Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
The nautical field has developed its own jargon to describe the equipment, methods,
and manoeuvres of nautical activities. Transport Canada has its own definitions for
some nautical terms. This chapter introduces you to the meanings of boating
terminology that you will encounter on a Transport Canada operator competency test. In
addition, definitions of the terminology used in this course can be found on the Glossary
The seven chapters of this study guide contain the information that you must know to
pass a Transport Canada Boating Safety Test in order to obtain your Pleasure Craft
Operator Card (PCOC).
This chapter contains the following sections:
1.1 General Terminology
1.2 Vessel Terminology
1.3 Directions and Sectors When Afloat
1.4 More Nautical Terminology
1.5 Acts and regulations Affecting Pleasure Craft Operators in Canada
Chapter 1 Review Quiz
Appendix 1-1 Glossary of Terms
Appendix 1-2 Equivalent Training List
This online study guide has been approved by Transport Canada strictly on the basis that it meets the
requirements of the Standard for Pleasure Craft Operator Testing over the Internet (TP 15080E) and
the Boating Safety Course test and Syllabus (TP 14932E). This approval does not represent
confirmation of authorship by the course provider.
Chapter 1
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Pleasure craft Pursuant to Transport
Canada policy, a pleasure craft is
defined as any type of watercraft
used exclusively for pleasure and not
for carrying passengers or goods for
Pleasure craft come in all shapes and
sizes (canoes, kayaks, sailboats,
motorboats, cabin cruisers, Seadoos, jet
skis, etc.).
Seadoos and jet skis are referred to as personal water craft (PWCs) and are
considered to be power-driven (motorized) pleasure craft.
Proof of Competency According to the Competency of Operators of Pleasure
Craft Regulations (COPCRs,,
regardless of age or nationality all persons must carry proof of competency
whenever operating any type of motorized pleasure craft on any Canadian waters
(other than the waters of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut). Original proof of
competency (not a photocopy) must be carried on board when operating a motorized
pleasure craft anywhere in Canada (proof of competency is not required for vessels
without motors). Failure to carry proof of competency risks a significant fine (usually
$250 or more).
The most common proof of competency is the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC).
Pleasure Craft Operator Card The
Pleasure Craft Operator Card is not a
government-issued license; it is a
certificate issued by a privately-owned
accredited course provider (ACP) that
confirms that the holder passed a
Transport Canada Boating Safety Test.
Thus, obtaining a PCOC is much like
earning a certificate from a drivers
education school, the driver’s education
certificate is not a license.
Like any certificate, the Pleasure Craft Operator Card is good for life; it does not have to
be renewed annually and it cannot be suspended. By contrast, the police can suspend
or revoke your provincial driver’s permit for improper operation of any powered vehicle
(including a pleasure craft, an all-terrain vehicle, or a snowmobile).
Chapter 1
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Proof of competency can take any of four forms:
1. Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC);
2. Proof that you successfully completed a boating safety course in Canada before
April 1, 1999 (i.e.: you have a boating safety certificate issued before 1999);
3. A completed boat rental safety checklist (temporary proof); or
4. Alternative acceptable proof of competency.
Alternative Acceptable Proof of Competency If you hold any certificate on
Transport Canada’s “List of Certificates of Competency, Training Certificates, and other
Equivalencies as Proof of Competency, then you already meet the requirements of the
Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations (http://laws- of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001
( for proof of competency, and you just
need to make sure you carry the original documentation or a copy of the certificate
onboard when operating a motorized pleasure craft. See Transport Canada’s web site
for a list of equivalent proofs of competency:
You can also obtain information by telephone via Service Canada at 1-800-267-6677.
Certificates for boating safety courses completed before April 1, 1999 are also
recognised as proof of competency. Thus, if you successfully completed a boating
safety course prior to the COPCRs coming into effect (i.e.: prior to April 1, 1999) and
you have proof, then that course certificate is accepted as proof of competency.
Foreign residents visiting Canada The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft
Regulations (the COPCRs; which require you to carry proof of competency) along with
the Canada Shipping Act, 2001 and its regulations apply to any person of any age or
nationality who operates a powered pleasure craft on any Canadian waters (other than
the waters of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut).
If you are a non-resident visiting Canada with your foreign-registered or foreign-licensed
motorboat, then you are not required to carry proof of competency on board as long as
your boat is in Canada for less than 45 days.
If you do require proof of competency (because your boat will be in Canada for more
than 45 days or because you wish to operate a powered pleasure craft that is licensed
or registered in Canada) then you may do so using an operator card or similar proof of
competency issued by your home state or country. Either way, you must keep some
type of proof of competency (Canadian or foreign) on board with you at all times.
Registering or Licensing Your Vessel
In Canada, most vessels must be either licensed with Transport Canada or
registered with Transport Canada. Whether or not you will license or register your
vessel depends on its type, size, and the size and type of its motor.
Chapter 1
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Pleasure Craft Licensing All pleasure craft of all sizes equipped with one or
more primary propulsion motors totalling 7.5 KW (10 hp) or more must be
licensed. A pleasure craft license identifies a vessel but does not imply ownership or
title. A Bill of Sale is required for conclusive proof as to who owns a vessel. No
citizenship or residency restrictions apply to pleasure craft licensing but the
vessel must be licensed in Canada if it is principally operated and maintained in
Canada. A Pleasure Craft License is not for you the operator, it is for your boat
and it is valid for 10 years. Note: An update to a licence (e.g. name change or address
change) does not extend the date of the pleasure craft licence by an additional 10
1. Getting a Pleasure Craft License Application Form - There are three ways you can
obtain an easy-to-use Pleasure Craft License Application Kit:
1. Online at the Office of Boating Safety’s web site:
2. At a Service Canada Centre (see list at the Service Canada web site):
3. Through a regional branch of the Office of Boating Safety (see their web site):
2. Submitting Your Pleasure Craft License Application Form To obtain a free Pleasure
Craft License for your boat, there are two ways that you can submit your Pleasure
Craft License application form:
Online: To submit online, go to this web site:
By mail: To submit by mail, your completed application form, along with proof of
vessel ownership, and a signed copy of a valid piece of government-issued
identification should be mailed to this address:
Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre
P.O. Box 2006
Fredericton, NB, E3B 5G4
The Pleasure Craft License for your pleasure craft (or a good quality copy of the
license) must be carried onboard whenever and wherever the vessel is operated
in Canada.
When you receive your boat’s Pleasure Craft
License in the mail, the form will indicate your
vessel’s Pleasure Craft Licence number,
which must be displayed above the
waterline on both sides of the bow in block
letters and numbers that are at least 7.5 cm
(3 in) in height. The colour of the letters and
numbers should contrast with the colour of
the hull.
Chapter 1
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Vessel Registration - Registration is the legal documentation of vessel ownership,
similar in nature to the title system applicable for a house. Registration is voluntary for a
pleasure craft and is executed by an application to Transport Canada. To register a
vessel, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada. A Canadian
corporation or a foreign corporation may also register a vessel in Canada.
The registered name must be displayed on
both sides of the bow. And both the name and
port of registry must be displayed on the stern.
The registration number and tonnage must be
displayed inside the hull. Both the bow and
stern registration numbers must be displayed
above the waterline in block letters and
numbers that are at least 10 cm (4 in.) in height
and that contrast with the colour of the hull.
To learn more about pleasure craft licensing or vessel registration, please:
Go to:;
Send an e-mail to: obs[email protected]; or
Contact Service Canada by telephone at 1-800-267-6687.
Ownership information Make sure that you carry current proof of ownership
(Pleasure Craft License, Vessel Registration, and Bill of Sale, etc.) with you
onboard whenever operating your pleasure craft. You should also be mindful of the
fact that the vessel ownership information that you carry must be kept up to date
(meaning that you must obtain updated records from Transport Canada if the
name or address of the owner changes).
The owner may operate the pleasure craft for 90 days after the date of change of
name or address, before the owner receives the new license updated with the
correct name or address. However, during this period, the owner must carry on board
documents establishing the date of change of name or address, documents setting out
the new name or address, and the previous license in need of updating. Note: A
pleasure craft’s license alone is not accepted as proof of ownership when entering the
United States (or returning to Canada). Thus, ensure that you are carrying up-to-date
proof of ownership (ex.: Pleasure Craft License or Vessel Registration plus a Bill of
Sale, etc.) for your pleasure craft.
Hull Serial Number All pleasure craft (with or without a motor) used in Canada
must display on their hull a hull serial number (HSN). No character of the HSN is to
be less than 3.2 cm (1 ¼ in.) in height or width. The HSN is 12 digits in length
(beginning with the manufacturer’s code) and must be permanently marked on
the exterior upper starboard corner of the boat’s transom.
Hull serial numbers are used extensively by police to facilitate the recovery of
stolen vessels. Pursuant to the Small Vessel Regulations (http://laws-
Chapter 1
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2001, no person shall alter, deface or remove a hull serial number. If your vessel does
not have a hull serial number, one can be obtained from the manufacturer. If the owner
is unable to obtain an HSN from the manufacturer, then the owner is not required to
take any further action but may be asked to demonstrate that they made reasonable
attempts to obtain an HSN.
Commercial Vessel - A commercial
vessel is any vessel that is used to earn
revenue. Commercial vessels include
water taxis, tour boats, freighters,
tankers, ferries, fishing boats, tugboats,
and excursion boats.
Power-driven vessel - A power-driven
vessel is one that is propelled by any
type of engine or machinery
(including steam engines and electric
trolling motors). All operators of
power-driven pleasure craft must
obtain a PCOC and carry it on board.
Sail-Driven Vessel - Any vessel under sail
provided that propelling machinery, if fitted,
is not being used. Thus, even if a sailboat has
its sails raised, it is considered to be a power-
driven vessel whenever it is being propelled by
a motor and, thus, it must obey the Collision
Regulations of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001
for power-driven vessels. Also, the operator
must carry proof of competency if the
sailboat is fitted with a motor. The PCOC
must be carried even when under sail
without the motor in operation.
Chapter 1
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Vessel According to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, a vessel is a boat, ship, or
craft that is designed, used, or capable being used solely or partly for navigation
in, on, through or immediately above water, without regard to method or lack of
Hull - The hull of a vessel is the main body of a vessel, from the deck down. It
should be thought of as an empty shell; it does not include equipment or fittings
pumps, motors, cabins, or bilges.
Bow - The bow is the front end of a vessel.
Stern - The stern is the back (aft) end of a vessel.
Beam - Technically, the beam is the width of a vessel at its widest point. The widest
point of a hull is traditionally at the midpoint between the bow and the stern. Thus,
“beam” came to be the nautical term for the part of the vessel midway between a
vessel’s bow and stern.
Draft - The draft is the minimum depth of water that a vessel requires to float
freely. It is approximated as the distance between the water surface and the lowest
point of a vessel. On a boat equipped with an outboard motor, the draft is usually the
distance from the surface of the water to the bottom of the lowest point on the outboard
motor (i.e.: the bottom of the skeg). You need to know the draft of your boat so that you
may refer to marine charts to determine which waters are deep enough for your boat.
Freeboard Freeboard is the distance from the lowest point of a vessel's
gunwales down to the surface of the water. A vessel with a high freeboard (i.e.: high
gunwales) is difficult to re-board from the water without the aid of re-boarding
Gunwale - The gunwale (pronounced "gunnel") is the top of the side of a vessel’s hull.
Length Overall - The length overall of a vessel is the distance from the foremost point
on the hull (above or below the waterline) to the aft-most point on the hull (above or
below the waterline). When a regulation is applied to a vessel based on its length, the
regulation is referring to the length overall as defined here.
Waterline (design) The design waterline of any vessel is a line corresponding to
the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat, carrying a normal load, and on
an even keel. The design waterline is often indicated with a horizontal line painted on
the exterior of a vessel’s hull.
Chapter 1
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Port Side - The port side is the side of a vessel that is on one’s left side when
facing forward while on board.
Starboard Side - The starboard side is the side of a vessel that is on one’s right
when facing forward while on board.
Ahead - Ahead refers to a direction directly in front of a vessel.
Abaft Abaft indicates that something is behind something else. If an object is located
behind the port beam, then one says that it is “abaft” the port beam.
Aft Like the term abaft, the term aft also indicates a direction toward the stern. If one is
moving to the stern of a vessel, then one is going “aft”.
Abeam Abeam means a perpendicular direction that is straight out from the middle of
the vessel on either side. For example, a direction straight out from the left-hand side at
the middle of a vessel is referred to as "on the port beam".
Astern Astern is a direction directly behind a vessel. The term "dead astern" means
directly behind the vessel.
Dead ahead
Dead astern
On the
port beam
On the
starboard beam
On the
port bow
On the
starboard bow
On the
port stern
On the
starboard stern
Chapter 1
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Operate The term “operate” means the action of controlling the speed and
course of a pleasure craft.
Operator - The operator of a vessel is the person in command of the craft. This is an
important distinction to make. Thus, when you borrow a boat and take it out on the
water, you (not the person you borrowed it from) are the operator. Under Canadian
regulations, the operator of a pleasure craft is responsible for its condition, how it is
operated, and the safety of all on board.
Aids to Navigation - Aids to
navigation are systems,
structures, or devices that are
external to a vessel and that
aid the operator in navigation,
indicate safe routes, and warn
of obstacles or dangers. Aids to
navigation can include such
things as buoys, day beacons,
and lighthouses. “Aids to
navigation” should not be
confused with “navigational aids”.
Navigational aids Navigational aids are shipboard tools (such as a radar system
sonar system, GPS, compass, sextant, or marine charts) that aid in determining
one’s position and setting course.
Navigational aid
Aid to navigation
Chapter 1
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Wash - Wash is the loose or broken water left
behind by a boat as it moves through water
and includes the churned water thrown aft by
the propeller (i.e. propeller wash). Just as an
airplane can create prop wash when sitting on
the ground, a vessel does not have to be
moving through the water in order to create
Wake - The wake of a vessel is the
disturbed water and waves around and
behind a vessel that are set in motion by its
passage through the water. Thus, a vessel
must be moving through the water in order to
create a wake. Similarly, an airplane must be
moving through the air to create a wake.
Fenders - Fenders are various devices (usually hollow cylinders made of plastic) that
are hung from the side a vessel to prevent surface damage to the vessel when it rubs
against a dock or against another vessel.
Seaworthy - A vessel is considered seaworthy if the hull is undamaged and appropriate
for the type of sea condition, the engine size does not exceed the allowable maximum
for that vessel, the vessel is not overloaded, and all equipment is in good working order.
Knowingly operating a vessel that is not seaworthy (i.e.: overloaded or fitted with an
engine that is too large) is a criminal offence.
Underway - Underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, tied to a dock, or pulled up
on shore; i.e. a vessel is considered to be underway if it is afloat and free to move.
Windward - Windward means upwind or a direction into the wind. It is the direction from
which the wind is blowing. The windward side of an island is the side onto which the
wind blows.
A large wake can be more than just a nuisance; it can cause damage to property.
You are always responsible for your wake and any damage that it causes to
property. You should always operate your pleasure craft in a fashion that minimizes
the impact of its wake.
Chapter 1
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Windward side of a sail-driven vessel - The windward side of a sail-driven vessel
is the side of the vessel that is opposite to the side on which the mainsail is being
Leeward - Leeward means downwind; the direction in which the wind is blowing. The
leeward side of an island is the side that is sheltered from the wind.
Chapter 1
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The major acts, regulations, and codes affecting pleasure craft operators in Canada are:
Canada Shipping Act, 2001
o Small Vessel Regulations
o Collision Regulations
o Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations
o Charts and Nautical Publications Regulations
o Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations
Criminal Code of Canada
An act (or statute) is a law. Any code, guideline, regulation, or practice enabled in an act
is also a law. Thus, the above list of regulations enabled under the Canada Shipping
Act, 2001 is not a list of “good ideas”, “guidelines”, or “recommendations”. It is a list of
laws and failure to comply with them will result in penalties.
End of Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Chapter 1 Review Quiz
The questions included in the following quiz are not sample questions taken from actual
tests. They are provided merely to acquaint you with the breadth and depth of
knowledge required to pass a Transport Canada Boating Safety Test. Merely
memorizing these questions and answers will not be adequate preparation to pass the
Boating Safety Test; you must acquire an understanding of the material contained in all
seven chapters of this free course. Every topic in this course is a potential test question.
Select the response that best answers the
1. How is the term “pleasure craft” defined by Transport Canada?
a.) a vessel that does not carry passengers or goods for remuneration
b.) any type of cruise ship with overnight cabins
c.) an excursion boat catering to private parties or events
d.) any type of charter vessel
2. What is a PCOC?
3. Which of the following is a violation of the Competency of Operators of
Pleasure Craft Regulations?
a.) Failing to make fast to a dock
b.) Speeding
c.) Failing to carry a PCOC
d.) Failing to aid someone in trouble
4. What term refers to the width of a vessel?
a.) breadth
b.) camber
c.) beam
d.) straddle
5. What type of pleasure craft must be licensed?
6. What types of pleasure craft must be registered?
7. What is the minimum action that you must take if you choose not to license
your pleasure craft?
8. If you are in your boat and you see something in the water that is off your
port beam, you are seeing something that is:
a.) straight out from the middle of the vessel on the left side
b.) straight out from the middle of the vessel on the right side
Chapter 1
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c.) straight ahead of the vessel
d.) directly behind the vessel
9. What does the term abaft mean?
a.) a direction from the stern
b.) a direction toward the stern
c.) the stern
d.) just in front of the stern
10. What term refers to a device to protect the side of a vessel?
a.) fender
b.) bumper
c.) shock absorber
d.) pad
11. What is an operator of a pleasure craft?
a.) an assistant or crew member on a pleasure craft
b.) a passenger on board a pleasure craft
c.) the person in charge of a pleasure craft
d.) the person who starts the motor
12. What term refers to the body of a vessel from the deck down, exclusive of
rigging, superstructure, and equipment?
a.) cabin
b.) cargo hold
c.) bilge
d.) hull
13. What is a power-driven vessel?
a.) any vessel propelled by an internal combustion engine
b.) any vessel propelled by a steam engine
c.) any vessel propelled by an electric motor
d.) any of the above
14. On a pleasure craft, what does the term draft refer to?
a.) bilge depth
b.) the minimum depth of water required by a boat to float
c.) the distance from the waterline to the lowest point on the vessel
d.) both b.) and c.) are correct
15. Why do you need to know your vessel’s draft?
a.) to know how much water to pump from the bilge
b.) to use a marine chart to determine what areas are safe for your boat
c.) to know how much paint to buy when it is time to paint the hull
d.) to know how much freeboard will protrude above the water
Chapter 1
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16. What is an aid to navigation?
17. What is a navigational aid?
18. What is the difference between an aid to navigation and a navigational aid?
a.) an aid to navigation is external to a boat; a navigational aid is not
b.) a navigational aid is external to a boat; an aid to navigation is not
c.) aids to navigation include charts and radar; navigational aids do not
d.) navigational aids include buoys and beacons, aids to navigation do not
19. Define wake.
a.) burial at sea
b.) water sprayed from a passing boat
c.) waves that are set in motion by a boat’s passage through water
d.) loose or broken water left behind by a boat as it moves along
20. Define wash.
a.) undertow created by strong currents
b.) water sprayed from a passing boat
c.) waves that are set in motion by a boat’s passage
d.) loose or broken water left behind by a boat as it moves along
21. What is Transport Canada’s definition of a sail-driven vessel?
a.) any vessel propelled by sails
b.) any vessel with a mast
c.) any vessel propelled by sails provided that propelling machinery, if fitted, is
not being used.
d.) any vessel that has a sail raised
22. On a sail-driven vessel, what term is used for the side of the vessel that is
opposite to the side on which the mainsail is carried?
a.) starboard side
b.) port side
c.) leeward side
d.) windward side
23. What term describes the motion of a vessel that is neither at anchor nor
made fast (tied) to a dock or the shore?
a.) all stop
b.) underway
c.) becalmed
d.) adrift
Chapter 1
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24. Define the term waterline as it refers to a boat
a.) The black-coloured line on the side of a boat’s hull
b.) The limit line marked on the inside of a bilge that indicates when pumping is
c.) The line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat,
carrying a normal load, and on an even keel.
d.) The line corresponding to the surface of the water when the vessel is afloat
and carrying no load.
25. Where is the port side on a pleasure craft?
a.) The side that is on one’s left side when one is facing forward
b.) The side that is facing a dock
c.) The side that is facing a port
d.) The side that is on one’s right side when one is facing forward
26. What is the freeboard of a pleasure craft?
a.) The side that is on one’s left when facing forward
b.) Distance from the deck to the water at the deck's highest point above the
c.) Distance from the deck to the water at the deck's lowest point above the
d.) A board like appendage used as a rudder
27. What does the term “length overall” mean?
a.) The distance from the bow to the transom
b.) The length of the tarp on a boat
c.) The distance from the foremost part of the hull to the rearmost
d.) The length of a vessels hull at the waterline
28. Where should you display your boat’s Pleasure Craft License number?
29. What is something that one should verify before taking a pleasure craft to
the United States?
Chapter 1
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1. a.)
2. The Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) is the most common proof
of competency in Canada. It is a certificate issued by an accredited
course provider (ACP) that confirms that the holder passed a
government-accredited boater test.
3. c.) According to the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft
Regulations (COPCRs) of the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, regardless of age or
nationality all persons must
carry proof of competency whenever operating any type of motorized
pleasure craft on any Canadian waters (other than the waters of the
Northwest Territories and Nunavut).
4. c.)
5. a.) In Canada, most vessels must be either licensed or registered. Whether or
not you will license or register your vessel depends on its type, size, and the size
and type of motor. All pleasure craft of all sizes equipped with one or more
primary propulsion motors totalling 7.5 KW (10 hp) or more must be licensed.
6. A pleasure craft that has not been licensed must be registered with
Transport Canada. Registration is the legal documentation of vessel ownership,
similar in nature to the title system applicable for a house. Registration is
voluntary for a pleasure craft and is executed by an application to Transport
Canada. To register a vessel, you must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent
resident of Canada. A Canadian or foreign corporation may also register a vessel
in Canada.
7. If you choose not license your vessel with Transport Canada, then you must
ensure that is it registered with Transport Canada; licensed or registered, one
or the other.
8. a.)
9. b.)
10. a.)
11. c.)
12. d.)
13. d.)
Chapter 1
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14. d.)
15. b.)
16. Aids to navigation are systems, structures, or devices that are external to a
vessel that aid the operator in navigation, indicate safe routes, and warn of
obstacles or dangers. Aids to navigation can include such things as buoys, day
beacons, and lighthouses. “Aids to navigation” should not be confused with
“navigational aids”.
17. Navigational aids are shipboard tools (such as a radar or sonar system,
compass, sextant, or marine charts) that aid in determining position and setting
18. a.)
19. c.)
20. d.)
21. c.)
22. d.)
23. b.)
24. c.)
25. a.)
26. c.)
27. c.)
28. Your vessel’s Pleasure Craft Licence number must be displayed above the
waterline on both sides of the bow in block letters and numbers that are at least
7.5 cm (3 in) in height. The letters and numbers should contrast with the colour of
the hull.
29. To avoid being denied entry at the border, verify entry requirements for bringing
your craft to the United States. For instance, make sure that you have proof of
ownership. Note that a pleasure craft’s license number alone is NOT accepted as
proof of ownership when entering the United States (or when returning to
Canada). Thus, ensure that you are carrying up-to-date proof of ownership (ex.:
Pleasure Craft License, Vessel Registration, Bill of Sale, etc.) for your pleasure
Chapter 1
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Appendix 1-1
Glossary of Terms
Abaft Abaft indicates that something is behind something else. If an object is located
behind the port beam, then one says that it is “abaft” the port beam.
Abeam At right angles to the centerline of the boat but not on board the boat. Abeam
means a perpendicular direction that is straight out from the middle of the vessel on
either side. For example, a direction straight out from the left-hand side at the middle of
a vessel is referred to as "on the port beam".
Abeam to port When one says that an object in the water is abeam to port, one means
that the object is straight out from the port beam.
Abeam to starboard When one says that an object in the water is abeam to starboard,
one means that the object is straight out from the starboard beam.
Aboard On or within the boat
Above deck On the deck of a boat (not above the deck see “Aloft”)
Aft Like the term abaft, the term aft also indicates a direction toward the stern. If one is
moving to the stern of a vessel, then one is going “aft”.
Aground Touching or stuck on the bottom
Ahead Ahead refers to a direction directly in front of a vessel.
Aids to Navigation Aids to navigation are systems, structures, or devices that are
external to a vessel and that aid the operator in navigation, indicate safe routes, and
warn of obstacles or dangers. Aids to navigation can include such things as buoys, day
beacons, and lighthouses. “Aids to navigation” should not be confused with
“navigational aids”.
Alee Away from the direction of the wind (opposite of windward)
Aloft Above the deck of a boat
Amidships In or at the point midway between the bow and the stern
Anchor An anchor is a heavy object that is attached to a rope or chain and used to
moor a vessel to the bottom. Typically, an anchor has a metal shank with a ring at one
end for the rope and a pair of curved and/or barbed flukes at the other
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Anchor rode A vessel is attached to its anchor by the rode, which is made of chain,
cable, rope, or a combination of these.
Astern In back of a boat, opposite of “ahead”. Astern is a direction behind a vessel.
The term "dead astern" means directly behind the vessel.
Athwartships At right angles to the centerline of the boat.
Aweigh Refers to the position of an anchor when it is raised clear of the bottom.
Beam Technically, the beam is the width of a vessel at its widest point. The widest
point of a hull is traditionally at the midpoint between the bow and the stern. Thus,
“beam” came to be the nautical term for the part of the vessel midway between a
vessel’s bow and stern.
Bearing The direction to an object, expressed two ways:
1) As a true bearing as shown on a chart; or
2) As bearing relative to the heading of your boat.
Below Beneath the deck
Bilge The bottom part of the inside of a ship or boat.
Bitter End The outboard end of a line attached to a boat. Or the inboard end of a
anchor rode.
Bow The front end of a boat.
Bow line A line attached to the bow of a boat
Bowline A knot used to form a temporary loop in the end of a line
Bridge The control station from which a vessel is steered and its speed is controlled.
Bulkhead A vertical partition separating two compartments in a vessel
Buoy An anchored float used for marking a position on the water or a hazard or a
shoal and for mooring.
Capsize To turn upside down.
Cast off To let go.
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Catamaran A boat with two hulls arranged side by side.
Chart (nautical) A nautical chart is map (a graphic representation) of a marine areas
and adjacent shorelines and land areas. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may
show depths of water and heights of land (topographic map), natural features of the
bottom, details of the shoreline, navigational hazards, locations of natural and human-
made aids to navigation, information on tides and currents, local details of the Earth's
magnetic field, and human-made structures such as harbours, buildings, and bridges.
Chine A chine is the line where the bottom of a boat curves up and turns into the side
of the boat (i.e.: it is intersection between the bottom of a boat and sides of the boat.
Chock A fitting through which anchor or mooring lines are led. It is usually U-shaped
to reduce chafe on the line.
Cleat A fitting to which lines are tied on (made fast). The classic cleat to which lines
are made fast is approximately anvil-shaped.
Coaming A vertical piece around the edge of a cockpit, hatch, etc. to prevent water on
deck from running below.
Coil To lay a line down in circular turns.
Cockpit An opening in the deck from which the boat is handled.
Commercial vessel A commercial vessel is any vessel that is used to earn revenue.
Commercial vessels include water taxis, tour boats, freighters, tankers, ferries, fishing
boats, tugboats, and excursion boats.
Course The direction in which a boat is being steered.
Current The horizontal movement of water.
Dead ahead Directly ahead of the vessel.
Dead astern Directly aft of the vessel.
Deck A permanent covering over a compartment, hull or any part thereof.
Dinghy A small open boat that is often used as a tender for a larger craft.
Displacement The volume of water which is displaced by a floating vessel and which
is equal in weight to the vessel’s weight.
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Displacement vessel A type of vessel with a hull that plows through the water,
displacing a weight of water equal to its own weight, and does not plane but instead
continues to plow, even at the craft’s maximum speed.
Dock A pier or a wharf for mooring boats.
Downwind The direction in which wind is blowing.
Draft The depth of water a boat draws. The draft is the minimum depth of water that a
vessel requires to float freely. It is approximated as the distance between the water
surface and the lowest point of the vessel. On a boat equipped with an outboard motor,
the draft is usually the distance from the surface of the water to the bottom of the lowest
point on the engine (i.e.: the bottom of the skeg). You need to know the draft of your
boat so that you may refer to marine charts to determine which waters are deep enough
for your boat.
Ebb A receding current
Fathom A unit of measure that is equal to six (6) feet.
Fender A cushion, placed between boats, or between a boat and a pier, to prevent
damage. Fenders are various devices (usually hollow cylinders made of plastic) that are
hung from the side a vessel to prevent surface damage to the vessel when it rubs
against a dock or against another vessel.
Flare A type of distress signal.
Flood A incoming current.
Fluke The palm of an anchor.
Following sea An overtaking sea that comes from astern.
Fore and aft In a line parallel to the keel.
Forepeak A compartment in the bow of a small boat.
Forward Toward the front of a boat.
Fouled When a piece of equipment is jammed, entangled, or dirty.
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Freeboard Freeboard is the minimum vertical distance from the surface of the water to
a boat’s gunwale. A vessel with a high freeboard (i.e.: a deck that is high above the
water) is difficult to re-board from the water without the aid of re-boarding equipment.
Galley The kitchen area of a boat.
Gangway The area of a ship's side where people board and disembark.
Gear A general term for ropes, blocks, tackle and other equipment.
Give-Way Vessel The vessel that according to the Rules of the Road must yield in
meeting, crossing, or overtaking situations.
Ground tackle A collective term for the anchor and its associated gear.
Gunwale The gunwale (pronounced "gunnel") is the top edge of a boat’s sides.
Hard chine An abrupt intersection between the bottom and the side on a boat hull.
Head A marine toilet.
Heading A direction or bearing. The direction in which a vessel's bow points at any
given time.
Headway The forward motion of a boat. Opposite of sternway.
Hitch A knot used to secure a rope to another object or to another rope, or to form a
loop or a noose in a rope.
Hold A compartment below deck in a large vessel, used solely for carrying cargo.
HSN All pleasure craft (with or without a motor) used in Canada must bear a hull
serial number (HSN). No character of the HSN is to be less than 3.2 cm (1 ¼ in.) in
height or width. The HSN is 12 digits in length (beginning with the manufacturer’s code)
and must be permanently marked on the exterior upper starboard corner of the boat’s
Hull The hull is the main body of a boat, from the deck down. It should be thought of
as an empty shell; it does not include equipment or fittings (pumps, motors, pumps,
cabins, bilges, etc.)
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Inboard - More toward the center (inside) of a vessel.
Inboard motor A motor fitted inside a boat.
Jacob’s ladder – A rope ladder, lowered from the deck, as when pilots or passengers
come aboard.
Jetty A structure, usually masonry, projecting out from the shore; a jetty may protect a
harbor entrance.
Keel - The centerline of a boat running fore and aft; the backbone of a vessel.
Knot - A measure of speed equal to one nautical mile (6,076 feet) per hour.
Knot - A fastening made by interweaving rope to form a stopper, to enclose or bind an
object, to form a loop or a noose, to tie a small rope to an object, or to tie the ends of
two small ropes together.
Lee The side of a vessel or land mass that is sheltered from the wind.
Leeward The direction away from the wind. Opposite of windward. Leeward means
downwind; the direction in which the wind is blowing. The leeward side of an island is
the side that is sheltered from the wind.
Leeway The sideways movement of the boat caused by either wind or current.
Length overall The length overall of a vessel is the distance from the foremost point
on the hull (above or below the waterline) to the aft-most point on the hull (above or
below the waterline). When a regulation is applied to a vessel based on its length, the
regulation is referring to the “length overall” as defined here.
Life jacket A life jacket is a flotation device that is designed to keep a person face-up
in the water, even when that person is unconscious.
Line - Rope and cordage used aboard a vessel.
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Log - A record of courses or operation. Also, a device to measure speed.
Lubber’s line - A mark or permanent line on a compass indicating the direction forward
parallel to the keel when properly installed.
Midship Also referred to as amidships, midship is approximately in the location equally
distant between the bow and stern.
Mooring An arrangement for securing a boat to a mooring buoy or a pier.
Nautical mile One minute of latitude; approximately 6,076 feet - about 1/8 longer than
the statute mile of 5280 feet.
Navigational aids - Navigational aids are shipboard tools (such as a radar system or a
sonar system, GPS, compass, sextant, or marine charts) that aid in determining one’s
position and setting course.
On the port stern Off the port stern (sometimes termed “off the port quarter”) means
On the starboard stern Off the starboard stern (sometimes termed “off the starboard
quarter”) means
Operator The operator of a vessel is the person in charge of the craft. This is an
important distinction to make. Thus, when you borrow a boat and take it out on the
water, you (not the person you borrowed it from) are the operator. Under Canadian
regulations, the operator of a pleasure craft is responsible for its condition, how it is
operated, and the safety of all on board.
Outboard Toward or beyond the boat's sides.
Outboard motor A detachable engine mounted on a boat's stern.
Overboard Over the side or out of the boat.
Personal water craft Seadoos and jet skis are referred to as personal water craft
(PWCs) and are considered to be power-driven (motorized) pleasure craft.
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Pier - A loading platform usually extending into the water at an angle perpendicular to
the shore extending at an angle from the shore.
Planing - A boat is said to be planing when it is essentially moving over the top of the
water rather than through the water.
Planing vessel A boat with a hull that is designed to plane at high speed.
Pleasure craft According to Transport Canada, a pleasure craft is any type of
watercraft used exclusively for pleasure and not for carrying passengers or goods for
Pleasure Craft Operator Card The Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC) is not a
government-issued license; it is a certificate issued by a privately owned accredited
course provider (ACP) that confirms that the holder passed a government-accredited
boater test. Anyone operating a motorized pleasure craft in Canada must carry proof of
Port side The port side is the side of the boat that is on your left side when you are
standing in the boat and facing forward.
Power-driven vessel A power-driven vessel is one that is propelled by any type of
engine or machinery (including steam engines and electric trolling motors). All operators
of power-driven pleasure craft must obtain a PCOC and carry it on board.
Proof of competency According to the Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft
Regulations (COPCRs), regardless of age or nationality all persons must carry proof of
competency whenever operating any type of motorized pleasure craft on any Canadian
waters (other than the waters of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut). Original proof
of competency (not a photocopy) must be carried on board when operating a motorized
pleasure craft anywhere in Canada (proof of competency is not required for vessels
without motors). Proof of competency can take any of four forms:
Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC);
Proof that you successfully completed a boating safety course in Canada before April 1,
1999 (i.e.: a boating safety certificate issued before 1999);
A completed boat rental safety checklist (temporary proof); or
Alternative acceptable proof of competency.
The most common proof of competency is the Pleasure Craft Operator Card (PCOC).
Quarter The sides of a boat aft of amidships.
Quartering sea A sea coming on a boat's quarter.
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Rode A vessel is attached to its anchor by the rode, which is made of chain, cable,
rope, or a combination of these.
Rope Rope is the term for cordage as it is purchased at a store. When put to use on a
boat, rope is referred to as line.
Rudder A vertically-oriented plate or board that is used for steering a boat.
Running lights Lights that are required to be shown on boat when it is underway
between sunrise and sunset.
Sail-driven vessel Any vessel under sail provided that propelling machinery, if fitted, is
not being used. Thus, even if a sailboat has its sails raised, it is considered to be a
power-driven vessel whenever it is being propelled by a motor and, thus, it must obey
the Collision Regulations for power-driven vessels. Also, the operator must carry proof
of competency if the sailboat is fitted with a motor. The PCOC must be carried even
when under sail without the motor in operation.
Seaworthy A vessel is considered seaworthy if:
The hull is undamaged and the boat is appropriate for the type of sea condition in which it is
being used;
The engine size does not exceed the allowable maximum for that vessel;
The vessel is not overloaded: and
All equipment is in good working order.
Knowingly operating a vessel that is not seaworthy is a violation of the Criminal Code.
Thus, if one operates a boat that is overloaded or that is fitted with an engine that is too
large, then one is guilty of a criminal offence.
Scope Scope is the ratio of the length of the anchor rode in use to the vertical
distance from the bow of the boat to the bottom. Anchoring with sufficient scope (i.e.:
sufficient anchor rode) brings the direction of strain on the anchor line close to parallel
with the bottom. In good weather and calm water, the scope ratio should range between
6 to 1 and 7 to 1. In poor weather or in strong currents, the rode ratio must be increased
(i.e.: more anchor line must let out.
Sea room A safe distance from the shore or other hazards.
Ship A larger vessel usually thought of as being used for ocean travel.
Sounding A measurement of the depth of water.
Starboard side The side of the boat that is on your right side when you are standing in
the boat and facing forward.
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Squall - A sudden, violent wind often accompanied by rain.
Stand-on vessel That vessel which has right-of-way during a meeting, crossing, or
overtaking situation.
Starboard-side The right side of a boat when looking forward.
Stem - The forward most part of the bow.
Stern The aft end (back-end) of a boat.
Tender A tender is a boat used to service or support other boats or ships, generally by
transporting people or supplies to the ship and vice versa.
Tide - The periodic rise and fall of water level in the oceans.
Tiller - A bar or handle for turning a boat's rudder or an outboard motor.
Transom The stern cross-section of a square-stern boat.
Trim The fore and aft balance of a boat.
Underway Underway means that a vessel is not at anchor, tied to a dock, or pulled up
on shore; i.e. a vessel is considered to be underway if it is afloat and free to move. If a
vessel is not moored, not at anchor and not aground, then it is underway.
Upwind A direction into the wind, toward where the wind is coming from.
Vessel A vessel is any type of waterborne craft (other than a seaplane) that is capable
of being used as a means of transport.
V-bottom A hull with a cross-section in the shape of a "V".
Wake The wake of a vessel is the disturbed water and waves around and behind a
vessel that are set in motion by its passage through the water. Thus, a vessel must be
moving through the water in order to create a wake. Similarly, an airplane must be
moving through the air to create a wake.
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Wash Wash is the loose or broken water left behind by a boat as it moves through
water and includes the churned water thrown aft by the propeller (i.e. propeller wash).
Just as an airplane can create prop wash when sitting on the ground, a vessel does not
have to be moving through the water in order to create wash.
Waterline (design) The design waterline of any vessel is the line corresponding to the
surface of the water when the vessel is afloat, carrying a normal load, and on an even
keel. The design waterline is often indicated with a horizontal line painted on the exterior
of a vessel’s hull.
Way The movement of a vessel through the water such as headway, sternway or
Windward Windward is a direction into the wind. It is the direction from which the wind
is blowing. The windward side of an island is the side onto which the wind blows.
Windward side of a sail-driven vessel The windward side of a sail-driven vessel is the
side of the vessel that is opposite to the side on which the mainsail is being carried.
Yaw To swing or steer off course
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Appendix 1-2
List of Certificates of Competency, Training Certificates
and other Equivalencies accepted as Proof of Competency
when Operating a Pleasure Craft
Certificates of competency, training certificates and equivalencies directly pertaining to
the operation of a vessel are recognized as proof of competency when operating a boat
fitted with a motor that is used for recreational purposes.
The current list (see below) contains over 90 such professional certificates, courses,
and equivalencies.
If you hold any certificate on this list, you qualify to obtain a Pleasure Craft Operator
Card from without first writing a Transport Canada Boating Safety Test.
List of Certificates of Competency, Training Certificates and other
Equivalencies accepted as Proof of Competency
Under the Marine Certification Regulations:
1. Master Mariner
2. Master Intermediate Voyage
3. Master Local Voyage
4. First Mate Intermediate Voyage
5. First Mate, Local Voyage
6. Watch keeping Mate, ship
7. Restricted Watch keeping Mate, ship
8. Watch keeping Mate, MODU/Surface
9. Watch keeping Mate, MODU/Self-elevating
10. Watch keeping Mate, MODU/Inland
11. Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, local voyage
12. Master, Limited
13. First Mate, Limited
14. Fishing Master, First Class
15. Fishing Master, Second class
16. Fishing Master, Third Class
17. Fishing Master, Fourth Class
18. Certificate of service as master of a ship of not more than 1600 tons, gross tonnage
19. Certificate of service as master of a fishing vessel of not more than 100 tons, gross tonnage
20. Bridge Watchman
21. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
22. Master, limited for a pleasure yacht of more than 20 m in length
23. Master, limited for a short run ferry
24. Master, limited for an intermediate run, ferry
25. First Mate, limited for a short run ferry
26. First Mate, limited for an intermediate run ferry
Under the Marine Personnel Regulations:
1. Master Mariner
2. Master, Near Coastal
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3. Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal
4. Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal
5. Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
6. Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
7. Master 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
8. Master, Inland Waters
9. Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
10. Master, Ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, inland waters voyage
11. Certificate of Service as Master of a Steamship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage
12. Master, Long Run Ferry
13. Master, Intermediate Run Ferry
14. Master, Short Run Ferry
15. First Mate, Inland Waters
16. First Mate, Long Run Ferry
17. First Mate, Intermediate Run Ferry
18. First Mate, Short Run Ferry
19. Master, Limited for a Vessel of 60 Gross Tonnage or More
20. Master, Limited for a Vessel of less than 60 Gross Tonnage
21. Master 3000 Gross Tonnage, Domestic limited to a near coastal voyage, Class 2 if the voyage is
a "minor Waters Voyage" as defined in the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, in the version that was in
force immediately before coming into force of the Act
22. Chief Mate
23. Chief Mate, Near Coastal
24. Watch keeping Mate
25. Watch keeping Mate, Near Coastal
26. Chief Mate 500 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
27. Chief Mate 150 Gross Tonnage, Domestic
28. Chief Mate, Limited for a Vessel of 60 Gross Tonnage or More
29. Chief Mate, Limited for a Vessel of less than 60 Gross Tonnage
30. Second mate, Inland Waters
31. Fishing Master, First Class
32. Fishing Master, Second Class
33. Fishing Master, Third Class
34. Fishing Master, Fourth Class
35. Certificate of Service as Master of a Fishing Vessel of less than 60 gross Tonnage
36. Certificate of Service as Watch keeping Mate of a Fishing Vessel of less than 100 Gross Tonnage
37. Fishing Master
38. Fishing Master, Restricted
39. Fishing Mate
40. Watch keeping mate, Fishing
41. Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boat
42. Bridge Watch Rating
43. Offshore Installation Manager, MOU/surface
44. Offshore Installation Manager, MOU/self-elevating
45. Barge Supervisor, MOU/surface
46. Barge Supervisor, MOU/self-elevating
47. Watch keeping officer of a fishing vessel of not more than 150 gross tonnage and less than 24
metres in overall length
48. 48.Watchkeeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 m in length overall
49. 49.Certificate of service as Watch keeping Mate of a fishing vessel of less than 24 metres in
Under the Masters and Mates Examination Regulations:
1. Master, Foreign-going
2. Master, Foreign-going Certificate of Service
3. Master Home Trade, First Mate Foreign-going
4. Master, Home Trade
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5. Master, ship not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade or inland waters
6. Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
7. First Mate, Foreign-going
8. First Mate Home Trade, Second Mate Foreign-going
9. First Mate, Home Trade
10. Second Mate, Foreign-going
11. Watchkeeping Mate
12. Second Mate, Home Trade
13. Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage
14. Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, inland waters voyage
15. Certificate of Service as Master of a steamship not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage
16. Second Mate, Inland Waters
17. Master, Minor Waters
Training Certificates:
1. Basic Safety and Operator Proficiency for Small Non-Pleasure Craft in Sheltered Waters (MED
A4) issued under the Marine Certification Regulations.
2. Small Vessel Operator Proficiency (SVOP) training certificate issued under the Marine Personnel
Regulations or an SVOP card issued by Transport Canada.
Other Equivalencies:
1. Proof of at least seven fishing seasons, with no two of those seasons occurring in the same year,
as master of a fishing vessel of up to 15 gross tonnage or not more than 12 m in overall length,
acquired before July 1, 2007 in the form of a signed declaration or a Transport Canada card that
is issued for the signed declaration. (Subsection 212 (8) of the Marine Personnel Regulations).
2. Small Vessel Operator Commercial/Fishing Vessels issued by the Fisheries and Marine
Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
3. Basic Safety For Fish Harvesters (5 Days) issued by the Professional Fish Harvesters
Certification Board of Newfoundland and Labrador.
4. Proof of at least seven fishing seasons, with no two of those seasons occurring in
the same year, as officer in charge of deck watch of a fishing vessel of up to 15
gross tonnage or not more than 12 m in overall length, acquired before July 1,
2007 in the form of a signed declaration or a Transport Canada card that is
issued for the signed declaration. (Subsection 212 (8) of the Marine Personnel
Canadian Coast Guard endorsements, certificates and training courses:
1. Coast Guard Watch keeping endorsement or Coast Guard Watch keeping Certificate
2. Coast Guard Command endorsement or Coast Guard Command Certificate
3. Coast Guard Small Vessel Command endorsement or Coast Guard Small Vessel Command
Course Certificate
4. Fast Rescue Craft Course
5. Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training
6. Small Craft Operator - Advanced /RHIOT
7. Small Craft Training
8. Small Craft Operator Basic
Department of National Defence Certificates
1. Upper Deck Watch keeping
2. Destroyer Navigating Officer
3. Surface Ship Command
4. Patrol Vessel Command
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5. Bridge Watch keeping
6. Deep Draught Officer or Fleet Navigating Officer
7. Minor War vessel or Surface Ship Command (after 1997)
8. Royal Canadian Navy Boat Coxswain Course
A PCOC does not normally qualify a person to operate a commercial vessel. Some smaller
commercial boats may rely on the Pleasure Craft Operator Card training in lieu of other
commercial-vessel training. The type of small commercial vessel that may rely on the PCOC in
lieu of commercial-vessel training is: a smaller commercial vessel [less than 8 metres (26 ft.) in
length] that is carrying less than six passengers, and is operating in protected waters. Note: all
members of the crew, not just the operator (driver), of such a vessel must be carrying a valid