Earthquakes in South Carolina:
Earthquakes are probably the most frightening naturally occurring hazard encountered.
Why? Earthquakes typically occur with little or no warning. There is no escape from an earthquake!
While South Carolina is usually not known for earthquakes, ten to twenty earthquakes are recorded
annually and two to five earthquakes are felt each year. These earthquakes tend to be less than
magnitude 3.0 on the magnitude scale and cause little damage.
Earthquake Causes: An earthquake is the violent shaking of the earth caused by a sudden
movement of rock beneath its surface.
Plate Tectonics: Although earthquakes can
occur anywhere on earth, the majority of
earthquakes worldwide occur at plate
boundaries. These earthquakes are known
as interplate earthquakes. In contrast, South
Carolina is located within the interior of the
North American plate, far from any plate
boundary. Earthquakes occurring within a
plate are intraplate earthquakes. Little is
known as to why intraplate earthquakes
occur. The most widely accepted model is
that several geologically old fault systems of
varying orientation within the subsurface are
being reactivated while being subjected to
stress. This stress buildup may be due to
the Plate Tectonic Theory. For hundreds of
millions of years, the forces of continental
drift have reshaped the Earth. Continental
drift is based on the concept that the
continents bumped into, and slid over and
under each other and at some later time
broke apart. Today, most people accept the
theory that the Earth's crust is on the move.
South Carolina’s Fault System:
Most of South Carolina’s earthquakes occur in the
Coastal Plain where the underlying rocks are very
faulted or broken from the break-up of the plates.
These cracks in the deep rocks mean that this area
of the plate is weak. If pressure is exerted on the
edge of the plate, some of these faults/breaks will
allow the rocks to move. Faults in South Carolina
have been mapped and estimated. Fault rupture is
not the only cause of earthquakes. Small
earthquakes may also occur near dams from water
pressure and near the Appalachian Mountains.
Threat Level for South Carolina:
Currently, there is no reliable method for predicting the time, place,
and size of an earthquake. Several areas of South Carolina
regularly experience earthquakes and have experienced strong
earthquakes in the past. Approximately 70% of all earthquakes in
the state occur in the Coastal Plain with most clustered around
three areas of the State: Ravenel-Adams Run-Hollywood,
Middleton-Place-Summerville, and Bowman. There is a consensus
among seismologists that where earthquakes have occurred
before, they can again. The two most significant historical
earthquakes in South Carolina were the 1886 Charleston
earthquake and the 1913 Union County earthquake. The August
31, 1886 earthquake which struck in the Summerville/Charleston
area is the largest event to have occurred in the southeastern U.S.
and the most destructive, killing 60 people. On January 1, 1913,
Union County experienced an earthquake that by today’s
standards would probably be measured as a M 4.1 on the
Magnitude scale. Not much is known about the cause of the Union
County earthquake because of the lack of technology at the time.
Charleston Earthquake of 1886:
On August 31, 1886, Charleston, South Carolina, experienced the most damaging earthquake in the
eastern United States. The initial shock lasted nearly one minute. The earthquake had a magnitude of
7.3 (Johnson, 1996) and was felt over 2.5 million square miles, from Cuba to NewYork, and Bermuda
to the Mississippi River. Structural damage extended several hundreds of miles to cities in Alabama,
Ohio, and Kentucky. At the time of the earthquake, many of the residents of Charleston thought it was
a calamity that struck the entire world. Many residents were surprised when they discovered it was
principally their area where the majority of severe damage occurred.
Geologically, Charleston lies in one of the most seismically active areas in the Eastern United States.
The seismicity in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina clusters around the cities of Summerville and
Bowman, SC, known as the Middleton Place - Summerville Seismic Zone (MPSSZ). The MPSSZ
seismicity appears to be occurring in two steeply dipping faults. The rst fault is the deeper, northeast-
trending Woodstock Fault and the second is the shallower, northwest-trending Ashley River Fault.
Recent seismic activity (November 2002; M=4.2 & 3.5) has also included an earthquake in the
Atlantic Ocean o- the coast of South Carolina.
Currently the MPSSZ experiences between
10 to 15 magnitude 3 or less events every
year. Large events, like the 1886 earthquake,
have been recorded in the oral history of the
area (~1600 and 13-1400's AD). Additionally,
paleoseismic investigations have shown
evidence for several pre-historic, liquefaction-
inducing earthquakes in coastal South
Carolina in the last 6000 years. If the present
is the key to the past, and the past is an
analog for the future, then the Charleston
region can expect to experience another
1886 magnitude event in the future.
(South Carolina Earthquake Education and Preparedness, College of Charleston.)
An Earthquake Today:
Results of a scientific study commissioned by the South Carolina Emergency Management
Division indicate that an earthquake today of similar intensity (7.3) and location to the one in
1886 could have the following results:
An estimated 45,000 casualties, of which approximately 9,000 (about 20 percent) would be
major injuries requiring hospitalization; fatalities would number about 900. A daytime event
would cause the highest number of casualties.
Nearly 70,000 households, or about 200,000 people, would be displaced, with an estimated
60,000 people requiring short-term shelter.
Total economic losses from damage to buildings, direct business interruption losses, and
damage to transportation and utility systems would exceed $20 billion. Direct economic losses
due to building damages (without the business interruption losses) are estimated to exceed
$14 billion. Transportation and utility systems' direct economic losses would exceed $1 billion.
About $10.9 billion in economic losses would occur in the tri-county area of Charleston,
Berkeley, and Dorchester. The building damages alone would cause more than $4.2 billion in
losses due to direct business interruption in the state. Loss estimates include rental income,
business income, wages, and relocation expenses.
More than 250 fires would burn, primarily in the tri-county area. The lack of operational
firefighting equipment and water due to the earthquake would be a major concern.
About 80 percent of urban households in the affected tri-county area would be deprived of
water. It would take weeks, if not months, to restore the water systems to normal operation.
Hospitals would likely suffer significant building damage that could result in up to 30 hospitals
out of the 108 (about 30 percent) being nonfunctional.
More than 220 schools and more than 160 re stations would have signicant damage. In
addition, extensive damage is expected to the large inventory of relocatable school buildings.
Close to 800 bridges would be damaged beyond use, thus hampering recovery e-orts.
About 63 electric power facilities (51 substations out of 380, and 12 power plants out of 53)
would suffer at least moderate damage; about 300,000 households would be without power.
More than 36 million tons of debris would be generated.
Earthquake Home Hazard Hunt:
Recommendations for reducing earthquake hazards in your home:
Citizens with Functional Needs:
Citizens with disabilities and functional needs should understand the importance of being prepared for
the effects of an earthquake. Unlike some disasters, normally there is no time for evacuation and
citizens should shelter-in-place. Planning ahead is the key. Identifying potential hazards ahead of
time can reduce the dangers of serious injury or loss of life.
Talk to neighbors, family or caregivers about how to protect your home and belongings from
earthquake damage. Check for hazards in your home. Repairing deep plaster cracks in ceilings and
foundations and anchoring overhead lighting will help reduce the impact of an earthquake.
Make sure that you have your supplies kit and that it is maintained. Some of the supplies that
you should have in your kit include batteries for hearing aids, flashlights and similar devices, extra
oxygen tanks, electrical backups for medical equipment, emergency food and water including
provisions for special dietary requirements and an emergency supply of your medications.
Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Modifications for people with disabilities or access and functional
INDOORS: If you are able, “DROP to the ground immediately; take COVER by getting under a
sturdy desk or table; HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops. If you use a wheelchair or have
other mobility impairments and cannot Drop, Cover, and Hold On, protect your head and neck
with a pillow or your arms, and bend over to protect yourself if you are able.
IN BED: Stay there and hold on; protect your head with a pillow.
WHAT NOT TO DO: If your mobility is limited, it is particularly important that you DO NOT try
to get to a “safer place” or get outside. Movement will be very difficult, and studies of injuries
and deaths caused by earthquakes in the U.S. over the last several decades indicate that you
are much more likely to be injured by falling or flying objects (TVs, lamps, glass, bookcases,
etc.) than to die in a collapsed building.
• ALWAYS REMEMBER, if you are unable to move, remember to protect your head and neck with
your arms as best possible. Don’t try to leave until the shaking is over.
My Pet in an Earthquake:
Before the Event
In an earthquake we may not have a warning, but you can prepare for your pets as you do for any
other disaster:
• Maintain a list of locations and phone numbers of potential refuge sites: specialized pet shelters,
boarding facilities, veterinary clinics, pet-friendly hotels, stables, or homes of friends and relatives.
Share the list with family and neighbors.
• Choose and use an ID method for each animal. Examples include microchipping, ID tags on collar,
and photos of you with your animal. This is extremely important if your animals become lost.
• Keep your animals’ immunizations - especially rabies current.
• Maintain animals’ health records, proof of vaccinations, microchip numbers, and necessary
prescriptions with your other important family papers.
• Maintain a disaster ‘go kit’ for each animal: means of confinement (cage or carrier large enough for
them to stand and turn around in), leash, harness, bowls, 3-days of water and food, medications,
specific care instructions, litterbox, and clean-up supplies.
• Meet with or notify your county emergency manager if you wish them to be aware of special needs
you may have, such as assistance with evacuation if you possess a guide dog or other service
Immediate Aftermath
Damage from the quake may cause our familiar landscape to be unrecognizable. Our companion
animals may be displaced from their homes. The immediate focus for emergency workers during this
time will be human safety. When circumstances allow, there will be personnel who are trained in
animal emergencies integrated into the incident management structure to assist emergency workers
and citizens with animal needs. These needs may include ‘rescue’ (capture and transport to safety),
ID, treatment, temporary shelter and care, and reuniting with owners. Public information about options
for assistance with animals will be provided as soon as possible from the SC Emergency
Management Division (SCEMD) by way of news briefings, telephone hotlines, and social media
After the Earthquake
If your animals cannot be found, contact your veterinarian, animal care and control office, and/or
county and state emergency managers who can provide you with search lists and databases of
animals that have been found and sheltered during the event. When you and your animals return
home, check to be sure your surroundings are clear of dangers such as downed power lines, debris,
and displaced wild animals.
Other Resources
Other resources include your veterinarian and animal care/humane organizations, and these web
sites: (then go to Emergency Preparedness);;
Important Websites:
South Carolina Emergency Management Division
• University of South Carolina Seismic Network
• SC State Geologist’s Office, SC
Department of Natural Resources
• U.S. Geological Survey information on South Carolina
• Earthquake Safety for Vulnerable Populations:
• How to reduce risk for earthquakes:
• South Carolina Earthquake Education and Preparedness Program
South Carolina Insurance News Service
• Emergency and disaster preparedness for children
• Citizen Corps emergency and disaster preparedness information
for adults
• Red Cross emergency and disaster preparedness information
Earthquake Insurance:
Most people don't buy earthquake insurance because they think it's too expensive and an earthquake
will never happen to them. In South Carolina, the entire state is considered to have a moderate to
high risk for earthquakes.
• An earthquake of the same magnitude as the 1886 earthquake would cost close to $40 billion in
today’s dollars (according to Applied Insurance Research).
• Most homeowner and rental insurance policies DO NOT cover damages caused by an earthquake,
but coverage can be added to most policies as an "endorsement" for an additional cost.
• Even in earthquake prone areas, only 25-28% of homeowners have earthquake insurance.
(Western Insurance Information Institute)
• Earthquake deductibles are set as percentages, i.e. 5% or 10% of the coverage amount rather than
fixed dollar amounts. The earthquake deductibles apply separately from your basic homeowner's (and
business) policy deductible.
• Following a damaging earthquake, South Carolinians could face loss of life, injury and property
damage. Without earthquake insurance, you will have to pay for all losses to your home and
After Shock:
Earthquakes have many effects that can be separated into two groups: primary and secondary.
Primary Effects are features that are always present in a severe earthquake. When the earthquake is
over, review what has occurred.
• Buildings collapse
• Electric lines and gas mains can snap
• Large areas of ground can shift position
• Large bodies of water can rise and fall
Aftershocks are earthquakes that follow the largest shock of an earthquake sequence. They are
usually smaller than the mainshock and within 1-2 rupture lengths distance from the mainshock.
Aftershocks can continue over a period of weeks, months, or years. After the 1886 earthquake, 300
aftershocks were recorded in that area for a 2 ½ year period. In general, the larger the mainshock,
the larger and more numerous the aftershocks, and the longer they will continue. Secondary effects
are other disasters caused by the ground movement of earthquakes. Most of the damage done by
earthquakes is due to secondary effects that can occur over very large regions, causing wide-spread
damage, such as:
Landslides: These occur in hilly/mountainous regions. The damage caused can range from blocked
roads to possibly huge property damage and many deaths.
Soil Liquefaction: This happens when the movement caused by an earthquake forces water to seep
into the material beneath a building. This causes saturated granular material to lose its strength and
briefly change into a liquid from a solid. This forces the foundations of structures to become very
unstable and sink into the ground.
Fires: Earthquakes can easily cause fires. Ground movements can lead to gas and fuel leaks in
pipes, cutting of electrical cables, etc. The destruction of water pipes makes it harder to fight such -
fires should they occur. The Earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco ruptured the main water supply,
and as a result, there was extensive fire damage.
When an Earthquake is over, review what has occurred.
To do this you should:
• Check on the status of your family’s physical health and the safety of your home.
• You will probably be on your own for three days or more if roads or bridges are damaged and/or
blocked. Be prepared to take care of your family until help arrives.
• Take one step at a time and pay attention to the mental health of your family.
After you’ve recovered:
• Restock your Supplies Kit.
• Review and update your personal emergency plan.
Get trained and volunteer so you can help others in your community
When the Ground Moves:
Disaster Supply Kit:
Common Earthquake Terms:
Epicenter: The point on the Earth's surface above the point at depth in the Earth's crust where an
earthquake begins.
Fault: A fracture or crack along which two blocks of rock slide past one another. This movement may
occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake, or slowly, in the form of creep.
Seismologists: Scientists who study earthquakes and their causes and results.
Seismogram: The record made by a seismograph.
Seismographs: Instruments that make an automatic record of the time, duration, direction, and
intensity of earthquakes.
Theory of Plate Tectonics: States that the earth’s crust is divided into a number of relatively rigid
plates that collide with, separate from, and translate past one another at their boundaries, this
disruption commonly results in earthquakes.