
futures option strategies. Thus,
for the S&P 500, the median cost
is 51.3 percent for the stock
index, 7.1 percent for the futures
index, and about 26 percent for
the option contracts. Stock index derivatives are a
lower-cost way of getting the returns on the index,
with the margin cost advantage being particularly
great for futures index contracts. This is true for all
three indexes, and it is true for all indexes up to
approximately the 90
percentile. In short, there is at
least a 90 percent probability that derivatives will
carry lower margin costs than outright purchase.
If the advantages are so great, why don’t all
traders use derivatives? One reason is that there are
non-margin cost differences among the three strate-
gies. For example, price limits in futures contracts
make them less liquid and, therefore, less desirable.
But another reason is that in particularly bad times, the
margin costs jump more sharply for derivatives than
for outright purchase of the stock index. Consider the
Nasdaq Composite. There is a one percent chance that
Table 5
Distribution of Cost of Margin Calls
Selected Common Stock Price Indexes
Percent of Initial Stock Index
Security Class
Stock Stock Futures
Index Index Futures Options Options
S&P 500
Maximum 59.5% 43.6% 88.0% 88.5%
Percentile 51.3 30.9 64.3 64.8
Percentile 51.3 24.4 52.2 52.8
Percentile 51.3 13.8 33.3 33.7
Percentile 51.3 7.1 25.7 26.0
Percentile 51.3 7.1 25.6 26.0
Minimum 51.3 7.1 25.1 26.0
Nasdaq Composite
Maximum 69.1% 59.7% 119.9% 120.4%
Percentile 57.8 42.2 85.0 85.5
Percentile 52.1 33.2 68.5 69.0
Percentile 51.3 18.3 41.6 42.1
Percentile 51.3 8.4 30.1 30.5
Percentile 51.3 8.3 30.1 30.5
Minimum 51.3 8.3 30.1 30.5
Russell 2000
Maximum 61.5% 45.5% 93.8% 94.3%
Percentile 51.5 30.1 64.5 65.1
Percentile 51.3 23.2 51.9 52.4
Percentile 51.3 12.6 32.8 33.3
Percentile 51.3 6.0 25.2 25.5
Percentile 51.3 6.0 25.2 25.5
Minimum 51.3 6.0 25.2 25.5
The cost of margin calls is computed as follows: The margin call on each day is calculated and
“grown” to the 180
calendar day at the riskless rate of interest. These daily cumulative costs
are then summed to obtain the aggregate cost of margin calls. Results are expressed as a
percent of the initial value of the stock index (assumed to be $100).
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2003 Issue New England Economic Review 49
the futures index margin costs will rise to 42.2 percent
or more—still below the 57.8 percent margin cost asso-
ciated with outright purchase, but well above the 8.4
percent median margin cost. And the option contracts
fare even worse in bad times: The 99
percentile for
option margin costs is about 85 percent—well above
the stock index’s 57.8 percent and the futures index’s
42.2 percent.
Thus, an investor’s choice of which strategy to
adopt is not a simple matter of considering the average
level of margin costs. It also depends on the sensitivity
of margin costs to changes in the underlying stock
index and on the investor’s taste for risk. Risk-tolerant
investors might prefer the use of derivatives because
the low average cost compensates them for the rare
experience of high margin costs. Investors who do not
tolerate risk well might prefer the strategy of outright
V. Summary and Conclusions
Innovations in financial instruments have broad-
ened the ways that investors can achieve their desired
risk and return characteristics. This study shows that,
absent any cash costs from trading (bid-ask spreads,
commissions and fees, cash payment for margin
requirements), the following are identical ways to
invest in the S&P 500 index: a fully leveraged purchase
of a “Spider”; taking a long position on a futures con-
tract on the S&P 500 index; buying a call option on the
S&P 500 and simultaneously selling a put option, both
at a specific price; and buying a futures call option
while simultaneously selling a futures put option,
again at a specific strike price. While stock index
instruments are the focus of the study, the same princi-
ples apply to investing in individual stocks or their
Why would an investor prefer one strategy over
another? The reason must lie in differences in costs, or in
legal and regulatory features that make one market dif-
ferent from another or that inhibit entry into one or more
markets. This study focuses on one aspect of the deci-
sion—costs related to margin requirements. Regulations
at the federal, exchange, house, and clearinghouse levels
require investors to put up cash or acceptable securities
to meet margin (equity) requirements.
The study describes the current margin require-
ments on stocks, stock options, futures contracts, and
futures contract options. It notes that one of the impor-
tant differences between margin requirements on stocks
and on stock derivatives is that maintenance margin
requirements on derivatives are set at the initial margin
requirement level, with variation margin required to
maintain the equality. In contrast, requirements on
stocks are set at the time of purchase but do not change
after purchase unless prices decline sufficiently to
induce maintenance margin calls. Thus, margin require-
ments on derivatives should be more variable over the
holding period than requirements on stock.
This hypothesis is supported by a stochastic simu-
lation of the prices of three stock indexes: the Nasdaq
Composite, the S&P 500, and the Russell 2000. Margin
requirements for these indexes and for index-related
derivatives are calculated, and the costs of the cash
margin calls are computed. The primary conclusion is
that the average (median) cost of margin requirements
for index futures contracts is far less than the average
cost of stock index margin requirements, while the
average cost of margin requirements on stock index
options is between that for stock indexes and index
futures but closer to the former. Thus, an investor
focusing on average experience would have a strong
incentive to hold futures contracts and a moderate
preference for options contracts over outright pur-
chase of a stock index. The same ranking would, of
course, apply to holding individual stocks.
However, the margin requirement costs of futures
and options are highly variable. While the futures con-
tract margin cost is always less than the almost fixed
margin cost of holding the index itself, the futures
investor can experience dramatic fluctuations in mar-
gin costs. The same is true for options contracts, where
investors have a small chance of incurring greater
margin costs than in an outright purchase. Investors
who forego the fixed costs of stock ownership accept
the highly variable costs of derivatives, exposing
themselves to a small chance of facing liquidity prob-
lems that force an untimely exit from positions. Thus,
the ranking of strategy preferences will depend on
investors’ preferences: Risk-tolerant investors, who
focus on average costs rather than cost variability, will
choose futures contracts; less risk-tolerant investors
have reason to choose options contracts or outright
The study shows that the structure of margin
costs is rather complex, and that it is difficult to deter-
mine whether the playing field is level because not all
investors are identical. The conventional view that
margin costs provide a clear incentive to use deriva-
tives—particularly futures contracts—ignores the dif-
ferences in the fixed vs. variable cost structure of mar-
gin costs: Investors are sorted into different markets,
allowing all instruments to be financially viable.
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