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A Two-stage Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting by A Two-stage Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting by
Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector Regression Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector Regression
Sheng-Hsun Hsu
Chung Hua University
J.J. Po-An Hsieh
Georgia State University
Ting-Chih Chih
Chung Hua University
Kuei-Chu Hsu
Chung Hua University
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Hsu, Sheng-Hsun; Hsieh, J.J. Po-An; Chih, Ting-Chih; and Hsu, Kuei-Chu, "A Two-stage Architecture for
Stock Price Forecasting by Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector Regression" (2008).
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A Two-stage Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting by
Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector
Stock price prediction has attracted much attention from both practitioners and
researchers. However, most studies in this area ignored the non-stationary nature of
stock price series. That is, stock price series do not exhibit identical statistical
properties at each point of time. As a result, the relationships between stock price
series and their predictors are quite dynamic. It is challenging for any single artificial
technique to effectively address this problematic characteristics in stock price series.
One potential solution is to hybridize different artificial techniques. Towards this end,
this study employs a two-stage architecture for better stock price prediction.
Specifically, the self-organizing map (SOM) is first used to decompose the whole
input space into regions where data points with similar statistical distributions are
grouped together, so as to contain and capture the non-stationary property of financial
series. After decomposing heterogeneous data points into several homogenous regions,
support vector regression (SVR) is applied to forecast financial indices. The proposed
technique is empirically tested using stock price series from seven major financial
markets. The results show that the performance of stock price prediction can be
significantly enhanced by using the two-stage architecture in comparison with a single
SVR model.
Keywords: Stock price prediction, support vector machine, self-organizing map
1. Introduction
Stock price prediction is an important financial subject that has attracted
researchers attention for many years. In the past, conventional statistical methods
were employed to forecast stock price. However, stock price series are generally quite
noisy and complex. To address this, numerous artificial techniques, such as artificial
neural networks (ANN) or genetic algorithms are proposed to improve the prediction
results (see Table 1). Recently, researchers are using support vector regressions (SVRs)
in this area (see Table 1). SVR was developed by Vapnik and his colleagues (Vapnik,
1995). Most comparison results show that prediction performance of SVR is better
than that of ANN (Huang et al., 2005; Kim, 2003; Tay and Cao, 2001a). Reasons that
are often cited to explain this superiority include the face that SVRs implement the
structural risk minimization principle, while ANNs use the empirical risk
minimization principle. The former seeks to minimize the misclassification error or
deviation from correct solution of the training data; whereas the latter seeks to
minimize the upper bound of generalization error. Solution of SVR may be global
optimum while neural network techniques may offer only local optimal solutions.
Besides, in choosing parameters, SVRs are less complex than ANNs.
Table 1
Although researchers have shown that SVRs can be a very useful for stock price
forecasting, most studies ignore that stock price series are non-stationary. That is,
stock price series do not exhibit identical statistical properties at each point of time
and face dynamic changes in the relationship between independent and dependent
variables. Such structural changes, which are often caused by political events,
economic conditions, traders expectations and other environmental factors, are an
important characteristic of equities’ price series. This variability makes it difficult for
any single artificial technique to capture the non-stationary property of the data. Most
artificial algorithms require a constant relationship between independent and
dependent variables, i.e., the data presented to artificial algorithms is generated
according to a constant function. One potential solution is to hybridize several
artificial techniques. For example, Tay and Cao (2001b) suggest a two-stage
architecture by integrating a self-organizing map (SOM) and SVR to better capture
the dynamic input-output relationships inherent in the financial data. This architecture
was originally proposed by Jacobs et al. (1991), who were inspired by the
divide-and-conquer principle that is often used to attack complex problems, i.e.,
dividing a complex problem into several smaller and simpler problems so that the
original problem can be easily solved. In the two-stage architecture, the SOM serves
as the divide function to decompose the whole financial data into regions where
data points with similar statistical distribution are grouped together. After
decomposing heterogeneous data into different homogenous regions, SVRs can better
forecast the financial indices. Although this architecture is interesting and promising,
Tay and Cao (2001b) tested the effectiveness of the architecture only on futures and
bonds. Whether the architecture can be employed for stock price prediction remains to
be answered.
This study aims to test the effectiveness of the architecture for stock price
prediction by comparing the predictive performance of the two-stage architecture with
a single SVM technique. Seven stock market indices were used for this study. This
paper consists of five sections. Section 2 introduces the basic concept of SVR, SOM
and the two-stage architecture. Section 3 describes research design and experiments.
Section 4 presents the conclusions.
2. Methodology
2.1. Support vector machine
Support vector machine (SVM) is originated as an implementation of Vapnik’s
(1995) structural risk minimization (SRM) principle, which reduces empirical risk,
based on bounds of generalization error. The fundamental concept in SVM is to
transform the data into a higher dimensional space and to find the optimal hyperplane
in the space that can maximize the margin between classes. The simplest SVM only
deals with a two-class problem, in which the data is separated by a hyperplane defined
by a number of support vectors. Support vectors are a subset of the training data used
to define the boundary between two classes. As a result, support vectors contain all of
the information needed to define the classifier. This property makes SVM highly
insensitive to the dimensionality of the feature space.
2.2. Support vector regression
Support vector regression is closely related to SVM classifiers in terms of theory
and implementation. Vapnik (1995) introduced the
insensitive zone in the error
loss function. From a theoretical point of view, this zone represents the degree of
precision at which the bounds on generalization ability apply. Training vectors that lie
within this zone are deemed correct, whereas those outside this zone are deemed
incorrect and contribute to the error loss function. These incorrect vectors become the
support vectors (see Fig. 1). Vectors lying on and outside the dotted lines are support
vectors, whereas those within the
insensitive zone are not important in terms of the
regression function. The regression surface then can be determined only by support
Figure 1
Fundamentally, SVR is linear regression in the feature space. Although it is
simple and not very useful in real-world situations, it forms a building block for
understanding complex SVRs. Detailed discussions of SVMs and SVRs have been
given by Burges (1998), Cristianini and Shawe-Taylor (2000), and Smola and
Scholkopf (1998).
Given set of training data
( , ),..., ,
x y x y X R
, where X denotes the
space of input patterns. The goal of SVR is to find a function
that deviates not
more than
from the targets
for all the training data, and at the same time, is as
flat as possible. Let linear function f(x) takes the form:
( ) with ,
f x w x b w X b R
Flatness in (1) means smaller
. The problem can then be formulated as:
. .
y w x b
w x b y
However, not all problems are linearly separable. To cope with this issue,
non-negative slack variables,
, are introduced to deal with the otherwise
infeasible constraints of optimization problem (2). The new formation is then stated
. .
i i i
i i i
y w x b
s t w x b y
The constant C determines the trade-off of error margin between the flatness of
f(x) and the amount of deviation in excess of
that is tolerated. To enable the SVR
to predict a nonlinear situation, SVR maps the input data into a feature space. The
mapping of X into the feature space F is denoted by
( ),
 
The decision function can be computed by the inner products of
(x) (x )
without explicitly mapping x into a higher dimension, which saves
considerable computation efforts.
(x) (x )
is then called kernel function
).()(),( zxzxK
2.3. Self-organizing map
SOM was first introduced by Kohonen (1995) and has attracted substantial
research interest in a wide range of applications. For example, SOM has been shown
to be quite effective in organizing large amounts of text data (Kohonen et al., 2000;
Yang et al., 2003). In essence, SOM is an unsupervised learning method that clusters
objects having multi-dimensional attributes into a lower-dimensional space. The
objective of SOM is to maximize the degree of similarity of patterns within a cluster,
minimize the similarity of patterns belonging to different clusters, and then present
the results in a lower-dimensional space.
The SOM network is a fully-connected network, containing two layers of
nodes an input layer and an output layer. The output layer is usually in the shape of
a two-dimensional grid, acting as a distribution layer. The number of nodes in the
input layer is equal to the number of features associated with the input. Each output
node has the same number of features as the input nodes. The input layer, as well as
each output node, can be represented as a vector that contains the number of features
of the input. The topology of the Kohonen SOM network is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
The SOM technique is based on the associative neural properties of the brain in
that regions of neurons are operating in a centralized and localized manner to achieve
tasks (Smith and Gupta, 2000). To replicate the whole process of human brain in
SOM, the learning process of SOM is as follows: when an input pattern is presented
to SOM, the winning node, defined as one whose weights are most similar to the input
vector, receives the most learning by strengthening its weights. Weights of the
surrounding neurons are also strengthened a little so that this area is more likely to
fire up when a similar input pattern is presented next time. The localized manner in
SOM is implemented by adjusting two parameters: the neighborhood size and the
learning rate. Let us denote R(t) as the neighborhood size and
as the learning
rate for weight update. The amount of learning of each neuron is determined by
When we let these two parameters R(t) and
- reduce over time, we
observe that Eq. (4) will slowly decrease and the weight-updating process will
gradually stabilize. Eq. (4) also shows that the amount of learning is the highest at the
winning neuron, and decreases as the distance between a neuron and the winning
neuron increases . This process of weight-updating will be performed for a specified
number of iterations. The detailed steps of the algorithm are presented in Figure 3.
Figure 3
2.4. A two-stage architecture
A time series is a sequence of data points recorded sequentially in time. Time
series forecasting is to predict future values based on past values and other variables.
One problem in financial time series forecasting is that time series are non-stationary.
The non-stationary property implies that the statistical distributions of a time series
can change over time. This change may be caused by economic recession or growth,
or political or environmental events. The non-stationary property will lead to a
gradual change in the relationship between independent and dependent variables, i.e.,
the time series may have different predictor functions in different time periods.
However, most learning algorithms require a constant relationship between
independent and dependent variables (Cao and Gu, 2002). As a result, it is challenging
to predict such structural changes of financial time series.
To address this issue, this study employs a two-stage architecture to better
predict financial indices (see Fig. 4). In the first stage, the SOM is used to decompose
the whole input space into regions where data points with similar statistical
distributions are grouped together, so as to capture the non-stationary property of
financial series. After decomposing heterogeneous data points into different
homogenous regions, SVMs can then better forecast the financial indices. As
demonstrated by Tay and Cao (2001b), this two-stage architecture can capture the
dynamic input-output relationship inherent in futures and bonds prediction. However,
whether the architecture can be used for stock price prediction remains to be
Figure 4
3. Results
3.1. Data sets
We examined seven major stock market indices in this study, including the
Nikkei 225 (NK), the All Ordinaries (AU), the Hang Seng (HS), the Straits Times
(ST), the Taiwan Weighted (TW), the KOSPI (KO), and Dow Jones (DJ). Data were
collected mostly from Yahoo Finance. Daily closing prices were used. The whole data
set covers the period from July 1, 1997 to May 31, 2002. We believe that the time
periods cover many important economic events, which are sufficient for testing the
issue of non-stationary properties inherent in financial data.
3.2. Data processing
Original closing price was transformed into four-lagged relative difference in
percentage of price (RDP), including RDP-5, RDP-10, RDP-15 and RDP-20 and one
transformed closing index (EMA15). EMA15 was obtained by subtracting a
fifteen-day exponential moving average from the closing indices. Input variables
include RDP-5, RDP-10, RDP-15, RDP-20, and EMA15. According to Tay and Cao
(2001a), this transformation can make the distribution of the data more symmetrical,
thus improving the predictive power of artificial methods. The output variable RDP+5
is obtained by first smoothing the closing index with a three-day exponential moving
average, because the application of a smoothing transformation to the dependent
variable generally enhances the prediction performance of artificial methods. The
calculations for all variables can be found in Table 2.
Table 2
RDP values that lie beyond ±2 standard deviations were first identified as
outliers and then replaced with the closet marginal values. About 80% of the data was
used for training, and 20% for testing. Data were scaled into the range of [-0.9, 0.9] to
normalize each feature component so that larger input attributes do not overwhelm
smaller inputs.
3.3. Performance criteria
The prediction performance is evaluated using the following statistical methods:
normalized mean squared error (NMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), directional
symmetry (DS) and weighted directional symmetry (WDS). The definitions of these
criteria can be found in Table 3. NMSE and MAE are the measures of the deviation
between actual values and predicted values. The smaller the values of NMSE and
MAE, the closer are the predicted time series values in relation to the actual values.
Although predicting the actual levels of price changes is desirable, in many cases, the
direction of the change is equally important. DS provides the correctness of the
predicted direction of RDP+5 in terms of percentage; and the large values of DS
suggest a better predictor. WDS measures the magnitude of the prediction error as
well as the direction. It penalizes errors related to incorrectly predicted directions and
rewards those associated with correctly predicted directions. The smaller the value of
WDS, the better is the forecasting performance in terms of both magnitude and
Table 3
3.4. SOM implementation
The determination of the size of SOM is not an easy task, because the statistical
properties of the data are not always available. To avoid the trial-and-error process of
determining the size of the SOM map, researchers have proposed several methods for
auto-determination (Dittenbach et al., 2002; Fritzke, 1995). Those networks can
automatically determine the map size that is suitable for the specific data distribution
at hand. Therefore, this study employs the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map
(GHSOM), developed by Dittenbach et al. (2002). GHSOM is a SOM technique
which automatically grows the map size both in a hierarchical and horizontal way.
Thus, besides basic parameters (e.g., learning rate and neighborhood range), GHSOM
needs extra parameters, including the initial map size, the horizontal growing
parameter, and the hierarchical growing parameter. We set the initial map size at 2x2
units and let the GHSOM determine the best map size. Horizontal and hierarchical
growing parameters can suggest GHSOM when to stop growing horizontally and/or
hierarchically. We set horizontal growing parameter at 0.05 and hierarchical growing
parameter at 1. Some partitions of GHSOM may involve very few data. One
characteristic of the SOM is that similar types of input data are mirrored to a large
extent by their geographical vicinity within the representation space. Thus, when
some partitions have very few data (n < 30), we merge the data into their
neighborhood partitions.
3.5. SVM implementation
The typical kernel functions are the polynomial kernel
( , ) ( 1)
k x y x y
the Gaussian kernel
( , ) exp ( ) /k x y x y
, where d is the degree of the
polynomial kernel and
is the bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel. In our
experiment, we chose the Gaussian kernel as our kernel function because it tends to
achieve better performance. Tay and Cao (2001a) showed that SVRs are insensitive to
, as long as it is a reasonable value. Thus, we choose 0.001 for
. In determining
the kernel bandwidth
and the margin C, ten-fold cross validation technique was
used to choose parameters that yield the best results. Subsequently, this set of
parameters was applied to the test data set. The parameters tried in the ten-fold cross
validation process were
. A SVM implementation called LIBSVM was used in
this work. We used the LIBSVM because it uses the state-of-the-art optimization
3.6. Results
The results of the two-stage architecture and the single SVM model are shown in
Table 4. In terms of NMSE, MAE and WDS, we observe that the two-stage
architecture achieves smaller values than the single SVM model does, on the test data
set. This suggests that the two-stage architecture can have smaller deviations between
predicted and actual values than the single SVM model. The values of DS are larger
in the two-staged architecture than in the single SVM model. This suggests that in
terms of correctness of the predicted direction of RDP+5, the two-stage architecture
offers better prediction. The results are consistent in all seven data sets. A paired t-test
is also performed to check whether there is significant difference in the four
performance criterion between the two methods. The calculated t-value for NMSE,
MAE, DS, and WDS are 2.28 (p<0.1), 2.73 (p<0.05), 3.10 (p<0.05), and 2.81
(p<0.05), respectively. This shows that the two-stage architecture outperforms the
single SVM model. The findings are compatible with the conclusions by Tay and Cao
Table 4
4. Conclusion
The study shows that the performance of stock price prediction can be
significantly enhanced by using the two-stage architecture in comparison with a single
SVM model. The results may be attributable to the fact that financial time series are
non-stationary and, therefore, the two-stage architecture can better capture the
characteristics by decomposing the whole financial series into smaller homogenous
regions. After decomposing the data, SVRs can better predict financial indices. The
results suggest that the two-stage architecture provides a promising alternative for
financial time series forecasting. Future research can further testing the idea of the
two-stage architecture on other non-stationary data to evaluate the generalizability of
the architecture.
This research is supported by National Science Council in Taiwan with project
ID 95-2416-H-216-007.
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