Transport Canada (TC) Office of Boating Safety (OBS) wants to hear from stakeholders,
especially those with a particular interest in pleasure craft, on the changes under consideration to
the Pleasure Craft Licensing Program and the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program.
How can you participate?
TC is inviting members of the boating community to provide feedback on the proposed changes
to the Pleasure Craft Licensing and the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Programs on the
Let’s Talk Transportation consultation webpage. The forum will remain open until January 15,
Stakeholder input and comments submitted through the Let’s Talk Transportation webpage will
be considered in the development of the regulatory amendments.
Pleasure craft licensing considerations for pleasure craft owners
TC OBS is considering changes to the Pleasure Craft Licensing Program to increase safety,
environmental protection and improve service delivery through the following regulatory
amendments to the Small Vessel Regulations (SVR):
bringing grandfathered pleasure craft licenses (with no expiry date) into a five-year
validity regime
reducing the ten-year validity period for licenses (PCLs) to five years ensuring
that ownership information is updated more often
expanding the application of the SVR to include:
o all pleasure craft equipped with motors of 10 horsepower (7.5 kilowatts) or more,
including personal watercraft, which are principally maintained or operated in
Canada; and
o all pleasure craft (including all power-driven and sail-alone vessels) above 6
metres in length, with the exception of human-powered vessels (e.g. kayak,
reducing the timeframe for vessel owners to report a name or address change from 90
days to 30 days, and specifying 30 days for the buyer to notify a sale or transfer of a
vessel ensuring that updated information is available in the same boating season
providing TC the authority to cancel a PCL if the licence holder does not comply with
regulatory requirements.
introducing a service fee of $15 for pleasure craft licenses thereby reducing the cost
borne by taxpayers for providing this service.
Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program considerations for course providers
TC OBS is considering changes to the Pleasure Craft Operator Competency Program through
amendments to the Competency Operator Pleasure Craft Regulations (COPCRs) to ensure that
course providers continue to provide excellent boating safety training to recreational Canadian
boaters. The proposed changes include:
strengthening course accreditation requirements
setting course accreditation to a five year renewal period
providing TC the authority to suspend or revoke course accreditation if a course provider
does not comply with regulatory requirements
providing TC the authority to cancel a Pleasure Craft Operator Card if it is deemed to
have been obtained under fraudulent circumstances
repealing the provision for the Rental Boat Safety Checklist as being accepted as proof
of competency
introducing a $5,000 accreditation fee to course providers every five years and a test
materials access fee of $8.50 for each Pleasure Craft Operator Card issued.
Finally, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you that, going forward, all online
consultations led by TC’s Marine Safety and Security (MSS) will be accessible through a
centralized page on the Let’s Talk Transportation. We encourage you to bookmark this new
page and visit regularly to stay up to date on MSS consultations.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this consultation process.
Marine Safety & Security, Transformation Initiatives and Office of Boating Safety
Lucie Bergeron, MPA
Director, Transformation Initiatives and Office of Boating Safety
Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada / Government of Canada
330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N5
Honey Walsh
Manager, Office of Boating Safety
Marine Safety and Security
Transport Canada / Government of Canada
330 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0N5